Chapter 52 - Recovering at home

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Sonny's POV - 3 months later

3 months later and today is the day Sophie can come home. Me and all the kids have missed her at home. It's boring at work too. I got a temporary partner who was hitting on me. Liv transferred her and partnered me with Nick afterwards and its been okay since.

I woke up to the same empty bed I've been waking up to for the last few months. I had the day off so I can pick Soph up from the hospital and spend a few days with her. I got out of bed and checked on the Millie and Leigh-Anne. 

Leigh-Anne was still asleep but Millie was sat in her bed playing with her stuffed teddy. I stood in the doorway until Millie noticed me

Millie - Daddy!
Sonny - Morning baby girl

I walked over to her and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I carried her downstairs

Sophie's POV

I woke up in the same uncomfy hospital bed. However,  the doctors and nurses have made sure that I got the best treatment possible. I was lucky to be here still and to be carrying that baby still despite what has happened.

Me and Dominick don't know the gender of our very lucky baby but we have been fortunate that a dramatic event didn't even have an impact on such a tiny human

I sat up and immediately grabbed my phone. I decided to message Sonny.

From: Sophie Rollins-Carisi To Domininck Carisi
Hey babe, can you get me out this morning. I want to see the kid x

From: Dominick Carisi To: Sophie Rollins-Carisi
Soon. What time are you being discharged? x

From: Sophie Rollins-Carisi To: Dominick Carisi
10am x

From: Dominick Carisi To: Sophie Rollins-Carisi 
Okay. See you then angel x

I put my phone away and decided to watch the TV while I waited for my bette half to come pick me up and take me home

Amanda's POV: a few hours later

We all were just chilling while waiting for Dominick and Sophie to get back from the hospital.

Mike - You must be relieved Sophie is coming home
Amanda - Yeah. I cant wait to hug her on our feet
Mike - Yeah. How far is she now?
Amanda - 6 months so shes officially on maternity leave. 

Liv, Fin, Phoebe and Kat all come in from the kitchen

Liv - That's unlucky on Soph's end
Phoebe - It is like but she's definitely lucky
Amanda - Yeah. Plus side is she and the baby are fine and healthy
Kat - Yeah. 

The door opens and we hear a bunch of feet run down the stairs and a lot of shouting. We all get up and walk to the door

Fin - On que like always Soph

All of us burst out laughing. 

Sophie - Nice to see you too Fin and yes I'm always on que. Guess you lot were talking about me?
Amanda - Without a doubt Soph.
Phoebe - How's the baby?
Sophie - Healthy thank God
Amanda - Yeah
Sonny - And shes glowing
Phoebe - Soph's always glowing

General POV

After a few hours of chatting, everyone else headed home but Sophie and Sonny let Jesse stay the night so Amanda and Mike could have a night alone. 

All the kids were in bed so Sophie and Dominick were sat cuddled up on the couch watching Euphoria and spending a hell of a lot of time together now Sophie is home.

Sonny - I missed you so so much
Sophie - Me too. 

Dominick packs the top of Sophie's head as they continued to watch TV. After a while, they decided to go to bed as they wanted to call it a night

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