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Princess Bianca di Angelo is arranged to marry Prince Will Solace on December 22. In three days the Sun Kingdom and the Moon Kingdom will form a truce and alliance with the marriage. Princess Bianca will become the queen of the Sun Kingdom. 

"But, if you leave, then I'll have to rule. Worse! You can't leave me with dad!" Prince Nico told his sister. Prince Nico's coronation would be two days after the wedding. King Hades would step down from the throne, letting Prince Nico carry on the di Angelo legacy. 

"You'll be fine. You'll make an excellent ruler," Princess Bianca said. The pair were sitting in Bianca's room while a maid, Piper, did Bianca's hair and prepped her dress. King Apollo and Prince Will were arriving today. 

Nico looked at his outfit and frowned. He wasn't dressed nicely. His black tunic was laced in gold and his black jeans had holes. His helper, Percy, had said he looked stunning, but Percy wasn't good with clothes anyway. 

A knock sounded at the door just as Piper finished braiding Bianca's hair. King Hades entered the room. Piper bowed and then left.

"My daughter, you look marvelous!" he complimented. Bianca was dressed in a midnight blue gown with silver stars etched at the bottom of the dress. Her hair was done in two braids with silver flowers braided in. Piper had outdone herself. 

"Thank you, father." Bianca admired herself in the mirror occasionally fixing her hair. King Hades turned toward his son.

"Nico, don't you have something nicer to wear?" Nico stood and walked to the door, ignoring his father.

"Percy picked the outfit and I happened to like it," he said over his shoulder and then left. Prince Nico walked the halls aimlessly. He visited the kitchen and grabbed a slice of bread then headed toward the forge. Once inside, he was hit with a wave of hot air and smoke. He coughed slightly causing the person bent over a table to look up.

"Prince Nico! What may I help you with?" Leo asked. Leo was known for his craftsmanship and elegant jewelry. He had made plenty of crowns for the royal family. 

"I need a gift for my sister. A ring perhaps." Nico let his finger trace the swords on the wall. He wished he had one of his own, but his father did not want him practicing with anything dangerous. 

"If I may, perhaps she would like a statue better? She is sure enough to get plenty of rings and necklaces at her wedding," Leo offered timidly. Nico thought for a moment. Yes, a statue. A statue of our father to remind her of her legacy as a di Angelo. 

"A statue would be splendid. Could you possibly do one of our father?"

"Yes, yes, of course. It will be ready by tomorrow and I will leave it at your door, Prince Nico." Nico was about to say 'thank you' then he remember who he was. Princes do not thank their servents. Nico left without another word. 

On his way back to the castle, Nico spotted the sight of chariots coming down the road. The carriages were bright white with gold suns decorating the outside. The horses were white as well with gold thread laced into their manes. The Sun Kingdom had arrived. 

Prince Nico walked closer to the road to get a better look at the visitors. He stood on the edge of the muddy path, hoping to stay out of sight. When the horses came by, the wheels of the carriage splashed him with mud. He stumbled back. His pants and tunic were drenched in mud and leaves. Cursing, he walked back to the castle. He used the servant's door, hoping to go noticed.  

"Prince Nico," the servants said as he passed and they bowed. Nico paid them no mind as he hurriedly went to his room. He was aware of the muddy footprints he was leaving but didn't care. He was expected to greet the Sun KIngdom, but his father would not be pleased if he showed up covered in grime. 

Inside his room, he quickly changed but was distraught when seeing his clothing options. A white tunic with blue lacing, a red tunic with black boarding, a pair of black jeans, or a pair of normal, blue jeans. Nico quickly grabbed the red tunic and black jeans. He didn't like how regal he felt in the clothing. He searched his room for his crown. A black circle with silver stones and moons engraved into it. He put it on his head, made sure his hair was somewhat tidy, grabbed a black cloak, made sure the hood was down and then walked to meet the Sun Kingdom. 

Turns out, King Hades and Princess Bianca had already greeted them. King Apollo and Prince Will were standing in front of King Hades and Princess Bianca's thrones. When Nico entered, the room quieted and stilled. He was painfully aware of the eyes on him and his father's glare. Nico quickly took a seat at his throne. 

"As I was saying," his father continued, "we have rooms ready and prepared for you. Tomorrow we plan to review the wedding and we will all have dinner together." Nico leaned against his hand and stared at the visitors. 

King Apollo was as he expected. He had tan skin, blue eyes, blonde hair, and was draped in all white and gold. His son, Prince Will, was a miniature copy of him. He appeared to be Bianca's and Nico's age. The only difference from his father was his smile. Which held so much joy Nico almost smiled himself. 

"Thank you for your kindness, King Hades. If you don't mind we have much settling in to do." King Apollo said in a grand voice. It echoed off the obsidian walls of the throne room.

"Of course. We will see you at dinner." Nico's eyes never left Prince Will until he was out of sight. When they were gone, Nico's father stood and faced his son.

"You were late. Which is not only bad for me, but also you. You are to be the future king and no one wants to be ruled by a sloppy king." Nico didn't answer. 

"You will speak when spoken to!" his father boomed. The servants flinched and Bianca's eyes pleaded for Nico to say something. Their father was not a kind man when he was angry. 

"I do not wish to become king, nor do I want the responsibility." Nico left his fuming father and worried sister in the throne room. He shuffled to his room and laid down on his bed not bothering to change out of his uncomfortable attire. He did throw his crown onto the end of his bed and take off his shoes. 

Prince Nico fell asleep once the sunset in the sky, hoping tomorrow would run smoother and that he would not embarrass himself in front of Prince Will anymore. 

There will be a part two!

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