Happy Valentine's Day!

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This isn't an update, BUT I decided to treat you all to a Valentine's Day chapter involving Brian and Annie. I really do hope you all enjoy it ❤️❤️


"What are you and Brian going to do today?" Madeline asked me as she finished eating.

"What do you mean?"

She laughed, "Don't tell me you forgot.."

I looked at her cluelessly, "Forgot what?"

"Oh my gosh, Annie you did forget! Do you know what day today is?"

I raised an eyebrow, "..no?"

Madeline shook her head, "Today is Valentine's Day. Did you seriously forget?"

I hated how Madeline knew me too well. She always knew what I was hiding and what I wasn't.

"Annie? Please be honest," I heard her sincerity.

I sighed, "Alright fine. I didn't forget. I just don't want to do this whole.. Valentine's Day thing.."

"Why not? Are you and Brian over?" Madeline was always nosy.

"What? No, of course not. It's just that me and Brian have just started dating. That's all," I had lost my appetite.

"So? Maybe that will strengthen your relationship with him. What are you afraid of?"

"I know, but what if he takes me out and I see the fans. What if.." I didn't want to finish my words.

Madeline crossed her arms, "What about the fans? Annie, are you scared that they'll bully you? Is that it?"

Madeline had cracked what I was hiding. I just couldn't go out in public and have fans see us. What if they bullied me or maybe something worse?

"Annie? Is that it?" Madeline said meeting my gaze.

I nodded, "Yeah, that's it. I'm scared."

She patted my back, "Don't be. You'll see nothing bad is going to happen. Now let's finish up so you can go see him."


I told Madeline bye and headed toward my house. I noticed someone was standing there and my heart skipped a beat.

I gulped knowing it could be Brian.

As I got closer I saw his back. It was Brian after all.

"Annie you're back!" he said to me.

I smiled, "Here I am, but how did you find out where I live?"

He looked at my house and then at me, "Well I have my sources you know."

He got closer to me and I could smell his cologne. "Are you busy today?" he asked me.

I shook my head, "No, are-are you?"

"I'm never busy for you Annie. That's why I came. So we can go out and to be with you today," he reached out for my hand and held it.

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