Chapter 20: I'm ...

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*couple of weeks later: Sophie's POV*

These last few weeks, I've been waking up feeling really ill. I go to work like normal everyday and sometimes I just throw up. I get to around midday and I'm perfectly fine. I have no clue what's causing it. 

I woke up this morning like I have every other day, feeling incredibly ill. But, I get my bottom out of bed and get ready for work. I take a look in the mirror and notice I'm really pale. I apply my make-up like normal. I can put my bedroom and Amanda was already up and making breakfast. "What's that smell?" I asked. "Scrambled egg and toast" Amanda said. The second she said that, I ran out the room and headed into the bathroom. I left the door open and threw up into the toilet. Amanda came in and held my hair back whilst she rubbed circles on my back. I finished throwing up, flushed the loo and washed my hands. "Sorry I don't know what that was" I said as I dried my mouth and hands. "Don't worry about it Soph. I'm sure it's nothing" Amanda reassured me. We headed back into the kitchen and I had a hard boiled egg sandwich for breakfast

Fin's POV 

I was walking up to work when Amanda and Sophie came in. "Mornin girls" I said. "Mornin Fin" Amanda said. "Good mornin Fin" Sophie said. Sophie looked kind of pale this morning but I didn't want to say anything so I let it slide. She's been pale the last few weeks but I didn't want to say anything. We got upstairs and headed to our desks. Liv was already here and in her office with Barba. Carisi wasn't here yet which is unusual as he's normally here not long after Liv. Amanda and Sophie got on with some paper work like I did. 15 minutes later and Carisi finally showed up. "Hey Carisi" I said to him as he sat down. "Morning Fin" he said to me. "Hey girls" he said to Amanda and Sophie. "Hey Carisi" they said at the same time. 

*around lunch time: no-one's pov*

At lunch, Amanda came with food for everyone. She got what they exactly they wanted. A tuna sub with a water  for Sophie, tuna lasagna with a orange juice for Carisi, a ham salad with frozen coffee for Liv, a jacket potato with cheese and tuna with a coke for Fin and a tuna salad with an apple juice for herself. As everyone was eating their lunch, Sophie's stomach started to feel like it was spitting her lunch back up. So, she got up and ran to the bathroom. Carisi and Fin looked at each other before looking at Amanda and Fin asked "what's up with her?" Amanda shrugged her shoulders before running after Sophie. 

She got to the bathroom and heard the sound of vomiting. Amanda opened the door to find Sophie with her head in the toilet. Amanda grabbed Sophie's hair and head it back for her and rubbed her back in circles. Liv then came in and asked "what's up in here?" Liv looked saw Amanda holding Sophie's hair back as she continued to be sick. "Sophie's throwing up again. She was this morning at home as I was making breakfast". Liv nodded and asked "Soph, are you possibly late?" Sophie finished throwing up and she whipped her mouth before replying to Liv's question "yeah. 3 weeks why?" Amanda then asked "are you possibly you know?" Sophie froze for a second with tears in her eyes. She shook her head and said "I'm not ready to be a mom yet". Amanda pulled her into a hug and Liv said "Sophie, you're more than ready. I've seen how you are with young victims boy or girl. You're so ready". Sophie just cried into Amanda's shoulder who rubbed her back to calm her down. "We're going to get you a test just to be sure" Amanda. Sophie nodded and they pulled apart. Amanda whipped Sophie's tears and Sophie gathered herself before going back into the squad room

*Later that night: Sophie's POV*

I was at home waiting for Amanda to get back with a million thoughts running through my head. I just didn't know what to think at the point. Then, Amanda came in the front door with a bag in her hand. She handed it to me and I headed into the bathroom. Before I shut the door, Amanda called my name. I turned around and she said "when you come out, I'll be right here". I nodded and shut the door. 

I took out what was inside the bag and took it. After 3 minutes, my timer went off. I look at it and it came back with the result. I opened the door and shown Amanda the result. "What am I going to do?" I asked. "You'll be fine. Tell Carisi and work it out from there" Amanda said back to me. "But I can't be...

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