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Nico and Will had to share an air mattress while at the Jackson-Blofis apartment. They didn't mind and they made it work. Nico, Percy, and Will had spent all day walking around and eating ice cream. By the time dinner came around, they were all exhausted. 

"Thank you for dinner, Mrs.Jackson," Nico said politely.

"Please dear call me Sally. Why don't you head to bed? It was a long day." Nico agreed and said goodnight.

"I'll join you in a few," Will said and kissed Nico's forehead. Nico walked upstairs into the guest room. He changed into his PJs and got onto the air mattress. He pulled the blankets over his and got warm. He was almost asleep when Will walked in.

"Hey, baby," He kissed Nico. Nico groaned and rolled over wanting to sleep. Will changed into PJs and flopped down on the other side on the mattress, which sent Nico flying through the air. He landed with a thud while wrapped in blankets.

"Oh my gods! Are you okay?" Will scrambled to his boyfriend who still lay under the blankets.

"Nico? Are you dead?" Will asked. Laughing came from under the blankets which turned into sobbing and then back to laughing. Will uncovered Nico to find him on his back laughing while crying.

"That really hurt," he laughed. Will picked up his sobbing/laughing boyfriend and laid him back on the mattress. Nico had tears running down his face as he giggled. Pure exhaustion had taken over. 

"What hurts?"

"My back a-and my hand," Nico sobbed. He stopped laughing and was only crying. Will looked at Nico's hand seeing a small cut. 

"You're okay. I'm sorry I launched you," Will said. He pulled Nico into a hug and laid them down.

"It's o-okay." Nico buried himself in Will's chest while Will put the covers over them. They snuggled and Will rubbed Nico's back. Will was almost asleep when Nico started crying again.

"What wrong?" Will asked. Nico sat up and tried to control his breathing. 

"I-I love you so m-much," Nico said. He pulled at his hair and buried his face in his pillow.

"I love you too, but you need to go to sleep," Will told him. Nico was running on zero energy and was becoming hysterical. Will was lying if he said he didn't find his emotional boyfriend cute. 

"Can you hold me?" Nico asked through the pillow. Will put his arms around Nico and pulled the boy's back to his chest. Nico grabbed both of Will's hands and played with his fingers.

"You have very pretty hands," Nico mumbled while drawing on Will's hands. "They have freckles." Nico started tracing the freckles and soon after that, he fell asleep. Will held Nico tight prepared for his embarrassment in the morning. 

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