Frederik Vesti [N10]

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A/N Wished by LilyHeseltine123. I hope you like it! Please leave a vote, a comment and take a look a the prompt list. Enjoy the chapter (:

WORDS: 1650

Being in a relationship with Oscar is not as perfect as it was a few weeks ago. He is my first boyfriend, and I am sometimes not sure what is right and what is wrong in a relationship. Our first weeks and months together were a dream.

Oscar was sweet sometimes a bit cocky but that is something that I like about him. He is always funny and makes me feel safe. I had my first time with him because I felt safe when I was with him. This hasn't change but there were these other feelings I start to catch for a friend of Oscar.

Frederik the tall Danish boy with the always a bit confused look on his face. Although Oscar is my boyfriend, I love spending time with Fred and get along really well with him.

I went to the Bahrain testing with Oscar to spend some additional time with him before he would travel around the world again. But what I haven't think of the potential of meeting Fred there.

He would not test this weekend but was in Bahrain to learn some things from his academy. When Oscar was in the car, I strolled a bit around in the paddock to find something to do but before I found an activity Fred found me.

"You are here?" he asks looking a bit surprised by meeting me in the paddock.

"Where else should I be?" My eyebrows knitted a bit together not sure what Fred was talking about.

"Well, Oscar and you were not seeming that close lately. I... I just thought you maybe broke up or something." Blushing Fred rubs his hand over his neck looking like he already regrets his words.

"No, we are fine." I mumble sounding not very convincing.

Questioning Fred raises his eyebrow before looking left and right, grab me by the hand and pull me to a motorhome where his room is.

"Can you explain it to me? You are telling me you two are fine but at the same time you look like you bite into a lemon. Has Oscar done something to you?" Fred looks ready to jump up and drag Oscar out of the car if he had hurt me in any way.

"Oscar hasn't done anything to hurt me, but I have feelings I shouldn't have." I let my gaze wander to the ground not daring to look up in Fred's face.

"Isn't the point of a relationship having feelings?" Of course, Fred is confused by my words, so I have to ad some explanation.

"Not when I have feelings for someone else." I almost whisper these words but when Fred gasps I am sure he understood me.

"You are telling me that you love Oscar but there is a second person you fall in love with?"

"I do. I really love Oscar but when I think or see this other person my heart begins to beat faster, and I feel like I am in love with him. I am just confused by my feelings." Frustrated I let my shoulders hang and wait patiently for an answer.

"Did you talk with Oscar about it or with the second boy?" Fred asks sounding a bit bitter.

"Of course not! I don't want to hurt Oscar and I am sure the other boy would not be happy with my confession." As if I am going to tell Fred that I am fancying him.

"I would feel honoured when a girl would confess her feelings to me." Fred mumbles while gently grabbing my hand. Surprised I lift my head before the realisation hits me.

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