Chapter 67

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As I went to brush my teeth the interview from today kept rewinding inside my head.

"Hi I'm actually a close friend of these fellows and my question is that are there any songs dedicated to Annie?"

Dj Z made a shocked expression, "What a question! You will get an answer, but tell us your name."

The voice I knew coughed, "My name is Madeline. I'm a good friend of Annie and I've seen the Backstreet Boys live twice."

Aj kept looking at me, "Thanks Madeline for calling in. Actually when the album is out we will give you a signed copy, how about that?"

Madeline squealed, "Really?! Thank you very much!"

Aj had saved me from answering the question. I don't know what I would've done if Aj hadn't said something.

After getting ready for bed I headed to my room and ran into Aj. "Hey thanks for saying something back there," I said.

He cleared his throat, "No problem. Next time I might not be there for you so be prepared to say something." Aj gave me a brotherly hug.

As I got in my huge bed, it felt empty. I looked over to the empty spot and imagined Annie smiling at me. I felt that love feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"I'm not letting you go," I whispered to the empty spot.


"I'm not sure if I still love you after what you did to me," his voice wasn't his. It was different and darker.

"But I said I was sorry and I even left everything for you."

He scoffed, "I'm sorry, but that isn't enough for me anymore. I don't want to see you anymore. Go and be with him instead."

I began to cry as he pushed me away from him. "Brian please!" I yelled as he walked away.

I felt sweat running down my forehead and sat up. That dream was terrible, but was it true? Did Brian not love me anymore? Maybe he wouldn't come back anymore..

I went upstairs to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I tried to think about Christmas almost coming and my dad, but that dream made it difficult.

I headed downstairs and saw that the rails were decorated with garland. My dad probably did that while I was sleeping.

When I went into the kitchen it smelled good. I sat down at the table and saw dad cooking. "Good morning", I said squinting to see what he was making.

He turned around, "Good morning sweetie. I wanted to make breakfast for when you woke up."

"What are you making?" I said through a yawn.

"Some pancakes."

When he finished cooking he sat with me and we began to have breakfast together.

"How did you sleep?" I asked cutting my pancake.

"Mm very well, thanks for asking. How did you sleep?"

"Alright," I said thinking about the dream I had.

"Good. Today I was thinking we could go see some lights. What do you say? Are you in?" I could see he was excited to be here with me.

I nodded, "I would love to."

When we finished we cleaned up and decorated inside the house. Oh how I wishes Brian was here decorating with me. I imagined him next to me and watching me as I would put up mistletoe.

His thumb on my cheek would make me have butterflies. He would love to be here too, but only if he wanted to be here.

"Annie! Watch out!"

I looked and saw my dad had caught me from falling onto the concrete floor. I looked up and forgot I was putting lights outside.

"Are you okay?" He helped me stand.

I laughed nervously, "Yeah I guess I wasn't paying attention."

He laughed, "ok be careful please. I don't want to spend Christmas in the hospital."

I needed to know if Brian still loved me as I did. But how?

When night came I put on warm clothes so I wouldn't get sick. "Do you want to take some hot chocolate for the road?" My dad held out a thermos to me.

"That sounds yummy."

I got everything I needed plus my thermos and followed my dad out the door. The cold air hit my face as I made my way to the car.

Before opening the passenger's door I imagined Brian driving us to see the lights.


"No, you need to hit that high note," Howie was saying to him. I groaned, "I can't. I just don't have it in me today."

I was trying to practice the high note for our warm, but I didn't feel that spark. Something was missing..

"The good thing is there aren't high notes today," Nick nudged my arm.

Tonight was the day we would sing our new single. The boys were excited, but I felt a feeling I couldn't place. I drank some water trying to calm my nerves.

"Backstreet Boys you're next," said the announcer.

We made our way to the stage and got into position. I could sort of see the live audience and I wondered if she would be watching me. I know she didn't know, but a small part hoped she would find out.

"Ok, if you forget the lyrics just improvise," Kevin whispered to us.

I took a deep breath just as the light shone on us.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the Backstreet Boys!" The live audience began to clap.

Aj sang his part and I was preparing to sing my part after him. You can do it, I thought to myself.

"Became my salvation, salvation
Through the war, yeah" I sang with everything I had in me. I looked at the camera imagining I was singing to her.

We began to dance around the stage and sang with everything we had. Soon I felt the stage presence coming back to me. On that stage I felt like I was home again.

Maybe I just needed to be on stage once again.

After we sang our song we came off stage and went back to the special guests room.

"That was good! I didn't expect that," said Nick.

"It was pretty good. Everything went smooth and no one forgot their line," Kevin laughed.

We had 1 more song to go, but that would be a song everyone knew. I sat on the small couch and rested my head for awhile.

I looked up at the ceiling and wondered what Annie was up to. I wished for her to dream about me.

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