Chapter 62

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The security guards broke me and Nathan off. I told them it was a misunderstanding and advised me to leave. So I did and I didn't look back. I walked back to the room, but remembered Anne had our key card. I slid down against the door and sat outside.

'You're not my boyfriend. Nathan's my boyfriend see?' her words rang inside my head. A tear slid down my cheek. I wiped it away with the back of my hand. Annie had broken my heart twice. I loved her too much, but I felt the emptiness in me.

I should have left Annie back home or brought her with me to the studio. Then this wouldn't have happened. What else had that idiot done to her? Did he tell her he loved or touch her somewhere else?

The questions were digging deeper into my broken heart..

I heard footsteps and saw Nick carrying Annie in his arm. I stood up and waited for him to come to where I was.

"She's asleep," Nick whispered to me. I nodded," Where was she?"

"Open the door first," he motioned toward her bag. I looked into her bag and found the key card. I opened the door and Nick entered the room.

I turned on the lights as I walked in. Nick put Annie on the bed and pulled me aside." I found her in the bathroom. She was just sitting there. What happened?"

I took him outside the room, "Nathan was with her and got her drunk. She wasn't acting like herself..."

"Nathan? Here? Where is he?" Nick's jaw clenched. I got ahold of his arm, "Not now Nick. I saw her grinding against him and she didn't even recognize me.." Annie not recognizing me was the worst feeling ever.

"What did she say?" Nick stood on his other foot.

"I told her I was her boyfriend and she said she didn't have a boyfriend. That Nathan was her boyfriend," how it hurt to say that. I know it was the alcohol talking, but it still burned me.

Nick held onto my shoulder, "Talk to her in the morning. I know being drunk can have it's downs, but you know Annie would never do that to you. She loves you a lot. So before doing anything you'll regret, talk it out."

"It wasn't her fault. Nathan got her drunk and he might have taken advantage of her," I wouldn't live with myself if he hurt her that way.

"Well thank goodness he didn't right? Where's Mitch?" Nick looked around.

"Oh, right he called me from the police station. He said Nathan put him there," I explained.

"What? Why?" he scoffed.

"I'm not sure, but I think it was so Mitch wouldn't be near Annie," the image of Annie with Nathan came into my mind.

I told Nick to get Mitch with the other guys while I stayed with Annie. I went back into our room and stood over the bed. I watched as the love of my life slept. She slept off the drinks that Nathan had given her.


I woke up with my head banging against my skull. I could hear my own head throbbing. The alcohol from last night still lingered inside my mouth.

I got up and sat on the edge of the bed. The room started spinning and all my blood rushed to my head. I made my way over to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I needed to get rid of what happened last night. I knew that was impossible since I had done what I did.

When I walked back to the bed I noticed the bed was empty. Brian wasn't there or anywhere inside the room. On the bed side table was a glass of water and some pills. I'm guessing Brian left those for me.

I tried to lay down and closed my eyes to see if I could sleep again. But the memories of last night made their way into my mind. I don't remember how I got back here, but I remembered dancing with Nathan. Who was that girl anyway? The girl that that broke Brian's heart once more..

I looked at my phone and noticed there was only a message from Madeline. I decided not to answer her now, I didn't really feel like it.

Moments later the room's door opened and I sat up. It was Brian and he didn't look so good. If I looked like a wreck right now I knew how Brian looked on the inside with pain..

"Oh you're awake. Good morning," his tone was different. He didn't meet my eyes and I knew I had done it.

"Good morning, thank you for the water and pills."

He went over to the window and stood there looking outside of it. "No problem. Are you feeling better?" The awkward tension had clouded the room.

"A little bit," a small smile creeped on my face knowing he cared if I was alright.

"Good. Annie..we should talk," He half turned his head to look at me from the corner of his eye.

"I-I know Brian. What I did last night was really unforgivable and stupid, but-"

He sighed, "Annie I think it's best you go back home.." I didn't ever think I'd hear him say that.

"Brian, please let me explain. Nathan asked me to meet him and-" finally he turned around.

"He asked you? Annie you shouldn't have gone," he sighed.

"I know, but he might have been pestering me if I didn't go. I know what I did was uncalled for, but we can work this out. Please Brian," I sounded pathetic begging.

He took a small step toward me, "Annie I'm sorry, but this time you hurt me more than the first time. I can't even look at you without seeing Nathan all over you.."

It really hurt him more than drunk me knew. I got up and went over to him, "Brian I was drunk and I wasn't thinking clearly and-"

He took a few steps back, "Annie even while drinking you're still up and about. You're still being active and thinking. I'm trying not to yell because I love you, but it's best if you go back home..."

I scoffed, "So what then? You mean leave you here? But tomorrow is thanksgiving Brian. I don't want us to be away from each other."

I tried to grab his hand, but this time he pulled away. "I have to be here you know that. This is will hurt me more than you, but it's the best way. We need some time from one another. That is until I can look you in the eyes and not see your lips on Nathan's."

I stayed silent because I knew he wouldn't change his mind. I looked at him once more before packing my things and leaving the noisy city.

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