Chapter 37

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It all happened so fast that it took me seconds to notice me and Brian were kissing. I had missed his lips on mine. They were soft and I didn't want to pull away this time.

Maybe it was that I was weak or that it was time to accept this. I put my arms around his neck. Brian took a hand off my face and turned the doorknob to the room.

He was then leading me into the bedroom. I walked backwards as he kept kissing me.

We laid on the bed as I ran my hair through his hair. This was our first kiss since our break up.

Then I remembered why I left him. I broke our kiss and pushed him off me. I sat on the edge of the bed. "What is it Annie?" Brian said calmly.

I looked at my hands, "I-we can't be together..."

Brian then sat next to me," because you're afraid?" I looked at him, "how..Madeline..." She had told him what I said to her.

"Don't be mad. She told me Annie. I know you're scared to be with me, but let's be scared together. What else can I say or do to make you see we are meant to be?" He touched my face.

I put my hand over his, "Remember when I left and..?" He cut me off, "Annie, I know what happened. Kevin told me. I know everything. The bullying, the new university, I know."

I scoffed, "Does no one keep secrets?"

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked.

"I was terrified I was interrupting your life. That maybe I would be too far if I went to college or that I would be a hassle," my voice cracked

He scooted closer to me, "That's not true. Remember when we would walk down the park and I told you I'd always love you? I meant it. I love you Annie."

He hugged me from behind and I laid the back of my head on his chest. It felt nice to be in his arms again. He kissed the top of my head. I was wrong after all. He really did love me.

He would do anything to get me back. I was a fool to push him away. I reached up to touch his face. I instead he got my hand and kissed it.

"So what do you say? Will you be mine again?" He said softly.

I sat up again, "Brian, we can't tell the world just yet if we do get back together. Only the guys can know. And we can't tell Madeline. She will blurt it out to everyone.."

"Don't worry the guys won't say anything. And, in case you're wondering, our crew is top notch. So they won't find out, but the fans are dedicated so I don't guarantee you anything," he explained.

I turned around and threw my arms around his neck. I kissed him letting him know he was mine again.

He hugged me, "Annie I'm glad you're with me. I have missed you. Now you have fixed me." That gave me butterflies.

We laid on the bed together catching up. Brian told me about touring and possibly a new single. "You know we will have to let everything know we are dating again, right?" Brian asked me.

I sighed, " I know. We can't keep this a secret forever. You're fans have a right to know, but right now let's just try to be discreet."

I told him about Madeline, university and my birthday. I didn't tell him about Nathan because he was long gone.

"I forgot your birthday," he snickered. I grabbed his hand, "It's ok Brian. You're forgiven."

He saw the bandage around my arm, "How's your arm?" I looked down, "I think it's a bit better."

He entwined his fingers with mine. His hand felt protective and I didn't want to let go. Ever.

I think we laid together all morning. "What time is it? I have to get going we are.." Brian stopped.

"What? We are what?" I got up.

"We are leaving to another city, but that doesn't mean you can come with me," Brian said.

I knew he had to tour, but I wanted to be with him longer. "I can't. I've only got a week here and then I have to go back," I bit my lip in anxiety.

"Come with me. I'll take you back home after your week of vacation," he got up and went to me. I didn't want us to be apart again.

"I don't know. And Madeline?" I asked.

"I'll arrange that. Leave it to me. Just come with me," he got closer to me. His hand grabbed my chin. He made me look at him. Then he gave me a small kiss.

"Ok, I'll go," I agreed. Brian got so happy he lifted me up and twirled me around. My heart was happy too.

Before leaving the hotel I grabbed any stuff I had, which wasn't that much. Brian called a cab for me and told them where to go. He advised we go separate ways just in case.

"I'll see you in a few," he said before kissing me again.

I left the hotel and got into the cab that was waiting. It took me behind the arena. I guess Brian told a bodyguard to wait for me because there was one there.

The bodyguard led me into another vehicle, but it was bigger. And the windows were tinted dark so that way no one could see you from the outside.

Soon the cab went to pick up the rest of the guys. "It's Annie!" They all yelled at once.

I waved, "yup it's me."

Aj finished what he was eating, "Are you and Brian back together?" Kevin made a disproval look at Aj.

"It's ok Kevin. We are, yes," I admitted. I told them what I had told Brian. To not tell a soul me and Brian were back together.

"And if you guys aren't careful and forget and go out in public? Then what?" Nick's voice turned dark.

Howie looked at Nick, " Let her be man. She's just giving us precautions." Howie was standing up for me. I think Nick was a bit not thrilled about me and Brian.

"I'm just saying. That's all," he said.

"Relax. We are all going to be careful. We won't make the same mistakes," Kevin directed that at me. I knew what he meant.

"So what city are you going to next?" I asked.

Aj laughed, "City? We aren't going to a city. We are going to Europe."

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