Chapter 6: Harvey's turn

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Sophie's POV 

"But Harvey hasn't had his turn yet" Jake said before walking out and letting the door slam shut.

"Soph" Amanda said. I looked at her face and she had a bust lip, a black eye but at least her cheeks were red. "I'm okay Manda" I said but wasn't sure. My chest was on fire and blood kept getting into my eye and mouth. But, I know I'm better than she is. "Yeah I'm sure you are" she said through her bust lips. It must be hard to talk. "You look like hell sis" I said and she laughed a little. "Don't look too bad yourself" she said back to mean. Amanda must have lipped something to me but I couldn't read her lips. 

Then, the sound of the door slamming open was heard and Harvey stormed in and came over to me. He leans to my right ear and whispers something but I didn't hear. He looks at me proudly but I'm just confused. "Did you hear me?" He asked. I shook my head. He looks at my right ear and smirks. He takes a wooden board and wacks me over the head with it. Now, all I hear is distant ringing. 

"What about now?" He says and it's sounds much clearer now. I just glare and him and he laughs. "I'll take your stubborn silence as a yes" he says and the ringing is louder. So loud that I flinch. "Oh well" he said then walked behind me. Amanda's starts panicking and shakes her head. I didn't know what she was shaking her head at until I felt something come in contact with my skin. Something is injected and as I scream it's pulled out. He injects stuff into my wounds and some into my arm. 

I fall unconscious to Amanda screaming at Harvey.

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