Chapter 27: taking Millie-Jane and Leigh-Anne home

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*a week later: Sophie's POV*

It's been a week since Millie and Leigh-Anne have been born. Sonny started looking into a bigger place for me, him and the 4 girls. He found a nice 7 bedroom house with a swimming pool, large living room, a dining room, a big kitchen, a nursery, a big backyard, a garage for 2 cars, a big front yard, a master bedroom, 5 other rooms. We'd only need 3 bedrooms as Christie and Leigh-Anna are sharing a room and Millie and Leigh-Anne would share a room. So we'd have 4 spare rooms which we can turn into guest rooms. I said to Dominick that we'll take a look over the weekend with the kids. He agreed and said that it's a really nice place and not far from work which will be good.

Sonny's POV 

I can't wait to look at the place with Sophie. She is being discharged from the hospital today and everyone else is busy so I'm picking her up. I walk up to her room where she is finishing packing hers and Millie's and Leigh-Anne's things. They're in the car seats asleep. "Hey, you ready?" I asked. "Yeah. Were's Christie and Leigh-Anna?" Sophie asks. "With Bethany. They stayed there last night as I was working late". "Okay. Are we picking them up?" Sophie asked. I nodded and said "and we're going to look at the house". Sophie smiled and she kissed me and I kissed her back. "I love you Sophie Rollins" I said as we pulled. "I love you too Sonny Carisi" Sophie said. I helped Sophie finish getting ready and I pick up Leigh-Anne's car seat and Sophies picks up Millie's. We head out and get into the car.

Christie's POV

Me and Leigh-Anna have been at Bethany's since last night. Only because my mom was still in hospital and Sonny was doing a late night shift. We were watching Ellen DeGeneres when there was a knock at the door. Bethany answered any it was Sonny and my mom with my sisters. "Hey mom" I said as I got up and gave her a hug. Leigh-Anna gave Sonny a hug then we swapped. "Thank you for watching them Bethany" my mom said. "No problem" Bethany said. We said good bye and headed out.

Sophie's POV 

We went straight to the house that Sonny looked at. We pulled up in the drive way and it was in a nice neighborhood. There was a park just down the road and a kindergarten and a high school right near us. The park would be perfect for the kids. We get out the car and head inside. Sonny shows us around. Christie-Mae and Leigh-Anna looked and they joined me and Sonny. "What do you girls think?" Sonny asked. "It's amazing. The garden has so much space" I said. "It's amazing. So much room" Christie said. "I love it" Leigh-Anna simply said. "So, should we get it?" Sonny asked. "Yes" Me, Christie and Leigh-Anna said at the same time. Everyone laughed and the estate agent came in. "So?" The estate agent asked. "Well take it" Sonny said. They signed the papers and the agent said "okay, you'll be able to move in hopefully next week". We nodded and shake the estate agents hand.

Sonny's POV 

I was sat at home watching House m.d. when my phone buzzed. 'Hey, on our way over. Hope ur not busy. Amanda' read the text off Sophie. 'Heya, no we're not busy. See u soon. Carisi'  replied. I put my phone down and continued to watch TV. A little later, the was a knock at my door. "Christie, babe. Could you answer the door?!" Sophie shoutingly asked as we are changing the twins. "Hey Soph. Hey Sonny!" We heard Amanda shout. We finished getting the twins ready and walked out. I was holding Leigh-Anne and Sophie was holding Millie-Jane. "Hey Manda. You alright?" I asked with a sleeping Leigh-Anne in my arms. "Yeah" Amanda said. "How was work?" Sophie asked. "Stressful. It was just paperwork today" Amanda said. "Glad all mines done then" I said. "Yeah. Plus your on 6 month maternity leave" Amanda said. "Anyway, can we tell you something but you have to promise not to tell Fin, Barba or Liv" Sophie said. "Sure" Amanda said. "Okay, well. We've got a bigger place. This place won't fit all 6 of us. So there this 7 bedroom apartment which we've bought and it's perfect" I said. "That's amazing. I'm so happy that you guys found a place" Amanda said. "Thanks Amanda. The estate agent said we should be moved in next week" Sophie said as she put Millie-Jane down. I shown her some pictures and she said that it was a beautiful place. 

Few hours later, Amanda headed home and the kids were in bed. Me and Sophie were snuggled up on the couch watching TV. As we're watching TV, Sophie leans up and kisses my cheek. "I love you so much Sonny" she says. "I love you too Sophie" I say looking down at her. She leans up and kisses me. We pull and continue to watch TV until we fall asleep. 

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