Chapter 45

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"Will you marry me?" He was on one knee with a beautiful ring. I wasn't sure if I was ready to marry him. I still needed to finish college and make someone of myself. The future was coming and it was coming fast. "Well?" He asked.  "I-I.."

A hand shook me, "Annie what is it?" I opened my eyes to find Brian staring at me. I was making weird noises. I sat up, "I just had a nightmare, that's all."

Brian made me scoot next to him, "It's ok. I'm here." I laid my head on his chest and heard his heartbeat. He wasn't shirtless this time.

This was better than the hotel we were in. At least now we didn't have to hide our love.

I made our bed and got the day going. Brian said he knew how to make pancakes so he made that. He tried to show me, but I got lost. I kept thinking about the dream I had.

What this really what I wanted?

"Are you ok Annie? You seem..distant today," Brian said. "I'm fine," I wanted to tell him, but how?

We sat at the table and ate. "So when is your sister coming or your parents? I don't want be here days alone with you," he put a piece of pancake in his mouth.

I finished my sip of milk, "I'm not sure. My sister pops up randomly. And my parents..well I don't see them much.."

"How come? They live far..?" he asked. I shook my head, "No. They don't like coming to visit us. They think me and Mia are a disappointment.."  My heart sank...

"You aren't a disappointment, Annie. Don't think that," his face turned a bit red. 

I half smiled, "Thanks Brian."

After that brutal breakfast Brian cleaned up for me. I went to my room to find clothes. I saw my phone had a notification.

It was Madeline saying she wanted to hang out. I told her she could come over. I went to find Brian.

"Brian you don't want to see the guys today? Madeline is coming over..unless you want to stay," I explained.

Brian dried his hands, "Actually I was thinking of going grocery shopping and then going to see them."

I went over to him, "You're such a good boyfriend." I kissed his cheek.

"Why are you always kissing my cheek? We aren't crushes honey," his tone was hot and soft.

My back hit the counter and Brian kissed me. His lips were so soft. He kissed me slowly and passionate. Then his lips traveled to my neck. I felt his lips on my collarbone.

"How's that for a kiss?" he smirked. "Wow..I.." I didn't know what to say.

"I love you Annie. Kiss me like you mean it," he bopped my nose. He began walking away when I stopped him.

"Brian..wait," I said. He turned around and looked at me. And I went for it. I didn't show him the shy girl, but instead the risk taking girl.

I grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him to me. I kissed him with passion. I put an arm around him. I felt his hand go on my back.

"How's that for a kiss?" I said. Brian cleaned my bottom lip, "Now I know you truly love me." I hugged him and it felt nice.

Brian had left and moments later Madeline was knocking on my door. I went to open it and there she was.

"Hi Annie!" She said. She seemed different, like a good different.

"Hi to you," I said back.

We went into my bedroom and caught up. "Soo...does he sleep here?" She patted my bed. I scoffed, "Of course he does."

Madeline smirked, "Annndd?" I crossed my arms, "and what?" 

"Annie you know what. Did you know?" She said excitedly.  "No. Madeline we aren't rushing. Plus we just got back together?" I explained.

She looked out the door, "Where is he anyways?"

"He went grocery shopping and to see the other guys," I uncrossed my arms.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? I could've gone.." She whined. I rubbed my eyes, "Because I didn't know."

After all that rambling I told her what I wanted to get off my chest. "Madeline do you ever think about the future?" I tried to ask causally.

She laughed, "No Annie. I don't. I think of right now. Why?"

I shrugged, "No reason." She shifted her body towards me," Annie if you bring it up you now have to tell me."

"Ok...I had a dream that Brian asked me to marry him. I'm not sure if I'm ready for that yet.." I trailed off.

"Marriage? Annie if Brian loves you he'll wait. Don't you think?" she asked me.

"Maybe. But what if he doesn't? What if he leaves me because I won't marry him?" I sounded delusional.

Madeline shook her head, "Annie trust me he'll wait. I see how he looks out for you. How he loves you. I'm sure he will. Did you tell him?"

I stared at the door, "Not yet. No." Madeline came closer to me, "Tell him. How are you going to talk to him about your problems if you don't try?"

Madeline was right.

"Look Annie. When you finish college and you get there then talk about it. But right now enjoy your time with Brian. If you get married maybe he'll," she whispered the last word.

"Kids? Madeline not yet. I want to enjoy life with him for now. It might sound selfish, but I just want me and him right now," was I selfish?

"You're not. That's what I mean. Just enjoy what you guys have. And use protection!" She laughed.

I hit her arm, " I will when we get there."

It was nice talking to Madeline. I felt some weight off my shoulders. She really was the best friend ever.

Madeline kept bringing up that she wanted to see the other guys.

And I think I was ready to tell Brian everything. I need to confine in him. It was time.

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