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Lazy days were rare at CHB. When they did happen, you scarcely saw anyone working. Even Chiron relaxed at the Big House. Today was a lazy day.

Will and Nico spent all morning in the Hades cabin in bed. Nico was laying on top of Will, still asleep, while Will played with his hair.

Will looped a finger through Nico's dark curls and started braiding it. He began humming "You Are My Sunshine" causing his chest to vibrate. Nico shifted and pried his eyes open.

"What er' doing?" he mumbled. Will's hands still hadn't left his hair.

"Braiding your hair. You need to get it cut." Nico's hair was long, it almost ran past his shoulders.

Nico closed his eyes again and returned to laying on top of Will. Will continued humming, but his vibrating chest was uncomfortable. Nico pressed a finger to Will's lips.

"No sing." Will chuckled and his chest moved again. Nico groaned his displeasure and rolled off of Will. He landed on the side close to the wall and instantly curled into a ball.

"Nico, we have to get breakfast," Will said. He climbed out of the bed and started getting ready for the day. Nico groaned, rolled over, and put a pillow over his face to block out the sun.

"But it's warm and cozy." The pillow muffled his words making it sound more like, "Vu it arms n cozy." Will laughed. He grabbed a shirt and pants. He walked into the bathroom to attempt to tame his hair. When he came back, as expected, Nico was sleeping in the bed. Will moved the pillow from his face so Nico wouldn't suffocate. He sat on the edge of the bed and grabbed Nico's hand.

"You gotta get up," Will said softly. He ran his free hand through Nico's hair. The boy opened his eyes at the touch. Will placed a soft kiss on Nico's forehead.

"Gotta get up. Gotta get up," Will chanted softly over and over. He was like an alarm. Nico groaned and lazily smacked Will in the face. Nico lay on his back, looking up at his boyfriend who had a smirk forming on his face.

"Don't," Nico warned his voice thick with sleep. Will smiled, grabbed both of Nico's hands, and laid on top of the boy.

"Nooooooooooo," Nico drawled. Will laughed softly. He leaned in close to Nico and gave him a butterfly kiss.

"That tickles." Nico fluttered his eyelashes against Will's eyelashes. Will pulled away and kissed Nico's lips softly.

"You gotta get up!" Will bounced ontop of Nico which sent the younger boy flopping up and down on the bed.

"Stop! Stop it! I'm up!" Nico wheezed. Will stopped bouncing but stayed on top of Nico.

"Don't we have breakfast?" Nico raised an eyebrow. Will snuggled his face into Nico's chest.

"It can wait." Nico shook his head in disbelief. Will snuggled closer to him. They could skip breakfast. Nico wasn't complaining.

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