Chapter 47

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I know Brian said to wait, but I think I was ready now. I was ready especially since I was home. He wasn't home, but anywhere with me he'd be home.

His lips fought with mine as he kissed me back. I could feel his smile as we kissed. He gave me a small kiss letting me know to let go. "Annie..not today.." Brian rubbed my arms.

I felt a bit disappointed,"When then?" I scooted a little away from him. He noticed and put an arm around me. He kissed the top of my head, "Oh Annie. I don't want anything to happen to you. Plus I want it to be romantic. Also I think I need some time.."

I pushed him away with my hand, "Time? Brian I'm ready. You won't hurt me. I know it." I looked at him with a pout. "Don't make that face at me. Please just wait. Hey,I would wait for you, wouldn't I?" He said to me.

Oh man he was right. I sighed, "Ok Brian. I promise I will stop trying to do that to you."

He smiled, "Good. Now let's go make some food."

Brian looked up some YouTube videos on how to know when the noddles would be right. He wanted to make spaghetti. I laughed as I watched him struggle.

"Hey don't laugh at me! You're learning too," he complained.  "I'm sorry you're right. So how do we know when they're ready?" I looked at his phone.

"I'm not sure. Too many instructions," he laughed.

It was like this moment stopped and time froze. I could only move, but my surroundings was frozem in time. It felt like deja vu. It was a moment I'll want to remember later on.

"What are you looking at honey?" Brian interrupted my moment. I gently touched his cheek, "I'm just capturing this moment to remember."

Eventually Brian finally got the spaghetti right. "So how does it taste?" Brian took a sip of water. I finished chewing, "It's good. Not bad."

He said quietly, "I think next time not so much water. That's probably what made it thick."

After we ate we helped each other clean up.  As I finished drying the dishes Brian came behind me. He wraps his arms around me and put his chin on my shoulder.

"Have I told you I love you?" He whispered in my ear. I smiled, "Only like a lot today." He kissed my cheek and then my neck.

Knock knock.

"Who is that? Did Madeline or the guys say they'll be over?" Brian asked. I shook my head, "No.."

Brian let go off me and went to open the door. I put the plate back in it's spot and dried my hands. When I came out of the kitchen I saw the same hair color as me.

Then as Brian moved to look at me I saw Mia. Mia was the one knocking.

"Mia!" I ran to her and hugged her. She hugged me back, "Annie!"

"I tried to come two days ago,," Mia confessed. "It's ok. I'm fine. Oh this is Brian. Brian Littrell this is Mia, my sister," I said introducing them.

Mia shook his hand, "ohhh you're the backstreet boy boyfriend. I remember you. Nice to meet you."  Brian blushed, "Yeah that's me. Nice to meet you too."

Mia and Brian have met once, but I think that day she was in a rush so she couldn't stick around.

Brian told Mia he was the one to come up with living with me idea. Mia was a bit concerned, but was alright with it. She said she hated me being alone all day.

"Well I'll protect her. Don't worry," Brian said joyfully.

Mia gave us hint she was worried about something else. A certain activity we would do alone. I told her she didn't have to worry about that.

"I thought you were alone and was going to spend tonight with you, but I see you," she looked at Brian.

I looked at both of them, "You can still stay here. Please." Mia rolled her eyes, "Alright, but only tonight. I have to get back to work tomorrow."

And with that I had my sister and my boyfriend under the same roof. 

Mia scolded at me why I haven't called her. Why I was gone a week and didn't send her any message. Me and Brian explained everything. Eventually she caught on.

I told them I would take a shower. It wasn't on purpose, but I really needed a shower. I didn't want to smell in front of Brian.

I took a warm shower. And as I was showering 'I want it that way' suddenly came to my mind. I don't know why...

I began to hum it in the shower. Then I began to sing it. Who would hear me anyway? They were both downstairs, right?

After showering we just hung out until it was time for bed. We said goodnight and went to our rooms.

"Finish the song for me," Brian said. I combed my hair, "what song?"

Brian slowly laughed, "The one you were singing in the shower." My face turned super red, "You heard that?!"

I covered my mouth stopping myself from screaming. Brian laughed, "It's ok. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. You are dating a backstreet boy, remember?"

I let go of my mouth, "Right.."

Soon we got into bed and turn the lights off. I was getting some adrenaline since my sister was here. It was fun.

I turned my face to Brian. I couldn't see him, but I could feel him. "Brian..I like being in the dark with you."

"Oh yeah? Is it because your sister is here?" He whispered. I told him that was it.

Brian pulled me close to his body and I laid my head on his chest. I could hear his heart beating. It was beating for me.

I raised my head toward him to find his lips. "Shh kiss me quietly," he joked.

"Annie you smell good. Your skin is soft," he touched my arms.

I felt like a kid in a candy store.

I stopped kissing him remembering what I told him. "Why'd you'd stop?" He whispered.

"I promised I wouldn't go all..haywire on you, remember..?" I reminded him.

"Annie, I know I said that, but I'm a guy. And um maybe we should?" He quietly said.

"Wait..what?" I asked him in the dark.

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