Chapter 39

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I think this was the last part of the tour the Backstreet Boys were headed to. Europe. The week went by fast and there was only a day left. So we've spent the week in Europe.

Nothing happened so far except that me and Brian were newly lovebirds again. Madeline didn't really suspect anything and eventually we talked things out.

We were all careful not to ruin anything. Brian got me a bodyguard, but I felt like that's attracting attention. Madeline keeps telling me to give Brian a chance, but if only she knew. Maybe I'll tell her when we go back home.

I knew sooner or later we have to be open about our relationship. The Backstreet Boys always attracted attention, in a good way.

"I don't want this to end or for you to go home.." Brian said as he caressed my hand. His hand was big on mine, "Me neither."

Since we spent the week in Europe a hotel was already reserved for us. It wasn't that far from the arena. The Backstreet Boys had a room and me and Madeline had another.

But what they didn't know (I think) was that me and Brian had one for both. Brian said he reserved one for both of us. We would sneak out and be there.

My excuse to Madeline every time was, "I'll be back."

"Will you ever tell Madeline about us?" Brian said as he looked at me. I sighed, "I don't know. Maybe. I want to, but.."

He finished my sentence, "you're afraid she'll make a big deal." I nodded, "Exactly."

"Do the guys know we are here?" I asked. Brian got my hand and started to massage it, "They know. I can't keep anything from them."

Of course he couldn't. They'd always figure everything out.

Brian let go of my hand, "You don't know how much I've missed you Annie." His finger put a strand of hair behind my ear. "I've missed you too, but I tried to forget you," I admitted.

"But you can't and I don't want you too," he said softly. He crashed his lips on mine. I put my arms around his neck. I felt butterflies in my stomach.

He broke our kiss, "This is why we need alone time." I laughed. 

We sat there on the couch and I asked Brian to sing to me. How I've missed his singing. I put my head on his lap. He looked handsome as I watched him.

As he sang he played with my hair. He would intertwine our fingers. How I loved that. "In a world like this I've got you," Brian sang.

I listened, "what song is that?" He put a finger over my lips, "shhh, it's a new song. But that's all the preview you're getting." I lightly hit his arm.


Brian checked his phone. "What is it?" I asked. He put his phone down, "We have to get going, to rehearse." I got up and fixed myself.

"Are you going or stay with Madeline?" he got up too. "I'll stay with Madeline. We need some girl time," I said.

Before leaving he kissed me again. His forehead was on mine, "Call me if anything happens." I nodded.

I went back to the room with Madeline. "Where did you go this time?" she said sitting on the bed. I sat next to her, "Just to get fresh air."

Madeline turned on the tv, "There's nothing to do here. It's boring."

"Well let's make the best of it. After all we are in Europe," I said trying to sound excited. Madeline snorted, "Please don't make that sound."

We both laughed. It was nice to laugh. Madeline surfed the channels until she stopped at the news. "I'll just leave it there," she threw the controller by the table.

"The singer that we have been all looking for has reappeared. Thanks to a fan Nathan is out of clearance."

"Did she just say Nathan?" I asked feeling my heart beat. Madeline turned the volume up, "I think so."

"His fans have been wondering where he's been. Nathan has been in California going to a university. His house.."

Then they showed a picture of Nathan. The Nathan I knew. "I think you should ask him why he's so..popular," Brian's words echoed in my head.

Nathan was a singer and he was known widely. I could feel anger rising inside me. Then I remembered Nathan wanted to be alone with me. Maybe because he didn't want to anyone to recognize him.

I got up, "Maybe that's why he didn't get so close. He was probably .." Madeline turned off the tv, "How do you know that? Maybe he was using you. I told you he was a fuck boy.."

I scoffed, " I bet his kiss wasn't even real.." Madeline went to the other side of the bed, "Kiss? When did you guys kiss?"

"Last month. But what makes me angry is that he didn't tell me who he truly was. Was if he was acting?" I asked looking out the window.

Then I remembered I didn't tell who I was either.

"Maybe he was scared to? You should talk to him," she said. I shook my head, "I don't want to."

I felt such anger that I stormed out of there. I really had to get fresh air. I know I haven't been a good friend, but Nathan's secret was killing me.

Did he not trust me? And why am I even thinking about this? I have Brian now. I don't need Nathan.

I denied it, but a small part of me felt something for him. That small part was rescued by him when I was in pain. He made me feel something. On the other hand, I knew it was only infatuation. It was way to try to get rid of Brian.

The bodyguard didn't know I had left. So I was alone. Alone with my thoughts.

I walked a few steps and sat on a bench. I took out my phone and scrolled through the messages of Nathan.

Tears rolled down my cheeks, but I wiped them away. I don't need to be crying for him. I already had my love with me.

I sat there and took in the air. I know I would soon get over him. I had to. Nathan would no longer be in my heart. At least I thought so.

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