Chapter 44: James has escaped pt. 1

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Time jump to October: Sophie's POV

It was a boring day at SVU. I was then suddenly called into Liv's office with Sonny. We looked at each other with concern. We walked inside. "Shut the door" Liv said which isn't a good sign. I shut the door and asked "what's up Liv?" "I have bad news. James Campbell has escaped rom Stateville" Liv said. I then filled with panic. I sat down and Sonny asked "what?!" "He sent this for Sophie" Liv said as she handed me an envelope. I opened it and immediately gave it to Sonny.

It read:

'My dearest Sophie, how are you? I hope your good? I definitely am. If you haven't heard, I've escaped Stateville and I'm coming for you and your family. I'm taking Christie-Mae and MY grandson along with your other daughters. James x

Sonny handed the letter to Liv and he sat next to me and pulled me into a side hug. "I'm scared" I cried. "I know. It'll be okay. I promise. I'll look after you, the girls, chase and Louie" Sonny said. I nodded and cried into his shoulder. Liv sat the other side of my and grabbed my hand. "It's going to be okay Soph" Liv said. I nodded and whipped my tears before regathering my posture and walking out Liv's office.

Sonny's POV

I can see the fear in Sophie's face. Fin came up to me in the break room and asked "is Sophie okay?" "No. James has escaped. She really scared" I said. "Geez. Where the kids?" Fin asked. "Helens house" I said. "Who's Helen?" Fin asked. "Chase's aunt" I said. "Okay. So James doesn't know Helen" Fin said. "Yeah. It's safe for them there" I said. "Okay" Fin said as we walked out.

General POV

The team continued to do the case. As they were looking into the victim, Sophie's desk phone rang. "Rollins-Carisi" she answered. "Sophie. You recognize this voice?" Sophie heard James say. Sophie filled with panic. "Babe, everything good?" Sonny asked. "What do you want?" Sophie asked down the phone. Amanda, Fin and Liv were stood around Sophie's desk. "Well, thats the thing. I'm not telling you" James said and hung up. Tears fell from Sophie's eyes. "You good?" Sonny asked as he leaned down and hugged her. "No. It was James" Sophie cried.

*That Night*

That night, everyone headed home. It was just Sonny and Sophie at their place as they wanted their kids to be safe since James is on the loose. They were cuddled up on the couch watching a movie. Sophie's eyes were getting heavy. Slowly, she fell asleep. Sonny felt her getting heavy against him. He looked down and saw her asleep. He shut the telly off, picked Sophie up and headed upstairs to bed. 

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