Chapter 35

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"Are you ok Annie?" Nick asked me as he and the other guys led me to the car.

I nodded, "I think so." I tried to look back to see Brian, but the guys quickly told me to get inside the car.

"Let me see your arm," Madeline said.

I tired to keep my arm to myself, "I'm ok.. really." I had to lie so they wouldn't make a big deal about it. But I didn't care about the bruise. I cared about Nathan's actions. That surprised me.

How could he just grab me like that? Now his image shattered in my mind and heart. I saw him differently. How did he find me anyways? Did he watch me leave my house or something?

"Annie stop being stubborn. Let me see," Madeline tried to grab my jean jacket sleeve.

I pulled it away, "I said I'm fine!" I realize I was taking my anger out on Madeline rather than Nathan.

Madeline looked away and I knew she was hurt by me. I just sighed and sat there.

A few minutes later Brian returned. He didn't say anything when he got in the car. He just told the driver to take me and Madeline back to the hotel.

It was a quiet ride to the hotel. No one spoke nor tried to. When the driver pulled up to the front of the hotel it took some time for everyone to get out.

Madeline stormed away and went inside the hotel. I stood there unsure of what to do. "Um I think we will go back to the arena," Aj said slowly.

"Let's go Brian" Kevin tapped his arm but Brian hesitated. "Brian.." Nick tried to say.

"Thanks for everything. I should go see Madeline," I said. As I began making my way a hand grabbed my arm. I knew who grabbed my arm because they were being gentle. Brian.

"Wait..don't go. I'll catch up. You guys go," Brian told the other guys.

"Brian, let the girl get rest. You come get rest too," Kevin said.

"Please go. I promise I'll go back. The arena isn't far from here," Brian pointed toward where the arena was.

"Alright, but don't be too long," Nick advised.

The boys said bye to me and gave me a hug. It was nice to hug them.

Me and Brian watched the car drive away. We were left in the darkness since it was already night.

I walked over to the edge of the street curb and sat down. Soon Brian followed and sat next to me.

"Is your arm ok?" he asked me. But before I could say anything Brian touched my bruised arm. I flinched at his touch.

"It's ok I'm not going to hurt you," he softly said. He rolled up my sleeve and was examining it. I watched him as he carefully looked at it. He was so gentle and caring.

"Don't touch it. I will be back," he told me. He got up and when inside the hotel. I turned around to watch him. Through the glass doors I could see him talking to the front desk. 

I had to idea what he saying. Soon the person working at the front desk left. Brian looked at me through the doors. He smiled at me and I got butterflies in my stomach.

I waited for Brian to come back. When he did he came back with a small box.
"What's that?" I asked. "It's an emergency kit. The hotel always have a spare," he explained.

He opened it and took out some cream. "Ow!" I pulled away as he began to put it on my arm. "It's ok Annie. I'll try to be more gentle," he said grabbing my wrist this time.

He put some anti cream on my bruise. It felt nice since it hurt a little. "How are you so good at this?" I looked at him.

"Well, when you're the biggest boy band you learn to heal yourself," he began to take out a bandage.

He unwrapped the bandage and began to wrap it around my right arm. "There, that should do it," he tapped it softly. Then he kissed my arm and rolled down the sleeve.

He closed the box and put it on the edge. "So who was the blonde guy?" he asked me. I was hoping he wouldn't ask me that.

I put my hands in my pocket, "He's a friend from school."

"Nathan.. is it?" he extended his legs out.

" did you..?" I started to ask.

"He told me. Plus I've seen him before online. He's pretty popular. I'm surprise there wasn't cameras around. How did he find you?," he said.

"Cameras? What do you mean? And how did you see him online?" Um I'm not sure..," I was confused what Brian was telling me.

"Wait..don't tell me..oh this is gold," he chuckled.

"I have no idea what you're saying," I said.

"Of course you don't because he hasn't told you. I think you should ask him why he's so..popular" he emphasized popular.

"Why don't you just tell me?" I scooted more into the edge of the curb.

Brian put his legs up, "I don't think that's my place to tell you. When you see him again, ask him."

I had no clue what Nathan was keeping from me, but I intended to find out. I got up and smoothed out my skirt.

Brian looked up at me, "Where are you going?" He quickly got up.

I began to feel sleepy, "I'm tired Brian. I'm going to get rest. You should too."

"Wait Annie. I wanted to know what you think of us. Do-Do you love him? Nathan?" his hand reached out for my wrist.

I stopped in my tracks, "Love him? Why? What did he say to you?"

"He said he came to look for you because he loves you. Is he your boyfriend?" His stare burned into me.

I couldn't believe Nathan told him that, "I-no he's not my boyfriend. Look, Brian it's sort of late. And I don't think we should talk about this now."

"Why not? We both are here," he said.

"Brian please don't make this harder for me," I pulled my arm away. I began to walk away when Brian kept following me.

"Why Annie? Why don't you just tell me the truth?" he went by my side.

I didn't mean to, but I just blurted it out, "Because I am afraid , Brian! I'm scared I'll break your heart again. After all the love you gave me and I gave it back. That's why!"

As I walked inside the hotel I could feel my own heart breaking too.

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