Chapter 61

38 4 1

*some foul language; skip if you're uncomfortable or read at your own risk*

I danced by myself as Niall went to get me another lemony drink. It tasted so good and made me feel hyped. I closed my eyes and forgot what sober me really loved.

Soon Niall came back and handed me my drink. I took it and tossed the drink into my mouth. That lemony taste kept on burning my throat. I put the small glass on top of a machine I saw.

I went back to Niall and put my arms around him. "These songs are my thing," I leaned close to his face.

"It's our thing now babe," his hands went on my waist. I moved my waist back and forth feeling the music in me.

I kept my arms wrapped around Niall while feeling the best of the music. Not sure what song it was, but it sounded like a EDM.

Niall turned me around and was dancing against me. He put his chin on my shoulder, "I think I like this Anne better, don't you?" The whispers sent a chill down my spine.

I laughed, "This Annie is so care free and I like it." Niall's lips kept going up and down my neck. I titled my head a bit so he could get better access. I bit my lip as his lips left trails of kisses.

"How's that feel?" his hands moved up and down my body. I hiccuped, "it feels nice."

I kept on moving my waist as I grabbed onto his neck. My back was to him and I reached to grab onto his neck. I loved being like this, but drunk me was too wasted to even remember someone was looking for her.


I quickly grabbed all my things and was about to rush out of there when Nick came by. "We are going to eat before we head back to the hotel, care to join?" He offered me.

"I-no sorry Nick," it came out worried and Nick noticed. He crossed his arms, "what's wrong?"

I pulled on my hair in frustration, "Annie might be in trouble. I need to get to her now."

"Don't go alone Brian. I'll go with you so you won't be by yourself. Let me tell the others," he said before heading out.

We were dropped in front of the hotel and Nick had come along. The others offered to come, but I said I couldn't wait any longer. I would meet them here while Nick was with me.

I rushed into the hotel and didn't know how fast I was walking. When I got to our room I forgot Annie had our key card. I kicked the door, "Annie has our key."

I took out my phone and called her. I tired to hear both the phone and inside the room, but all I could was the phone being sent to voicemail. "Is she in there?" Nick asked looking at the door.

"I don't know. I don't hear any ringing inside," my heart felt like it was in my throat. This was all my fault. I should have brought her with me to the studio. What if Niall was touching her or kissing her? I couldn't image the horror..

"Relax, we will find her," Nick patted my shoulder as he noticed my anger.

I decided to look around the hotel so I went into the casinos. "I'll stay here in case she comes back!," Nick yelled as I walked around the corner.

The casino reeked of pure cigarettes. How could anyone get used to that smell? Ugh, it was disgusting.

My eyes scanned the room to see Annie anywhere, but I didn't know what she was wearing. I pictured her beautiful face in my mind.

I took a few more steps into the hotel when I heard that angelic laugher I knew well. It was Annie heart stopped when I saw her with him. She was with Niall. What the hell?

I watched as she grinded against him and he had his arms wrapped around her. She titled her head back and kissed him! Jealousy and anger beat inside of me. My heart sank to the bottom once again.

I made my way to them, "Annie what are you doing?!" I clenched my jaw as Niall looked up at me with a smirk across his dumb face.

Annie hiccuped, "Who are you? Who's this Niall?" She looked up at him the way she looked at me.

Niall shrugged, "I'm not sure.." That idiot.. What the hell had he done to my Annie?

I tried to grab Annie, but she pulled back. "Don't touch me. Who the hell are you?" Was she drunk?

" Annie..are you-are you drunk?"

"I probably am, so?" She let go of Niall. I sighed, "'s me Brian. You know your boyfriend?"

"You're not my boyfriend. Niall's my boyfriend see?" her words stabbed me inside. I grabbed her arm gently and pulled her aside. That's when I had to do it, for her sake anyway.

I punched Niall's face and he fell to the dirty carpet floor. "What the fuck?" Niall touched his bleeding face.

"That's for getting her drunk. I know you did because she doesn't drink," I wanted to do more than punch him.

Niall got up, "And so what if I did? Plus look she wants me too. The way her body needs me." He licked his lips mocking me. That was the last thing to make me do more than punch his face out.

As I was on top of Niall beating the life out of him I could hear the screaming people around me.


The guy that said his name was Brian was hurting Niall. I tried to stop him, but failed miserably. "Get off of him!" I yelled trying to break up the fight.

"Annie stay back!" Brian yelled back.

My face was all wet from the tears that started coming out of my face. I felt the puke was going to come out of my stomach so I ran to the bathroom. A blonde guy past me as I headed to the bathroom. He looked familiar..

I kept on losing my balance when I opened the door to the bathroom stall. All the lemony taste had come out of me.

I threw up all the drinks I had and my stomach felt sore. I sat there on the bathroom floor not wanting to get up. I leaned my head against the bathroom wall and the blurriness started to fade away.

Moments later a door opened to the bathroom. I didn't care who saw me sitting here. I just wanted to lay my head and rest.

"Annie?" said a voice I didn't expect to come. My door opened and saw Nick standing there. "N-Nick?" I could still feel the burning drink in my throat.

"Yes it's me. What happened? Are you okay?" He knelt down beside me.

"I think so.. my head hurts. But.." I sort of remembered what I had told Brian. I shattered my own heart.

My tears began to roll down my face again..

*Happy Holidays 🎁 I hope you spend it well and enjoy these chapters. Maybe I'll post more than 1 chapter for Christmas? 🤷‍♀️ *

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