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Don't get me wrong, I love my boyfriend to death, but it's moments like these that make me want to smack him upside the head.

Nico lays curled under a blanket, head under his pillow, arms clutching his stomach, and eyes squeezed tight. I've never seen him look more nauseated. I woke up to him like this. I made breakfast and when he refused to eat it I knew something was wrong.

"One bite," I beg him, "that's all you need." Nico grumbles incoherently and presses his hands to his eyes, blocking out the light. I set the breakfast on the nightstand and touch a hand to his back, rubbing slow circles.

"I feel like hell," Nico groans and rolls over to rest his face in my lap. I move my hands to his sweaty hair.

"You look like hell." Nico opens his mouth, closes, then cups a hand to his face and lurches upward. He vomits on himself and the bed and I hold back his hair while rubbing circles on his back. He folds in on himself, his hands fisting his hair.

"Let's get you in the bath okay? I'm going to need your help, though." Nico nods slightly. I help him out of the bed, practically dragging him to the bathroom. I run the bath with warm water then help Nico take off his shirt and pants.

"Do you want to keep your boxers on?" I ask him, knowing how uncomfortable he might get.

"Yes," he says. I lower him into the water and watch as his head lolls to the side resting on the tile of the bathroom wall. His eyes close and he groans.

"It's so bright," he whispers. I turn off half the lights, making the room darker but leaving enough light to move around. I press a soft kiss on his forehead.

"I'm gonna go change the sheets. Yell if you need me." I leave the door cracked open and bring Nico's dirty clothes with me.

I start at the bed, pulling off the sheets and blanket to replace them with new ones. I change the pillowcases and put everything in the washer. I grab Nico a new pair of boxers, shorts, and a loose shirt so he doesn't get hot.

I find Nico where I left him. He's still got his eyes closed, but he's not sleeping. I nudge his shoulder.

"Let's get out of the bath okay? You need rest." Nico blearily opens his eyes then shuts them again.

"My hair is yucky." He brings a shaky hand to his sweaty hair and I notice some strands are coated in vomit.

"One second, love." I look around the bathroom and find a plastic cup. I crouch down next to the bath. I fill the cup with the bathwater then cup a hand against Nico's hairline and pour the water onto his hair. He sighs and lets me do it again. I move the strands of hair so that I make sure I get all the grim out. I set the cup down on the floor.

"Time to get out," I say and put a hand on Nico's back and another on his arm. He sits up and shakily gets to his feet. I wrap him in a towel and he sits on the floor, his feet curled under him and his forehead resting on the cold tiles. I try to dry him the best I can while he's curled up.

"I brought you new clothes. Do you want me to help you put them on?" Nico doesn't respond. I run a hand over his back on top of the towel. His hair is still dripping and his breathing is even. I think he fell asleep.

"You couldn't wait till you were in bed," I mumble as I pick him up bridal style still wrapped in the towel. His head falls against my shoulder as I walk to the bedroom. I lay him on top of the clean blankets and carefully take the towel away from him. I leave his boxers on and dress him in shorts and a shirt. I pull the covers over him and kiss his wet hair.

I grab a book and sit next to him on the bed, my back against the headrest. I run a gentle hand through his hair making sure not to wake him. I sit there for only a few hours. Nico occasionally turns or mumbles, but he sleeps peacefully. I know when he wakes because he grabs my hand and scoots closer, resting his face on my lap.

"Mornin', sunshine." I set the book on the nightstand. "Are you feeling better?" Nico slowly moves onto his back so that he's looking up at me.

"I feel a little better. Could you make me something to eat?" Nico grabs my other hand and places it on his forehead. I chuckle and run a finger from the left side of his head to the right.

"You need to eat something light or you might throw up again. Do you want crackers or toast?"

"Mmmm, toast." I manage to get Nico sitting upright, but when I go to leave he latches onto my arm.

"Nico, if you want food you have to let go."

"What if I come with you?" I know that he'll feel worse if he starts walking. He probably knows that too.

"Fine," I groan. I pick him up like a toddler and he wraps his legs around my waist. I feel him bury his face in my neck as I walk to the kitchen. I stand over the couch and shake Nico trying to drop him onto the soft cushions, but he refuses to let go.

"I can't cook with you hanging off me," I say deadpan. Nico ignores me, hugging me tighter. I guess I don't have a choice.

The bread is easy, but it's hard to butter it with Nico's arms in the way. I managed to toast it and put some jelly on it. By the time I'm seated on the couch with the toast on a plate Nico is half asleep in my arms.

"Eat it." I nudge him. He scoots back on my lap, making room to set the plate between us.

"Eating sounds so gross right now."

"If you don't throw up after, then it should make you better." Nico takes a small bite out of the toast, then another. I wait patiently while he nibbles away half the toast. He sets it back on the plate when he's done.

"My stomach is not happy," he complains.

"Now you need to rest," I say, and take a bite out of the half-eaten toast.

"You won't drop me off at the bed all alone?"

"Nope. I'll stay right here."



Excuse the spelling errors. I was too lazy to re-read it. 

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