Chapter 31: Chicago Med

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No-one's POV

The ambulance pulled up in the amulance bay. The paramedics wheeled Sophie inside and Dr. Bekker took her into treatment room 3. Carisi went to the waiting room and sat down. Amanda, Liv, Fin and a few others came in. "Carisi" Fin said. Amanda walked over and hugged him. He hugged her back. "How is she?" Brooklyn asked. "Don't know anything yet" Sonny said. "I'll go see" Will said. "I'm coming" Brooklyn said. Will and Brooklyn headed inside the ED. "I'm sure she's fine" Fin reassured Carisi. "I hope your right" Dominick said. "Carisi, its Sophie. She can get through anything" Amanda says. "true" Sonny said. 

Fin's POV

It feels like we've been waiting forever. Harley, Heather, Taylor, Mikayla and Brooklyn are watching the kids. I kinda feel sorry for Jay and Will having 5 sisters and them being the only brothers. But, that's what makes all 7 Halstead siblings close. It feels like we've been waiting forever on news. Then, Dr. Bekker came out. She could tell we were here for Sophie so she came over. "Guys" Ava said. "How's Soph?" Amanda asked. "She's going to be fine. We're keeping her in for a day or two as a percaution. If she doesn't have one while she's here then she can leave but if she does then we'll keep her in for a few more days" Ava said. "Okay. Can we see her?" Liv asks. "Yeah but only 2 can" Ava says. "Amanda, Sonny you two go. She'd want us all there but it would be better if it's you two first" I say. They nod and Ava takes them to Sophie's room. "I'll go pick the kids up from the Halstead girls place" Liv says. "Okay. I'll watch the twins tonight then we can swap tomorrow" I say. Liv nods and we walk out.

Sophie's POV

I wake up to bright lights. Brighter than the one at Mercy in New York. I blink so my eyes can adjust to the light. I look to my side and Amanda and Sonny are sleeping peacefully. They must have not slept since I came in. I know that I'm at Chicago Med because it's a hospital that I've never been to before. My head is killing me but other than that I feel fine. I then remember how I ended up here. "Your awake?" I hear a voice ask. I look and Amanda is awake. "Yeah. I have been for a while" I respond. I move along and she lays next to me and I cuddle in. "Do you remember how you ended up here?" Amanda asks as she plays with my hair. "Yeah. I had a fit at Molly's" I say. "Yeah. You did" Amanda says. "Kinda feel stupid that it happened infront a lot of our friends" I say. "Don't. You can't predict when one is going to happen" Amanda responds. "True" I said looking up at her. She looked at me and we hugged before falling back to sleep.

Sonny's POV: The next day

The next morning, I wake up. I look towards Sophie's bed where she and Amanda are still asleep. I smile at the fact that they are so close which is good as I was never close with my sisters. Then, I see Amanda waking up. "Morning" I say. "Hi. How long have you been up?" she asks quietly as Sophie is still sleeping. "Not long. Did you wake up late last night?" I ask. "Yeah. Sophie woke up during the night and she let me lay next to her and we cuddled up" Amanda says. "Okay. What time wouldd you say she woke up?" I asked Amanda. "About 5 minutes before me" she responds. "Alright. You want to go grab breakfast?" I ask. "Sure. What would you like?" Amanda asks back. "Anything that's breakfast related" I sarcastically respond. Amanda laughs and nods before walking out. 

Just as she walks out, Sophie begins to stir. I sit next to her and grab her hand. She cuddles into my side and opens her eyes. "Morning lazy head" I say. "Morning babe" she says. I kiss the top of her head and she says "Amanda gone to get breakfast". "Yeah" I respond. She looks up at me and kisses me and I kiss her back. "I love you" I say after we pull. "I love you too" Sophie says back. Then, Fin walks in. "Hey baby girl, how you doing?" he asks Sophie. "I'm alright. Where's Liv?" Sophie responds then asks back. "She's a the hotel with the kids" Fin says still in the chair next to Sophie's bed. "Okay. They'll be nagging her to let them come see me I bet" Sophie said. "Yeah. She's took them to the pool to shut them up" Fin said. All 3 of us burst out laughing.

Sophie's POV

Me, Carisi and Fin were chatting when Amanda comes back with food. "I come baring food better than the disgusting stuff here" she walks in saying. We all laugh. "Did you get me.." I start before being interupted. "A tuna melt panini, yes" Amanda finishes. "You know me too well" I say. "Didn't know you were coming Fin that's why I haven't got you anything" Amanda says. "It's okay. I had breakfast at the hotel before coming here" Fin responds. "Okay" Amanda says. Me, Amanda and Sonny eat our breakfast and once we finish, Dr. Bekker comes into my room. "Morning Sophie, how are you doing?" Ava asks. "I'm alright. How long until I can leave?" I ask back. "Soon, were monitoring you closely but everything looks good so far" Ava says. "I just want to get out and be with my girls" I say. "And soon you will be" Ava said. She walks back and I lay be in fustration. "I hate hospitals" I say. "Think everyone does" Fin says. Me,Sonny and Amanda laugh. 

*Later that night: Liv's POV*

Fin came back to the hotel and took the girls to his room. The twins were already asleep and Christie and Leigh-Anna were up but Leigh-Anna was really tired. I head to Med where Sophie, Amanda and Carisi are (still). I walk closer to Sophie's room and hear another voice. "So, you have a thing for Rosie's and Gabby's brother, Antonio?" I hear Sophie ask. "Yeah. I mean he has everything I want in a guy, intelliegence, good looks. The package" I hear a voice say. I walk in and see Wallace Boden's daughter Elessya. "Hey guys" I say walking in. "Hey Liv. I don't know if you've met Cheif Boden's daughter, Elessya" Sophie says. "No I haven't met her. It's a pleasure" I say shaking Elessya hand. "same and I also go by Essa or Mini Boden" Elessya says. "Okay" I respond. We chat for a few hours. Elessya heads home and me and Amanda head back to the hotel. We go to our rooms and go to bed.

*The next morning: Fin's POV*

I get up the next morning and put my swim shorts and a t-shirt on. I go to the restaurant where Liv and Amanda are there with the kids. "Morning guys" I say joining them. "Morning" Liv says. "Morning uncle Fin" Christie-Mae says. "Morning" I respond. We all have breakfast before going to the pool. I ask "When is Soph out the hospital?" "Natalie, Will and Brooklyn hope today" Amanda says. "Hope so. It's weird without her energetic energy" I say. "It definitely is" Liv says. 

I take my shirt off and Liv, Amanda, Chrsitie and Leigh-Anna take their shirts and shorts off. I help Amanda sort Millie and Leigh-Anne out and Christie helps Leigh-Anna with her arm bands. Liv sorts out the baby floaters that Millie and Leigh-Anne go in. As we're getting ready I could feel a female presence behind me. I knew exactly who it is. "Hey Soph" I say knowing it was her. "How did you know?" she asked. "I could feel your enegetic presence" I said. The others burst out laughing. "Gee, thanks" Sophie said sarcastically. She took her dress off and Sonny took his shirt off. We had fun all day and only got out the pool to get lunch and when we finally got out, we all got ready to go out for soemthing to eat and we took the kids to the near by fair. After a few hours of fun, we headed back to the hotel so we can head to bed. 

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