Chapter 38: is this a drill?

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*4 days later: Sophie's POV*

Me, Mike, Amanda, Sonny and Fin were all sat in the squad room and Liv was in her office so it was just the 6 of us. Barba was at his office. All the patrol officers were out making arrests and we were stuck at our desks with paperwork. As we were working, I heard Fin ask "does anyone else smell smoke?" Me, Amanda, Sonny and Mike looked at him and I smelt up and nodded. I could see the room filling up with smoke. "Hey Liv" I said. 

Liv came out her office. "Yeah?" Liv asked. "Does the room smell like smoke to you?" I asked. Liv squinted her nose then nodded. "Yeah and the room is filling up with smoke" Liv said. "I'll check the break room" Mike said. "I'll check locker room" Amanda said. "I'll check bathroom" I said. The 3 of us got up and headed to where we were going to. "Is this a drill Liv?" Fin asked as we walked away. "I don't know" was what Liv said before I left.

Sonny's POV 

A few minutes later, Sophie came backs and said "bathrooms fine". "So is the locker room" Amanda said walking in. "Uh, there's a fire in the break room. We need to get out of here" Mike said. Me and Sophie ran to the elevator and the power for the elevator was out. We checked nearby and there was no stairs. "How do we get out. The only was up and down is the elevator" I said. Fin ran to the break room and shut the doors that could let the smoke out. "We need wet sheets" Fin said. Sophie, me and Amanda ran to the bunk room and took a bed sheet off each bed and ran to the bathroom. We soaked the sheets before running back to Fin. We put them under the bottom of the door and taped the tops and middle. "This will save us some time" Fin said. We nodded and tried to keep calm. 

Amanda's POV 

We tried to keep calm as much as possible. Inside we all were probably freaking out but we tried not to show it. The power was out and there was no stairs. We were chatting when we heard coughing. We looked around and the person that sounded like they were chocking was Sargent Dodds. I got up and kneeled down in front of him. "You good, Mike?" I asked. He nodded and continued to cough. I grabbed on of my water bottles out my bag that I brought from home this morning and gave it to him. "Thanks" he said between coughs. I nodded and put my hand of his shoulder as I walked away. 

Mike's POV

I have to admit it but Amanda is cute. She's so nice and has the most amazing smile, beautiful eyes and gorgeous hair. I'm so grateful that she handed me a bottle of water. The smoke was thickening. Soon enough we all will pass out. Sophie was cuddled into Carisi's chest and Liv was cuddled into Fin's. I knew this was going to take its toll on all of us at some point. "Hey Rollins" I whispered leaning towards Amanda. "Yeah?" She asked. "You want a cuddle?" I asked. She nodded and came over to me. She sat on my lap and cuddled into me. "I want to tell you something" I said to her. None of the other 4 could hear as they were chatting. "Sure. What's up" She said still resting her head on my chest. "I didn't have the courage to te you this before as I was kinda chicken. But, over time my feelings for you have became stronger. I can't shake them or anything. Your smile lights up the darkest of places. Your an amazing detective. All I'm saying really is that I love you. I'm in love with you Amanda" I said. She lifted her head and looked at me. She smiled and kissed me gently. I kissed her back. "I love you too" she said. 

We were interrupted by Fin saying "uh guys, I think Liv's passed out". We looked and Fin gently tired to wake her but she didn't. I could see Sophie's eyes slowly closing but she was trying to keep them open. "Hey Soph, don't close your eyes. It's all going to be fine" Amanda said. Sophie nodded and nestled into a sleepy Sonny's chest. "We're all going to go soon" Fin said. I nodded and felt Amanda go limp in my arms. "Hey Rollins" I said gently shaking her to get her to wake up. Her eyes opened but closed again. "Hey Manda, try to stay awake" I said as I brushed some hair out her face.

Sonny's POV 

We've already had Liv and Amanda pass out on us and Sophie is close to going. The room is growing thick of smoke. We could hear sirens outside but we don't know when they're going to get up here. I kept gently speaking to Sophie to keep her awake but her eyes kept closing then opening again then closing. "Baby were going to get out, just keep those beautiful blue eyes open for me" I calmly said. Her eyes just closed and she went limp in my arms. "Guys problem number 3. Sophie's passed out" I said. "We're dropping like flies" Fin said with a hint of panic in his voice. 

Christie-Mae's POV

I was in class when we all were summoned into the hall. The news was on and I immediately recognized the building. "That's where my mom and my family work" I said to Grace. Chase seen me and ran up to me. I hugged and began to cry. "That's where my mom works" I cried. "I know babe. Come on" Chase said. We pulled and ran out the school and headed to the precinct. 

We got there and we were immediately stopped. "Please my mom and dad work here" I said crying. "Young lady, you need to stay behind the line" the cop said. "Officer. My girlfriends parents are NYPD detectives along with the rest of her family. They work on the 4th floor of this building" Chase said. The officer nodded and walked over to the firefighters. I continued to cry and Chase pulled me into a hug. 

Chase's POV

I hugged Christie-Mae and watched at the firefighters raised the airreal to the 4th floor North-West window. They broke the glass and climbed in. 6 firefighters climbed inside. A couple of minutes later, they came out helping the others. Once they reached the ground, I could see Sophie, Amanda and Liv were passed out. Only Fin, Carisi and Mike were still conscious. "Hey babe, look" I said. Christie-Mae looked and she ran to Sonny. "Dad" she said and she hugged him. They hugged. Sonny offered to let me join the hug. 

When we pulled, Christie asked "how's mom?" "I don't know baby girl. She's over there" Sonny said pointing to the ambulance Sophie was at. Mike was with Amanda who was finally awake and Fin was with Liv who was awake. Sophie was still out when we walked over. "How is she?" Christie-Mae asked. "She's going to be fine. We're going to take her to Mercy as a precaution but she should be in and out" the paramedic said. Not long after Sophie woke up. "Is that necessary?" We heard her ask. "Mom, your awake" Christie-Mae said. "Aren't you two suppose to be at school?" Sophie asked. "Yeah but they whole school got summoned into the hall. It was on the news. We ran out before a teacher could stop us" I said. Sophie nodded and Sonny grabbed her hand. We got into the ambulance with Sophie and headed to Mercy.

Liv's POV

We all were at Mercy General getting check out. Fin was in my room as he was perfectly fine and didn't have much smoke in his system. "How the others?" I asked. "Mike and Carisi are fine. Mike's with Amanda and Sonny is with Sophie. They passed out from smoke insulation aswell" Fin said. I nodded and after a few hours we all were discharged and headed back to our places.

I walked into my apartment and Lucy was sat on the couch playing with Noah who was just come back from Spain. "Hey Lucy, sorry I'm really late. Got caught up in the case" I lied. "It's not a problem. Noah was super calm and I'm trying to settle him down so he's tired" Lucy said. "Okay. Thanks for that" I said picking Noah up after putiing my back down and taking my jacket off. "No problem. See you tomorrow" Lucy said. Me and Noah saw her out and once the door was shut, I got Noah's bottle ready and we headed to his bedroom. "Alright, little man. Time for bed" I said as I layed him down and gave him his bottle. I walked out and turned the light out and shut the door before going to bed myself.

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