Chapter 14

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"What exactly happened that night?" I asked Kevin.


"Brian calm down. Don't throw things! We have to go back out there," Kevin tried to reassure me.

I paced back and forth finding what else to throw across the room.

"Why did she do that to me Kevin? Why does she want to leave me? What have I done to her?" I smacked the wall with my fists.

Kevin came over to me and put a hand on my back, "Brian I'm sure she has an explanation for that voicemail."

I put my head on the wall and stared at my shoes, "I told you she didn't love me anymore.."

Kevin sighed trying to find the right words, "No don't think like that. Look we will resolve this. Just..let's go back out there and finish the concert. Come on."

I dried my face and put on a strong face for my fans. I wanted to give my all for them.

I went back out there and sang my heart out. Every single song I meant for them.

I spotted Annie in the crowd. She was alone. She didn't make eye contact with me.

After the concert ended I was the first to get off stage. I went to my backstage room.

And finally I could let it all out.


"Where did Brian go?" I asked the other guys.

Nick looked around as we went into the hallway, "I'm not sure. Maybe he went to the room."

"Please find him. Find him before he does anything dumb. I'll tell you guys later," my tone was shaky.

Just as the guys split up someone called me.

"Kevin wait!" it was Annie.

I grabbed her arm carefully and led her into another room closing the door behind us.

"Girl what is the matter with you leaving him a voicemail about leaving him?" my inner parent was about to leave me.

She sighed, "I didn't want to say anything, but I'm leaving to university, that's why.."

I raised my eyebrows, "Leaving? But it's not far, isn't it?"

She walked over to the couch and sat down, " I have been accepted to a university. You know I'm graduating and I'm headed into my new life. Plus I'm an attention seeker, apparently.."

I followed after her," I know. Who's an attention seeker?"

Her voice crack a little, " Me Kevin! Me! There's this group of girls who bully me only because I'm dating Brian. They make my life miserable."

I sat next to her and put a hand on her shoulder, " What? Why haven't you said told us?

She grunted, " Because you guys have a lot going on. I don't want to pile more things into you or any of you ..."

I saw her tears running down her cheeks.

I wiped one of her tears away, "Well we can just get you a bodyguard or you can just drop out." I lightly laughed.

She looked at me seriously through her tears, "Its not that easy. I get that all day long and they won't leave me alone. I didn't tell Brian, but they almost beat me up. If it wasn't for my classmate, I would have broken bones."

My heart stopped for a moment, feeling Brian's feelings for her.

"When?! Why didn't you say anything!" I asked loudly.

"I didn't want to make matters worse. I can't anymore Kevin. I need to leave and start fresh. I don't want Brian waiting on me," she looked down.

"I really think you should talk to Brian about this. I really do," I whispered.

She shook her head," I've made up my mind Kevin. It can't be changed."

She stood up and cleaned her face. I stood up with her.

I pulled her into a hug, "I'm glad you told me at least."

"Brian saw me in the crowd. I couldn't tell him and so that's why I called you. I knew you would talk calmly with me," her chin was on my shoulder.

We hugged for a long moment until I broke our moment. "You know Brian loves you right?"

She nodded, "I know."

And with that she was gone.

I came out of the room and found Brain coming out of another room.

"Brian wait! " I tried to catch up with him, but he seemed too fast.

"Brain! Come back here!" I ran after him, but soon lost sight of him.

I went outside of the venue, but it was too dark too see anything.

"Brian! Where did you go?" I yelled out into the darkness. I skimmed the parking lot, but he wasn't anywhere.

"Look it's Kevin!" said a fan.

Soon a bodyguard came to where I was, " Have you seen Brian? Find him!"

The bodyguard simply shook his head and left.

I went back inside and hoped with all my might he didn't do anything he would regret later on.


"She told you all of that? Why couldn't she trust me?" anger filled inside me.

"Because she loved you too much. That's why," Nick said to me.

She could've come to me and we would've worked it out. I could have saved her from her troubles...

"Wow all this happened as we were singing? How come we didn't notice that night?" Howie suddenly said.

"You guys were busy doing your job," Kevin slightly laughed.

"You know Brian that you and Annie are meant to be. You and Annie belong together. I saw how she would look at you and brag about you," Aj grinned.

"You think? What if she hates me? Or things have changed?" I asked.

"What? No you aren't doing this. Brian you go and find her like we planned," Nick lectured me.

They were right. Even thought Annie hurt me badly that night and I hurt her I couldn't let our plan go to waste.

I was going for her no matter what.


A/N: I'm really glad some of you are enjoying this book! This chapter is pretty important because I wrote it, but rewrote it because I didn't want Annie to seem like a butt hole. Anyways hope ya'll are enjoying! BYE:)

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