The Cop and his Criminal - Part 1

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New Criminal 

Age: Unknown

Residence: Unknown 

Date of Birth: Unknown

Offenses: Robbed a jewelry store and got away with two pounds of diamonds. Shot an officer in the leg during their retreat. Vandalized city hall. 

Unknown, unknown, unknown. Will banged his head against the desk in frustration. There was nothing on this new criminal. No leads, no clues, barely any information. Will was tempted to drop the case to someone else, but he'd been following this criminal for months now and he wasn't about to give up. 

"You're going to concuss yourself." Will looked up at his partner, Piper. She had been a tremendous help on this new case. She had recognized the clothing that their new criminal was wearing. They managed to track the item down to a store only to find that the security cameras had been broken that day. How convenient. 

"Maybe it will knock some ideas in." Piper took a seat at her desk across from Will. 

"A man robbed a grocery store today. He got away with a carton of milk and a box of cereal," Piper said. Will raised an eyebrow and she shrugged. 

"Any sightings of our new criminal?" 

"No." They sat in silence while Piper sorted through papers. She suddenly dropped a folder, startling Will. 

"He needs a name." 

"What?" Will asked. 

"Our new criminal needs a name. We can't keep calling him 'new criminal'." Neither of them offered up suggestions. Will wanted to put a real name on this criminal's face, not a fake one.

"How about Darkness?" Will turned in his spinning chair and faced Percy. He had several folders in his hand making Will think he was going down to Captian Chiron. 

"That's cheesy," Piper complained. Percy leaned against the doorframe with a look of utter concentration. 

"Ghost . . ." Piper waved a hand for Percy to continue but he didn't. She started listing off random objects.

"Tree, wood, box, jewelry, prince, king, royal, hungry-"


"Ghost King?" Will asked skeptically. It was better than Darkness at least. 

"I like it," Piper said. 

"Then my work here is done," Percy replied and left. Will rubbed his eyes in frustration and tiredness. Piper seemed to notice his distress.

"Why don't you go home? Go get some rest." Will looked around at the stacks of papers and evidence. 

"Are you sure?" he asked Piper. His partner waved him off insisting that he go home. Will stood and grabbed his bag. 

"You're the best. See you tomorrow." Piper waved as he left. Will trudged out of the building with the occasional 'goodnight' being said by his coworkers. 

It was past dinnertime and Will decided to stop at the local McDonalds for a quick and unhealthy dinner. He parked the car and headed inside, but stopped abruptly when he saw the person lurking outside. His movements were oddly familiar and the hair . . . Will pulled out his gun and aimed it at the boy, but didn't fire. 

"Hands where I can see them," Will said. He moved slowly toward the boy. Will couldn't see his face as it was covered by shadows, but the familiar ring glinted in the light. With one hand holding the gun, Will reached for his walkie-talkie. 

"I've got our new criminal cornered at the McDonalds on Rainbow Dr. I need immediate backup." The boy in the shadows hadn't moved an inch except for putting his hands in the air. Will stopped feet away from him.

"Come out, slowly." Will put both hands on his gun and aimed it, but still didn't fire. The figure moved toward him and into the light. Will's heart stopped. 

"Nico," he whispered. Nico di Angelo, Will's ex-boyfriend, stood in front of him dressed in all black. 

"Hello, Will." Nico gave a goofy smile. A smile Will hadn't seen in a long time. Will's hand dropped lower aiming the gun at the pavement.

"I'm sorry," Will chuckled awkwardly, "I thought you were this new criminal we've been chasing." 

"Who said I'm not?" Before Will could react, Nico swung a fist at his head. It collided with the side of Will's temple and pain exploded behind his eyes. Will dropped the gun and brought his hands up to his face. Nico swiped his feet under Will and brought them both to the ground. Nico climbed on top of Will and straddle the boy. He grabbed for Will's gun and slammed the handle against Will's head. 

Will didn't remember anything after that. 

I know nothing of how police stations work, so I'm going off my TV knowledge. 

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