Headcanons Pt.2

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- When Nico is really tired he'll fall asleep anywhere as long as Will is close

- They take walks a lot

- Will and Nico adopt a little girl and name her Bianca

- Bianca likes to play with Estelle when they go over to Percy's 

- Will loves to put sugar on his strawberries 

- On summer days, Will and Nico like to swing in a hammock. Nico falls asleep on Will's chest and Will has one foot on the floor to push them in hopes of keeping Nico asleep 

- Nico has trouble sleeping, so Will will find him randomly roaming the cabin or camp 

- Will got them the "If lost return to significant annoyance" and "I am significant annoyance " t-shirts for Christmas

- Nico is better at baking and Will is better at cooking

- Nico gets little cuts from training and Will demands to put bandaids on them, but the bandaids have Mickey Mouse, flower, bright colors, etc. 

- Nico zones out, but he always has the weirdest thoughts after and Will thinks it's hilarious

- Will is a huge nerd 

- Will makes Nico write his nightmares down in a journal

- Will uses Nico for song inspiration a lot

- Will loves you float on the lake during hot days. Nico stays on the shore reading. 

- Nico has a hate/love relationship with pomegranate seeds

- Nico actually likes shopping for clothes with Will

- Nico and Will have so many inside jokes people stopped trying to understand them 

- Nico sleeps on his stomach and Will sleeps on his back

- Will cares for Nico when he is sick

- Nico is still trying to figure out how to care for people, so when Will is sick, he panics and tries his best

Sorry, it's so short. 

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