Chapter 63

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Annie tried to explain what happened yesterday, but I couldn't handle it. I couldn't handle this pain that was destroying me. When I looked up at her all I could see was her lips on Niall's.

I didn't think I would ever tell her to return home without me. The look on her face broke me even more. But this was better for both of us. We could have a small break, but I didn't want that. I don't think she wanted that either...

I sat on the edge of the bed and looked where her suitcase used to be. Tomorrow was Thanksgiving and we would spend it without each other.

This was all your fault, I told myself. If I hadn't been so wrapped up in writing I could spend time with Annie. But I need to write in order to have new music for our fans. They were depending on the Backstreet Boys.

I felt the anger rise in me as I thought about Niall. How could he get her drunk? He knew exactly what he was doing..

I got up knowing exactly where to go.

As I arrived to the front desk of the hotel entrance the coffee smelled good. It was better than the strong scent of cigarettes.

"Good afternoon. How may I help you?" The worker wasn't the same one I saw a few days ago.

"I need my friend's hotel room number. It's Niall Horan," they had to give it to me, didn't they?


I gulped, "Brian Littrell." They began typing something before looking back at me.

"I don't see your name on his room list. I'm sorry, but we can only give out room number's if you're on their room list or if they listed you."

I fixed my shirt, "Right, but you see..I know him and he knows me so that counts, does it not?"

They gave me a serious expression, "I'm sorry sir, but it's hotel rules."

I softly hit the front of the desk before walking away. How was I supposed to find him in this big city? Maybe he was already gone..

I slumped my shoulders not in the mood to go back to the studio. Recording songs would make me think of Annie and dig deeper into me.

I walked past the bathroom and headed outside. Maybe I just needed fresh air to help me through this. I need to get my act together so I could give my fans brand new songs.

As I was making my way to the wall to sit down I saw him. Niall was a few steps away from me. It was now or never..


The Las Vegas air was invading my lungs. I needed that in order to sing tonight at the axis theater. I wanted for Annie to be here and watch me, but she wouldn't come.

The thoughts of Annie begin against my body made my heart skip a beat. How she was having fun and connecting her lips with mine. I wish she was mine..

"You! I've been looking for you," was it who I thought it was? I turned around and answered my own question. Yes, it was.

"Well, you found me. Now what?" Brian didn't look like himself today. Did he and Annie break up because of me? My heart hoped..

He scoffed, "Don't be a smart alec. Why did you get Annie drunk? You know she doesn't drink .."

"Maybe not with you, but she did with me. What does that tell you, huh?" I took a few steps toward him. I was better for Annie than him.

"Because you forced her to! Have you no concern at all for her well being?"

"Relax..I ordered her a lemon drop and she tasted. If she wouldn't drink don't you think she would've told me?" Why was he being so dramatic?

"That's because she's afraid of you..don't you think?"

"If she's afraid of me why was her body all over me? Her lips on me, her-"

Brian's hands were on the edge of my shirt, "You think she likes you? That was just her being drunk! I'm the one she loves not you!" 

Brian's eyes were staring back at mine, but I wasn't afraid at all. I shrugged my shoulders, "She was still all over me. Doesn't that infuriate you? Haven't you thought that just maybe she likes me?"

Brian's gaze soften and his hands let go of me. I fixed my shirt that he ruined.  "I know she does..I can see it in her eyes.."

The edge of my lips turned into a smirk, "I know too. Why don't you just let her go? I can be there for her even if I get busy. I can take her to my studio and she can help me write. Unlike you, you don't even take her and leave her alone for me to sweep her off her feet."

"You say that now, but soon you'll distant yourself from her. You only want her because she taken. Plus how will you fans take it?"

"I'll check up on her constantly. Do you even do that? Where is she anyway? You left her alone again.." Was she back at the hotel room?

"I always check up on her. I had a bodyguard for her, which you put in jail. If you hadn't done that this wouldn't happen..!"

"Which proves my point. You shouldn't leave her alone. She should've been with you. Plus that Mitch guy is useless. You need better guards," I laughed.

"It doesn't matter anymore, Annie went back home," Brian sadly said.

"Does she not want you anymore?" I could hear the sarcasm in my voice.

"No, I told her to go.."

"See? And there you go leaving her by herself. No wonder men are always after her. If I were you I wouldn't leave her at all."

"I'm not leaving her alone. We just need time because of what you did, of what you both did..."

"You know maybe this was bound to happen some time right? Let me know when she didn't love you anymore so I can show her what she truly deserves." As I began to walk away I yelled the words that would really hurt him.

"She's told me she loves me, has she told you that?"

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