Chapter 23: your actually having...

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Sophie's POV 

I woke up to lights blinding me. As my eyes adjusted to the light, I was surrounded by white walls. I look to my left and see the most amazing man and the father of my child. "Why are you here?" I asked Sonny. "You passed out at the court house today. Why do you think?" Sonny said. "How did I pass out?" I asked. "Low blood pressure due to the baby. But the baby is fine. Your 3 and a half months along" Sonny said grabbing my hand a smiling. "Really! 3 and 1/2 months along already!" I said smiling. Sonny nodded and said "we can find out the gender but I said let's wait until you wake up". I nod and said "we can find out only if you want to because I do". Sonny smiled at me and said "yeah. To be honest I want a mini you". "Same" I said. He sat on the edge of my bed, kissed me before laying next to me and I cuddled into him. 

Just then Amanda, Liv and Fin walked in. "Finally. You're awake" Amanda said as she came over and hugged me. "Yeah, I've been awake for ages. Apparently, I passed out due to low blood pressure" I said. "How far are you?" Liv asked. "3 and 1/2 months" I said putting my hand in my baby bump that's starting to show. "Already" Fin said. Me and Sonny nod and Amanda asks "do you know what you're having?" "Not yet but we're hoping that the doctor comes in so we can find out" I said. "What you both hoping for?" Fin asked. "A girl" me and Sonny said. Liv, Amanda and Fin nod.

Amanda's POV 

I've always wanted a niece and to hear Sophie and Sonny say girl is amazing. I just can't believe Sophie is 3 and 1/2 months along already. I thought she was only a month. I could see her baby bump kinda under her t-shirt. But, the baby is only going to grow inside. "If it is a girl, what are you going to call her?" Fin asks. "I have a name, don't know about Sonny" Sophie said looking at him. "I don't have one. What's yours Soph?" Sonny asked. "Millie-Jane Brooklyn" Sophie said. "I like it. What about her last name?" I asked. "We should hypenate her last name" Sonny said. We all nodded in agreement. "How does Rollins-Carisi sound for a girl and if it's a boy Carisi-Rollins" Sophie said. Me, Sonny and Liv nodded. "Any boy names?" Fin asked. Sophie shook her head but Sonny asked "what about Louie-James Cameron?" Sophie said "I like that". "We better get going. See you guys later" Liv said. "Bye guys" Sophie and Sonny said as we walked out

Sonny's POV 

Once Amanda, Fin and Liv walked out, the doctor came in. "Ah Sophie, you're awake. How are you feeling?" The doctor asked. "I'm good and I've been awake for a while" Sophie said. "Good, good. Are you ready to see your baby and do both of you want to a know the gender?" The doctor asked. We nodded and the doctor lifted Sophie's shirt and squirted the gel onto her stomach. The doctor moved the gel around her stomach and we got to see our baby. The doctor took all the measurements and said "I'll be right back". Me and Sophie looked at each other with worry. The doctor came back and said "I have good news. As I was doing the ultrasound, I noticed that your little bundle of joy wasn't alone". Me and Sophie looked at the doctor and Sophie said "do you mean..." before the doctor interrupted her "yes your actually having...

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