Frederik Vesti [N5+19]

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A/N: This is for LilyHeseltine123. I hope you like it! Please vote and comment and take a look at my Lando story. Enjoy (:

WORDS: 1520

Normally team dinners are pretty fun. Today, however, it is boring, really boring. I know almost no one, but I don't want to bother Fred all the time with my talking.

He chats happily with all sorts of people, while I let my gaze wander a little through the area. It is only when Frederik puts his hand on my thigh that I turn my gaze back to him.

"Everything okay?" he asks softly, so that no one else can hear him.

A shrug of my shoulders is the only answer he gets but he knows what I want to say with that.
"Don't worry, we're not staying here that much long." He says, kisses me on the cheek and turns to the others again.

Almost an hour later, my patience finally begins to fade. Fred is deeply immersed in a conversation while I become very impatient.

"Fred." I whine quietly into his ear and lean my head against his shoulder for a moment.

"Just a few more minutes." He says but he said the same 15 minutes ago so I'm not really believe in his words.

Sighing, I lean my head on my hand and stare at the tablecloth in front of me. I zone out and stop listening to the chatter around me until Fred put his hand back on my thigh.

This time, however, he positions it a little higher and pushes it just below the edge of my dress. I lift my head a bit wondering, but Fred is still talking and paying no attention to me.

Slowly his fingers circle over the inside of my thighs and move ever higher. I enjoy the gentle touch, but we're still sitting in the middle of a restaurant.

So, I carefully squeeze my legs together and keep his hand from wandering even higher. Fred doesn't seem to let me stop him because he digs his fingers firmly into my skin and forces me to take my legs apart again.

Once again, I try to push his hand away, but Fred just sends me a warning look over his shoulder and so I let him do what he wants to.

Moments later, Fred's circling fingers reach my middle and so only a piece of cloth separates him from his goal. Once he lets his finger slide over the fabric and I'm sure he can already feel the wetness.

While my cheeks take on a light shade of red, Frederik looks as if he is not exactly with his hand between my legs.

Cleverly, Fred pushes his fingers past the fabric and strokes his fingers a few times through my folds to cover it with moisture. I spread my legs a little further so that he has better access and bite me on the cheek from the inside so that no sound escapes my mouth.

In a flowing movement, Fred pushes two fingers into me. With an even tempo, he keeps thrusting into me and I'm struggling more and more that no sound leaves my lips.

Weakly, I let my head sink on his shoulder, which looks to outsiders as if we were cuddling. Fred also lowers his head a little and breathes a kiss on my cheek.

"I can wait until we're alone. There are so many things I want to do to you right now." He almost purrs into my ear and raises his tempo a little. My faint whimpering is dampened on his shoulder and he pauses so that my orgasm is a little removed.

Slowly he pulls his fingers out of me and puts them on my tickler instead. My hip lifts a little towards him, but he pauses until I sit quietly on my chair again.

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