Chapter 45: aftermath of the attack pt. 1

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Mike's POV

We arrived at the hospital and I helped Sonny get an unconscious Sophie out of the car. As soon as I got her out, we ran inside. "I need a doctor!" Carisi shouted. A bunch of doctors ran over. One took Sophie out my arms. "What happened?" one doctor asked. "uh, she called me to say that her ex-boyfriend who escaped prison broke into the house. He must have found her on the phone to me as the line cut out. Next thing, I found him on top of her beating her in the kitchen" Dominick said. "Okay. Anything else?" a brunette female doctor asked. "When we got there, she was barely able to keep her eyes open. She started coughing and blood came out. She lost consciousness at the scene and again on the way here" Amanda said. "Okay. Can you guys please wait in the waiting room?" a nurse asked. We nodded and walked out as the doctors took Sophie into an examining room.

Amanda's POV

Me and the team were sat in the waiting room hoping for good news on Sophie. "Carisi, either get your head checked out or sit down as you're making me dizzy" I said. "How am I supposed to sit when my wife, your sister, our friend is fighting for her life" Sonny said upset. I got up and walked over to him. "I get your upset and worried but you're going to make yourself dizzy by walking back and forth especially with that head injury. I'll come with you whilst you get it checked out" I said. "Okay" Sonny said.

We walked over to the front desk. "By any chance could we get his head checked out?" I asked. "Sure, go straight through" the receptionist said. Me and Sonny walk into the ED. I spot my mate Rachel. "Hey Rach!" I shout. "Hey Manda. What's up?" Rachel asked. "Sophie was brought in. By any chance could you look at Sonny's head?" I asked. "Sure. Come with me" Rachel said, and we followed her into an empty examination room. "Okay, let's take a look" Rachel said as she put some gloves on. She examined Sonny's head. "So why was Soph brought in?" Rachel asked. "She was attacked by her ex-James at home. I found her half unconscious on the kitchen floor. He was on top of her punching her and kicking her. She coughed up blood. She's currently in surgery" Sonny said. "God. Anyway, you'll only need a couple of stiches" Rachel said. Dominick nods and Rachel stiches his cut.

General POV

Amanda and Sonny headed back into the waiting room where Chief Dodds, Barba, Liv, Mike and Fin were. It felt like the team were waiting forever on news on Sophie. Eventually, the doctor came out. "Family of Sophie Rollins?" he asked. Everyone stood up and walked over to the doctor. "How is she?" Amanda asked. "She should be fine. She had some internal bleeding. We stopped the bleeding and repaired the damage. She's still unconscious at the moment" the doctor said. "So she's going to be fine?" Liv asked. "Yeah. You all can go see her" the doctor said and lead them to Sophie's room.

Fin's POV

We got to Sophie's room. Her skin pale. She just looked lifeless. We walked in one by one. Amanda and Sonny sat either side of her. "Why would he do this?" Liv asked breaking the extremely awkward silence. "He wanted revenge and he wanted to take Christie and Louie" Sonny said. "Why? Who would want to do this?" Amanda asked. "I don't know" I said before adding "I want to kill James for this". "Fin, you could lose your job if you do" Liv said. "Why? Sophie isn't going to be the same bubbly, energetic person we got love" I said. Nobody said anything as they knew I was right. The only sound we could hear was the beeping of the machine. 

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