Chapter 80

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"When is Annie due?" Nick asked me.

"Very soon, so I have to be prepared," I took a sip on my coffee.

"How are you feeling?" he asked while finishing his oatmeal.

I fixed myself on the seat, "I'm happy Annie's happy."

Nick shook his head, "I meant you. How are you doing?"

"I just glad Annie's by my side. I won't ever lose her and she won't lose me. Plus we are having our first child together. What else can I ask for?"

"Don't forget about the Backstreet Boys," Nick made a pouty face.

I chuckled, "I won't. I love you guys too. But now I have a wife and a child on the way."

"I know, but I'm just concerned about you. I don't want you to over stress or anything," I could hear the sincerity in his voice.

I sighed, "Thank you for looking out for me. It means a lot to me, especially right now."

"Of course Brian. I'll be here for you and Annie. I'll be there for my nephew or niece too," Nick laughed.

I laughed at his comment, "You'll be uncle Nick."

"Your kid will have a lot of uncles," Nick chuckled referring to the Backstreet Boys.

"I shouldn't bring this up, but if anything happens to me will you look after Annie and our child?"

"Why do you ask me such a thing? Nothing is going to happen to you, Brian," Nick gave me a heartfelt look.

"I-I know, but just promise me. I won't feel comfortable if you just day it. Please Nick.."

"Alright Brian. I promise, but just know you'll live to see your kid going to college," he said.

I had to make Nick promise me this. Not that anything was wrong with me, but just in case. You never know what plans the universe will throw at you...

After our breakfast Nick and I decided to head to the studio.We were going to rehearse vocally and physically for our newest album. Our 'DNA Tour' would be coming up soon.

But since Annie might go into labor any minute I would have to be prepared. Any time that I could fit into my schedule I would dedicate it to the Backstreet Boys.

"Alright, from the top," said Kevin.

We began to rehearse our single for this album. It was a pretty catchy song and I knew the fans liked it. When we first released we got a lot of good comments on it.

"Stop, stop. Guys it's like this," Howie motioned for us to stop dancing.

"Like what? I did it right Howie..look," Nick showed Howie the part where we stopped.

Howie sighed, "Don't make the hand motion so big. It's right, but bring it down a bit.."

From the top we rehearsed our dance routine for the song. I got tired, but Annie in my mind motivated me to keep going.

Our dance studio was pretty spacious, so we had a lot of room to stumble or get it right. After half of the day went by, we finally decided to stop.

I caught my breath as I dried my face with a small towel. I couldn't wait to get home to see my Annie.


"Dad, you didn't have to come all this way to see me," I said to him as I rubbed my belly. This pain just kept getting stronger.

"Annie, I wanted to see you and my grandson or granddaughter. You also need some company," he said fixing the table.

"Brian should be home soon. Don't you think?"

"Honey, let's be real. He's got a tour coming up and he rehearses all day. He's busy," my dad tired not sound so negative.

"I know, I guess you're right."

My dad decided to come by to my and Brian's house since he knew I was left alone. He had fixed dinner and I was happy he was here.

"So how did your blind date go?" I asked walking to the table.

"It was alright. She's great, but I don't think I'm her type?"

I laughed a little, "Why not? What did she say?"

"Well, for starters she said she liked way younger guys than me," he rolled his eyes.

"She's blind, that's all. Don't worry dad, you'll find your other half," I smiled.

I sat down and I felt my belly was in the way. The doctor told me I wasn't due until next week, but you'd never know.

"When is your next appointment?" My dad asked.


"Is Brian going with you or should I come with you?" He said taking some salad in his mouth.

"Brian said he was free tomorrow, so he can go."

I noticed some sadness in my dad. I knew he wanted to go with me. "Unless he's busy, then you come with me," I quickly said.

My dad smiled and I knew he would be excited if I said would be true.

I was going to eat when I felt pain. I dropped my fork on the plate and tried look like I wasn't in pain.

My dad noticed, "Annie are you alright?"

I groaned, "I'm not sure..I feel pain, but my water hasn't broke." I looked down at my feet so make sure.

"Maybe it's contractions?"

"Maybe.." I said not wanting to eat.

I tried to lay in the chair, but I wasn't comfortable. The pain was making me feel irritated.

"Do you want me to get you anything?"

I nodded, "There is acetaminophen that the doctor gave me just in case. I pointed to the cabinet.

I rubbed my belly and thought maybe it could be cramps.

As I tried to get up the pain was getting stronger.

I heard my dad saying some stuff, but I couldn't comprehend them. I was too focused on the pain and when it would go away.

"I'm coming Annie" he said as he tried to hand me the pill.

I didn't want to take it or anything. I shook my head trying to make him stop.

"Annie, please take it," he said putting the pill in front of me.

I shook my head trying to think of when Brian would arrive. 'Brian..' was all I said before everything went dark.

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