Chapter 6

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I sat there looking at my computer screen. I didn't know how to start my paper that was due next month for my political class. 

I would type a word and then delete it. I sighed. My prompt was 'The most political figure of the 20th Century.' Ugh how boring..

I took a spoonful of mac and cheese. Mmm it tasted really good. I loved mac and cheese..

"What is that?" he pointed at the bowl. "Oh it's mac and cheese. I just love it so much! I'm always eating it," I smiled big. "Really? I love mac and cheese too," his face was really close to mine. His features were something.

"Well? Yes or no?," said a voice behind me. I turned around vanishing my thoughts, "Well what?" My sister Mia grunted, "Are you going to eat that leftover pizza?"

I shook my head, "Nah, you can have it." She squealed, "Thanks Anne!"

I turned back around to my computer and sighed at the mac and cheese..

Morning came around pretty quick. I looked like a mess as I woke up to the bright sunlight shining. I need to close that curtain, I thought.

Well today was Wednesday meaning I got to see Niall. Today I could talk to him and maybe hang out.

Madeline: GOOD MORNING XX Sorry Anne, but I feel sick D:

ME: Morning :) ohh no why? what happened ?

Madeline: I think that cafeteria food made me sick!!! I won't be going to class today . Sorry :(

Today should be interesting. Maybe I'll text Nathan ??

I got off the bus and headed for my first class of the day. I was nervous because I got to see Nathan today.

As I got to class I made my way to my usual seat. I would have expected Niall to sit where he sat last time.

But I was watching the door and he seemed to scan the room. He waved at me and came to my row.

"Is this seat taken?" He pointed at the empty seat. I shook my head, "Nope."

I sat there in class staring at the clock as the professor sidetracked about last week's football game while the class started.

Nathan sat down, "How are you?"  "I'm good. How are you? I have never seen you wear a cap before. Well from the times we've talked," I looked at him.

"Oh this? Uh yeah..I thought a different  look would be best," he half smiled.

"Well I think it looks good on you," I said confidently.


I thought I would be late to class, but I arrived on time. As I entered the class room I looked around to see if I saw Annie. I wanted to sit with her today.

I scanned the room looking for her dark brown hair. Soon I saw her in the back where she sat last time. I waved to her and walked toward her row.

"Is this seat taken?" I asked pointing at the seat. "Nope" she said shaking her head. I sat next to her and asked, "How are you?"

She looked at me with her beautiful eyes, " I'm good. How are you? I have never seen you wear a cap before. Well from the times we've talked."

I could feel sweat trickling down my face, "Oh this? Uh yeah..I thought a different  look would be best."

"Well I think it looks good on you," she said to me.

I had to lie in order to protect my true identity.


"Well what do you guys think?" Howie asked. "I like it, but it might be risky. It's up to Brain to decide, "Kevin looked at me.

It was pretty risky, "I have no other ideas. And I am a little desperate here. I think we will go with that plan."

"When do you plan to leave then? Tell us now so we can start rescheduling," Nick explained.

I thought for awhile, "What about next month? October?"

Aj coughed, "Well we have been doing our show this whole year. Maybe things will calm down even more. Our tour will end soon."

"How should we let our fans know?" I asked. "Leave that to me," Nick smiled.

We had our show in a few hours. I had a difficult time focusing on our schedule.

I could only replay the plan Howie recommended and how it would work. Would it really? Because I know our fans are really dedicated. They know how we look like and where we go.

I was skeptical..

"Who are you now? Are you still the same?" I began to sing. The crowd was really loud tonight. I loved the Vegas crowd.

This song made me think of Anne, but I put her aside for now. Instead I focused on the Backstreet Boys and our fans.

We did our last song and it felt great being on stage.

"Wooo!! WHAT A SHOW!" Nicked was pumped. We were backstage cooling ourselves down before we presented ourselves to the VIP party.

"Hey Brian are you going to go to the party tonight?," Howie said out of breath. I took a sip of water, "Yeah for sure."

The VIP party had sold out and it was full of our fans. I loved seeing our fans and greeting them. "Hi, how are you?" I said to a fan getting a drink.

I had to take off my jacket because it was getting hot. 

I went to the back room and put my jacket there. I saw there were fresh roses that had a note on it. It was to us by a fan.

"Should I get her these or those?" I asked Nick. "Well.. what are her favorite flowers?" Nick asked me.

"See I don't know yet. We've only been dating a few weeks," I touched the tulips.

"Hmm well get her something unique and stunning," Nick leaned against the counter.

"What about these? They're the reddest out of this bunch," I grabbed the roses.

"They do look really red. I think she will love them Brian," Nick smiled.

"Is everything fine?" Aj asked me. I spun around seeing Aj grab a water bottle. "Yeah I'm-I'm good" I said.

"Hey look man. Everything will be fine. You'll see," Aj patted my back and left.

I decided to sit down for awhile before heading back out there. I went on Twitter to see what today's commotion was about.

In trending news it was showing an artist that seemed to be on hiatus, but was nowhere to be seen.

I clicked on an article.

Nathan On Hiatus??

Fans are speculating that Nathan seems to be absent from his singing career.  He hasn't been seen since mid July. Fans are desperate to find the Irish blonde singer. Where has he gone to? Why hasn't he tweeted any information? Is he recording a new album somewhere secretive? Subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated!

Hmm I wonder who this Nathan was...

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