Chapter 45: aftermath of the attack pt. 2

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Amanda's POV

The next morning, it was just me and Sonny. Fin headed home; Liv had Noah all day as Lucy had to cancel. Mike and Chief Dodds had work issues to deal with and Barba had a full day in court. "Maybe Fin is right. Maybe Sophie isn't going to be the same bubbly, energetic person we love" I said. "That's a possibility. But this is Sophie we're talking about. She might not change. She might still be the same" Sonny said. "Maybe" I sadly said. Then, we hear the sound of moaning. "Mhhh" I heard. I looked at Sonny and he looked back at me. He got up out his seat as he knew Sophie was waking up. "Beautiful, could you open those gorgeous blue eyes for me?" Sonny asked as he brushed Sophie's hair out of her face. I stood behind him ready for when she woke up.

A few minutes later, Sophie slowly opened her eyes. "hey" she said groggily. "Hi" Sonny said. "Hey baby sis" I said. Both me and Dominick grabbed Sophie's hand. "How you feeling?" I asked. "Sore" Sophie said. "Do you remember what happened?" Sonny asked. "James attacked me at home" Sophie said. "Yeah, you had some internal bleeding. That would explain why you were coughing up blood" Sonny said. "Uhhh" Sophie said. "You're in pain, aren't you Soph?" I asked. "Yeah" Sophie said as she began to cry. "I'll get a nurse" Amanda said.

General POV

Amanda walked out the room and got a nurse. "Hi Sophie, Amanda tells me you're in pain" the nurse said. "Yeah. Make it stop" Sophie cried. "Okay, I'll increase your pain medication" the nurse said. Sophie nods and the nurse increases her pain meds. "Ill text Liv" Amanda said. "Okay" Sonny said.

To: Olivia Benson From: Amanda Rollins

Hey Liv, just giving u an update. Soph is awake but in a lot of pain. Her pain medication just got increased. The nurse told me that she's on bed rest until she's fully recovered. Manda

To: Amanda Rollins From: Olivia Benson

Hey Manda, happy that Soph's awake. Upsetting to know she's in a lot of pain. I would have put her on desk duty once she was back but no point now. I might come see her l8r. Liv

Barba's POV

I got the message of Liv saying Sophie is awake but in a heck of a lot of pain. Poor girl. I've decided not to go see her just yet as I'm super busy. Then, there was a knock at my door. I signaled for whoever it was to come in. "Uncle Raf" I hear a little voice say. I looked up and saw Liv and Noah. "Hey guys" I said. "Hey, you been to see Soph yet?" Liv asked. "No, I'm going later" I said. "About that, she's just gone back into surgery, apparently one of her broken ribs was causing her the pain. They've took her in to remove it or place something to stop the pain. Plus, she had more internal bleeding" Liv said. "Geez. Amanda and Carisi still there?" I asked. "Yeah, but it's just them" Liv said. I nod and me, Liv and Noah chatted and played for a bit. 

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