Chapter 51 - School shooting pt. 1

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A/n - before I start Kat is already in this. 

Amanda's POV

3 months later and Sophie had reached the end of her first trimester. We were working a gang rape. "Okay, so the victim, Sara, said that she was walking back to her dorm after a frat party at another friends dorm. She said that she got to her door, unlocked it and was forced inside by 3 other student and 3 were inside. One knocked her out with chloroform then they raped her" Sophie said. "Okay, did anyone see anything? Are there any CCTV cameras?" Liv asked. "Nobody claims they saw anything but I am checking CCTV and people were in the hallway the second the screams started so they saw the three other students force her inside" I said. "Okay, Kat, Fin go talk to them" Liv said.

Whilst Fin and Kat were out, we continued to look into Sara's phone contacts to see if she planned it. "Guys just got a call school shooting" Liv said running out her office. "Why is it Special Victims?" Sonny asked. "It's Manhattan High" Liv said. "That's Christie-Mae's school" Sophie said. "Call Fin and Kat. Tell them to meet us there" Liv said as we all ran out.

General POV

As the rest of the team got to the school, Fin and Kat were already there. They all approached the hostage negotiator. "Are two of you Sophie Rollins-Carisi and Sonny Carisi?" he asked. "That's us" Sonny said. "Line 1" he said looking at them. They walk over to the phone and put it on speaker.

GM = gunman Son = Sonny Soph = Sophie

Son = Hello

GM = ah perfect, the people I was looking for

Soph = What do you want?

GM = you both in here. I have someone you both care very much about

Son = Don't hurt our daughter

GM = I won't. Just get the camera's away from the window and I want you both in here

Soph = I don't think we can come in

GM = You both don't come in. I'll shoot your daughter.

Son = Okay, we'll see what we can do.

GM = Good.

The gunman hangs up. "What are we going do? If we don't go in there, he'll shoot Christie-Mae" Sophie said. "The only way to get the hostages out without them getting hurt is for you guys to go in" the hostage negotiator said. "You're going to put two of your own in. One being pregnant" Liv said shocked. "It's the only choice we have" the negotiator said. "There's more than one option" Fin said. "I know" the negotiator said. "Then pick a different option" Amanda said. "Guys, this isn't helping. We all know that we need to get the hostages out alive. Even if that means me and Soph go inside" Sonny said. "And risk losing your baby. Not happening" Kat said. "Just let us do it. We'll be risking our lives plus the baby's life to save so many. Plus, it will make the baby a life saver and we can tell them that they saved their sisters life when they were a baby" Sophie said. "Okay. But, put your vests on" Liv said.

Sophie and Sonny put their vests on and headed inside. Sonny could tell Sophie was nervous. He grabbed her hand a squeezed it. "It'll be okay" he reassured her. "Hope so. What if we lose the baby after this though?" Sophie asked. "We won't. As long as we get everyone out, we'll be okay" Sonny said. Sophie nodded.

Sophie's POV

Me and Sonny got the Christie-Mae's current class. I knocked on the door. "Who is it?" the gunman asked. "Sophie Rollins-Carisi and Sonny Carisi" I said. "You armed?" he asked. "No" I said. "Vests off and come in" he said. Me and Sonny looked at each other and took our vests off. "Okay our vests are off. Could you let us inside?" Sonny asked. The door unlocked and opened. We held our hands up and walked inside. We looked around the class and there weren't many here. "Over there and sit" he said. "Okay okay. You're in charge" Sonny said as we sat down. "I know. The cameras gone?" the gunman asked. "Yes" I said. "Good" he said. "We'll cut you a deal. Let the kids go and you can keep us" Sonny said. "How do I know you both aren't tricking me?" he asked. "We're not. You don't want to hurt these kids and we don't want that. You didn't want to do this" I said. "Okay, the kids can go but you two stay" he said.

He pointed his gun at me and Sonny. The kids all got up and slowly made their way to the door before running out the building. "Good, now its just us and we can talk" I said.

Kat's POV

Me and the rest of the team were stood outside. We watched as the door opened and the hostages ran out. They ran away from the building. Christie and a few of her friends ran to us. I pulled Christie-Mae into a hug. "You okay?" I asked her. "Yeah but mom and dad are still in there without their vests on. He made them take them off before coming inside" Christie-Mae says. I can hear the fear in her voice and she's shaking in my arms. I hug her again and she begins to cry. "It's okay. They'll be fine" I reassure her.

Then, I see Chase run over. "Christie" he says. We pull and Chase runs over and hugs her. "You okay?" he asked. "Yeah but my mom and dad are still inside. They haven't got their vests on. My mom should as she's pregnant" Christie cried. Chase hugged her again and she cried on his shoulder.

General POV

Inside, Sophie and Sonny were trying talk the gunman from shooting them. "Come hand us the gun and we can get out alive" Sophie said with gun still pointed at her and Sonny. "I didn't want to do this. I don't want to go to prison" he said. "I know. Just hand us the gun and we can walk out" Sonny said. The gunman started lowering the gun. Sophie and Sonny started standing up. "I didn't say standup" he said pointing the gun back at them. They immediately sat back down. "Look, give us the gun. Surrender. No kids got hurt. If you give us the gun, we won't get hurt and you won't" Sonny said.

As Sonny continued to talk to the gunman, he began to get annoyed. "Shut up, just shut" he said. "Not until you give us the gun" Sonny said. "You want me to shoot you?" the gunman asked. "No. Just stop okay. We all know we do want to get out of here. But you two arguing isn't helping anything" Sophie said. "Blondies right" the gunman said. "Okay" Sonny said.

Outside, everyone was waiting for Sophie and Sonny to bring the gunman out. "How long does this take?" Kat asked. "As long as it needs to. They'll be talking to him" Liv said. Then, a bang went off. Everyone began to panic. The team ran towards the building guns pulled out and SWAT behind them.

In the classroom, the gunman is stood in shock with the gun still in his hand. Sonny is on the floor with his hands-on Sophie's chest and her hand on top of his. "I didn't mean to shoot her. I was resilient about letting go" the gunman said. "You will be arrested for shooting a cop" Sonny said still looking at Sophie and putting pressure on her wound.

The door flies open. SWAT come in and disarm the gunman. They take him out. The rest of the team aren't inside yet. Sophie's eyes begin to shut. "Hey, angel. Are you able to keep those Atlanta blue eyes open for me?" Sonny asked as he put more pressure on Sophie's wound. His hands becoming stained in her blood. The team come in to Sophie lying on the floor struggling to keep her eyes open and Sonny putting pressure on her gunshot wound. "Squad 10-1, I need a bus to Manhattan High. I have an officer shot. And tell that Bus to move its ass and get here fast" Liv radioed.

Amanda and Mike ran over and leaned down the other side of Sonny. Mike took his jacket off and handed it to Sonny. He put it on Sophie's wound. She was in and out of consciousness. "Where's that damn bus?" Sonny asked. "10 minutes out" a beat cop said. "Screw this" Sonny said. He picked Sophie up and ran out.

Amanda's POV

Me, Mike and the others ran out the school. Once we were out the building, we went straight for Fin's car. "Mom!" Christie-Mae shouted running over with Chase. I grabbed her and she asked, "What happened?" "The gunman claims he didn't mean to shoot your mom" I said. "Wait what?!" Chase asked. I could see Christie-Mae starting to cry. "She was shot in the chest; the ambulance was 10 minutes out and she's in and out of consciousness" I say as we watch Fin drive off. "Come on, I'll drive you guys home and we'll stay. You guys have a son to look after and your little sisters aswell, Christie" I said. I felt Christie nod against me and we head for my car.

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