Chapter 0

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"Are you ready to graduate?" Dylan asked me as we walked to home room.

I sucked in the air, "I'm terrified. What university have you applied to?"

We turned the corner and saw our home room door still open. "Well I applied to UCLA and UC Irvine. What about you? Any colleges you really want to attend?"

The fact that this was my last year in high school terrified me. Plus I didn't want to move to far away from Brian, "I'm still looking into it." Was all I could say.

When we got to home room the question still lingered in the back of my mind. Would I even get accepted to the university I wanted to go to? Or would I even apply at all?

The teacher was talking about announcements, but I was too distracted inside my own world.

As I headed to fourth period Jade pushed into my arm, "Watch where you're going attention seeker." Her wannabe clique laughed and walked away.

I sighed as this was already normal to me. Ever since everyone found out about me and Brian, Jade and her oompa loompas have been on my back since.

It was finally lunch time and I really had to go to the restroom. I did my business.

I began to wash my hands and heard noises coming from the door. The laugh I knew well, it was Jade and her ridiculous clique.

I tried to pretend she hadn't just come into the restroom. "Well, well if it isn't attention seeker," she said sarcastically.

I pushed on the lever to get a paper towel to dry my hands. I could feel Jade and her snarky friends surrounding me.

"So, where you going today wannabe celebrity?" Her laugh made my anger boil.

"I bet she has to sleep with different guys just to get a guy like that to notice her," said a girl with purple hair.

They all laughed and got closer to me, "What? I-I don't."

Jade began to cackle, "ooo so how'd you end up dating a celebrity? Ohh she had to suck below. Take lessons girls." They all began to laugh and I wish Brian were here to save me.

The day ended with once again Jade and her slutty clowns pushing me around. Just because I'm with Brian didn't mean I did something to become his girlfriend.

I ended up look at my ceiling for the rest of the day. Brian would text and call me, but I just didn't have it in me to respond. I think that not even Brian could save me right now...

"Did your letter come in today?" Dylan asked me during our rehearsal.

He was a good classmate.

"It did.." I was happy, but also felt sad.

He shook my arm, "And? Did you get accepted?"

I tried to shake off the negative feeling, "yes I did. What about you?"

He smiled big, "I got accepted to UC Irvine!"

I was happy for him, but I wasn't happy for me, "That's-that's great, really."

Dylan made a serious expression, "what's wrong? Was it not the university you wanted?"

I shook my head, "Not really. Just..relationship problems.."

He hugged my arm, "I'm sorry. You and Brian will get better. You'll see."

As I paced back and forth in my room I began to think of how to break up with Brian.

I loved him so much, but me going to a university and this bullying thing isn't working. I just don't want to put him on the spot.

He has so much going on with his tour, I don't want to put more onto his plate.

How or what was the right way to break us off? How?


I walked to my first class of the semester. I can't believe I am here, in college. . I got accepted to Cal State Fullerton. That's something, right? 

I entered the classroom and saw that it was already full. Oh no, was I late? I looked for an empty seat and spotted one next to a red head.

I walked over to the table and sat next to her. She gave me a small smile as I put my bag down.

"Is this College 101?" I asked her quietly. She nodded and I was relieved I wasn't in the wrong classroom.

I skimmed the room and noticed the professor wasn't there yet.. I think. A few moments later a tall guy walked in with a briefcase.

"Welcome to College 101, where we will learn the basics of college," he announced.

"My name is Professor Mathews with 1 't' not 2," he said looking at the class.

When he reviewed the syllabus he had us pair up and introduce ourselves. I wasn't good at making friends, so I just sat there hoping he wouldn't notice.

"Do you want to be partners?" The red head asked me.

A feeling of relief sweeped over me, "Sure. I'm Annie Jennings."

She put her hands on the desk, "I'm Madeline Smith. Nice to meet you."

During those few minutes we got talking and found some things in common. For starters that we both were freshmen and we both liked junk food.

I feel like I've met a new friend because after class ended we exchanged numbers and even decided to sit next to each other in the next class. My first college friend made my first day less nerve wrecking.

Ending the day with a new found friend make college a little better.

I went home and began to do my already piled up homework. I don't live with anyone, except when my sister Mia comes to visit. My parents are divorced and they think Mia and I were mistakes. I guess that's why they don't come to visit at all. But I'm glad Mia does come when her job allows her to.

After a long night I went to the bathroom to freshen up for bed. My thoughts began to take over me.

My mind reminisced on how I met Brian, which was thanks to Dylan since he was into them.

I wouldn't consider Dylan a best friend. He was just a classmate who knew how much of a fan girl I was was when it came to the BSB.

He took me to see them before our last day together. He bought tickets to the concert and to the VIP after party.

There was drinks and a lot of dancing. During one of their songs in the after party I could feel someone watching me, but I thought it was what was in the drink.

I got thirsty and headed over to the drink area. Soon I found myself talking to Brian Littrell. And I guess fate decided to take its toll.

As I looked at myself in the mirror a memory of Brian came into my head.

"You smell nice Annie or Anne. I'm sorry," he laughed nervously.

I laughed back, "Annie is fine."

"I'm glad you decided to come here. I thought my message wouldn't be too much for you," he blushed as he kept looking at me in the mirror.

I shook my head, "It wasn't. I liked it."

Brian turned me around to face him. His blue eyes looked into my brown eyes. "You're really beautiful," He whispered.

His head titled and his lips touched mine. That was our very first kiss.

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