Chapter 74

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Brian's social media notifications were going crazy because the Backstreet Boys new album was released!

"Cheers!" Kevin raised his glass.

We weren't really drinking wine, but instead apple juice. My father wasn't too excited about me drinking wine.

As we finished drinking our juice I saw how happy Brian was. He and the Backstreet Boys have worked really hard to make a new album for their fans.

"I can't wait for you and you to hear the new album," Aj said to me and Madeline.

"I can't wait either, but when will I get my signed copy?" Madeline laughed.

"Tomorrow is Christmas Eve so that's a hint," said Howie.

Madeline made a confused expression, "what do you-? Oh, I get it now. You're going to wrap it, aren't you?"

Howie and Aj nodded simultaneously.

The guys and Madeline stayed in the kitchen doing more celebrating. Brian pulled me away from there and into our room. He gave me a hug, "I'm happy our album is out and that you're here."

"Me too Brian."

I could feel Brian's heart beat against mine. It was the best moment right now. "Don't tell Madeline, but I have your copy."

Brian pulled away and headed toward his bag. He took out their brand new album and handed it to me. "For you Annie. Plus a new message I wrote and..well see for yourself."

I grabbed the cd and looked at it.

For you my Annie. Just know as I recorded this album I always thought of you. I love you.


I looked up at Brian and he motioned for me to turn it around. As I did I saw the other guy's signature. It was a nice touch that the other Backstreet Boys' signature was there too.

"What's this?" I looked at Brain as he tried to read my reaction.

Brian blushed, "Well I asked the guys to sign it for you. I wanted it to be different this time."

It was different, but a good different.

I flipped the cd back to the front, "I love it. I'm going to put this over here." I went over to my shelf and made a space for my new cd.

"Good, that's where we belong," he said.

We headed back out to where the party was and I went over to Madeline.

"Where were you?" Madeline asked after taking a sip of her cup.

"Oh, Brian wanted to show me..something," I remembered she wouldn't get her cd until tomorrow.

"So are you happy now? No more Niall?"

I looked over at Brian and then back at her, "I am. Plus everyone I know is here, except Mia. But she'll come tomorrow, maybe."

"That's good. I was worried you'd choose Niall over Brian. Although I did like Niall for you, but Brian's better for you," Madeline gave me a sincere smile.

I was worried too that I'd choose Niall over Brian. But I'm glad we were separated for a few weeks. That way I'd know the answer to my question.

That Brian was the one.


I followed the guys outside since they wanted to do some celebrating there. I'm not sure where Annie's dad had gone, but he was probably with Annie.

"It's cold out here!" Howie rubbed his arms.

"It is. I love it because it gives that Christmas feeling," I said.

"I can't believe our album it out. Men, good work!" Kevin lifted his glass in the cold air.

"I can't wait to see what the fans think," Nick blurted out.

"Oh they're gonna love it! I know it," Aj grinned.

Aj was right, they were going to love it. We put a lot of emotion and real meaning into that album.

Plus I really wanted to finish the album so our fans could have brand new songs.

Also Annie was the inspiration for track number 3.

"What did Annie say about the album?" Kevin asked me.

I smiled at the ground, "She loved it and the signatures. Plus she made room on her shelf to display."

The very thought of her showcasing our album in her room made me feel extra special.

"We are glad she liked it Brian," Howie softly nudged my arm.

As we hung out in the cold, December air, they began to ask me what I had gotten Annie. The question was a hit to my lungs.

"I-I don't have anything.." I gulped.

"You didn't get her anything?" Nick gasped.

I looked at him and shook my head, "I just I didn't get around to it.."

The guys made a hissing noise indicating that I was in trouble.

"Well we could go to the store now if you want," Howie brought up.

I could feel a sad feeling come over me, "It's too late to go buy anything."

We sat there for a few minutes in silence. How could I had forgotten to buy the love of my life something?

If I could give her the whole world, I would.

"Do you still have the ring?" Kevin whispered.

"Ring? What.." I knew what he meant.

"You could give her that Brian. Ask Annie to marry you."

"Marry me? But isn't it too early?" Wasn't it?

Aj began to kick some snow, "It's never too early. If you love her as you said you do then ask her."

I looked at all the guys and they all nodded.

"You are meant for each other. I see how she looks at you and how you look at her," Nick explained.

Kevin raised his glass again, "He's right. Somehow the universe always brings you two together."

Their suggestion got me thinking about me being Annie's husband. What if I wasn't good enough as I thought I was?

What if I couldn't make her even happier? So many questions came into my mind after we went inside.

"Don't think about it too much," Kevin whispered into my ear before going back to the kitchen.

Before going into the kitchen I caught a glimpse of Annie. She was talking to Madeline and her laughter made me happy.

I knew we both made mistakes, but I knew one thing.

That I loved Annie more than anything, well besides our fans.

I watched Annie laugh at whatever made her laugh. I would want that laugh for the rest of my life.

Sorry not updating. I have been busy, but here are some new chapters for you. ENJOY!!

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