Chapter 48: Sophie's Safe

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Amanda's POV

It's been 1 month since the team found me. They still haven't found Sophie yet. I'm wondering what they are doing to her. Maybe she's getting worse than she was when we both were going through it. I was still in hospital. Jesse was now 9-month-old. I really want the team to find Sophie and make sure she's safe and with us again.

Sophie's POV

He was forcing himself inside me. Harder and harder each time. I was crying as it hurt so much. I didn't want to continue this. "That's it baby. Cry like the wuss you are" the guy who was raping me said. After a long and painful hour of none stop rape, the guy was finally done. He threw the cash at me and said, "see you soon beautiful". I got up and stumbled out. "Did you enjoy that angel?" Josh asked. I didn't say anything. He slapped me and shouted, "Answer me!" "No!" I shouted back. He slapped me harder and said, "you know what bad girls get" and dragged me to the bedroom.

He threw me onto the bed. I heard him undo his belt and unzip his pants. Then, he shoved himself inside me and raped me. He raped me over and over. I was just prayed that the team would find me soon. He raped me for an hour and a half.

Liv's POV

Me and the rest of the team tried to find Sophie. Mike decided to be here than be with Amanda even though in my opinion he should be. "Okay guys, it has been 2 months since Sophie disappeared. Please tell me we're close" I said. "Okay, we have tracked every call that Sophie has made to us. The last place she was at was where we found Amanda" Fin said. "Okay, so we wait for her to call" I said. "What! We wait. She might not call" Sonny said. "Carisi, I knew you want Sophie safe. We all do but you can't start shouting. You're letting your emotions get in the way of this case" I said. Sonny took a deep breathe and said "I'm sorry Liv, It's just been 2 months since we all last saw her" Sonny said. "Okay. I get it. You want her safe. We all do. But you can't let your emotions get in the way of this case" I said. Sonny nods and we continue this case.

General POV

The team continued to try and find Sophie before it's too late. As they continued to look for her, Sonny's phone rang. He pulled it out and looked at the caller ID 'Sophie❤'. "Hey guys, She's calling" Sonny said. The team gathered round the table and he answered

C= Sonny R= Sophie

C= Sophie, are you okay?

R= I'm... I'm not okay Dom

C= Listen, stay strong. As we speak, we're tracking your phone

R= I took my phone so I could call you. I want this to be over

Sonny heard Sophie crying on the other end of the line

C= It will be. We'll come get you and make sure your safe.

R= Just hur...

Man= Hey what are you doing

R= Nothing

Man= give me that

Then the line cut out

Sonny's POV

"Please tell me you got the location?" I asked. "Yeah. Let's go before they move her" Liv said and we all ran out. I got in with Nick and Mike. "I'm sure she's fine" Nick said. "I hope so. You heard her crying on the other end of the line. That's how scared she is" I said. "Listen. We're about to finish what was started 2 months ago. The second we get Sophie back it's over" Mike said. "Yeah, plus she's went through so much since she started here. Before you joined Mike and before you, Nick, came back they were kidnapped. We had to get CPD up here to help as we were seriously short staffed. Amanda was fine but Sophie, she had a head injury which landed her in a coma" I said as we pulled up.

We walked over and met Liv. "Okay, one of our own is in here. The suspect has held her for 2 months now. Today is the day we get her back" Liv said. We nodded and headed inside. Me and Liv went round back. "Suspect isn't upstairs or downstairs" we heard Fin radio. "The car isn't here. Means he's gone out" I said. "Entering basement now" Liv said. "You go in. I'll stay on watch" she then added. I nodded and opened the door. I walked inside and searched around. My eyes caught the site of a woman. Hands chained above her head and her head hanging down. I rushed over and brushed the hair out her face. I immediately recognized it was Sophie. I got her down and she collapsed to the ground. I picked her up and held her in my arms. "Your okay Soph. Your okay" I said rocking her back and forth.

Then I heard "Sonny?" I looked at Sophie and she had her eyes open and she was looking at me. "hey babe. I've got you" I said. "I love you" Sophie said. "I love you too" I responded. Then, her eyes closed and her head dropped to the side. "hey angel. Keep those gorgeous Georgia blue eyes open for me" I said. "Uh Sonny" I heard Liv say. I looked at her and she had a gun pointed to the back of her head. "Step away from my girl" I heard a deep male voice say from behind her. I gently placed Sophie against the wall. She reached out for me. "It's going to be okay. We'll get you out" I said leaning down and brushing her hair out of her face. "Cuff him" the man ordered Liv. Liv took her cuffs and whispered to me "sorry". I whispered back "It's okay. We need to beat him and get Soph out of here". Liv nodded and cuffed me to the bed.

General POV

Liv and Sonny had eventually got the guy to confess. Liv used Sonny's cuffs to hand cuff him. She ran over to Carisi and uncuffed him. He got up and ran over to Sophie. He checked her pulse and it was faint but there. "Liv, we need to go now" Sonny said picking Sophie up. He ran out with Sophie in his arms and Liv behind him. Two cops entered to basement along with CSU. "How is she?" Fin asked. "Barley hanging on" Liv said. Sonny layed Sophie on the gurney and the paramedics put her into the ambulance. Sonny hopped in back and the ambulance was on the way to the hospital.

Soon, they arrived at Mercy General. The paramedics wheeled Sophie inside. "NYPD in the house!" Rachel shouted. "Sophie Rollins, 30. Found in basement chained to the wall. BP is 60/30. Pulse is weak and tacky" one paramedic said. "Sonny did you find her?" Rachel asked. "Yeah. She passed out in my arms. She must have lost consciousness after that" Sonny said. "Okay. We're going to take very good care of her" Rachel said. "Okay. Just save my girl" Sonny said. Rachel nodded and took Sophie into an examining room. He walked into the waiting room where the team were. "They just put her into an examining room. Rachel's her doctor" Sonny said. "I'll watch the kids tonight. You stay here with Soph" Nick offered. "Thanks Amaro" Sonny said. "No problem" Nick said.

Sonny's POV

An hour or so later, Rachel came out. "Guys" she said. We all walked over to her. "How is she?" I asked. "She's a survivor. She fought everyday to stay alive. She is seriously dehydrated, seriously malnourished and anemic. Another day or two and she might not have made it. 2 months of torture and hell she is seriously lucky to be alive. She lost consciousness as the last 2 months have finally taken their toll on her" Rachel said. "Okay. Can I see her?" I asked. "Yeah. Only you though Sonny" Rachel said. "We'll swing by tomorrow when we come see Amanda" Fin said. "Okay. Oh and Nick, thanks for watching the kids" I said. "No problem. Now go and be with your wife" Nick said. I followed Rachel to Sophie's room in the Intensive Care Unit. It was the same as Amanda's room. But she had a small oxygen tube around her mouth. She had one tube for water and one tube for food but it was labeled glucose. I sat beside her grabbed her hand and fell asleep.

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