Chapter 40: Mom, I'm pregnant.

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Christie-Mae's POV

Today was my moms birthday. She was still in bed. Sonny was up already sorting the twins out. I was sat at my desk in my room doing my homework. My moms card and gift was already out on my bed ready to be took downstairs. 

As I was doing my science homework, my bedroom door opened. I looked and Leigh-Anna came running in. "Morning Leigh-Anna" I said as I lifted her onto my lap. She cuddled into my chest not saying a word. "Tired baby sis?" I asked. She nodded tiredly and I continued my homework. 'How am I going to manage if I have a baby?' I asked myself. 

Sonny's POV 

I got up and changed Millie-Jane's and Leigh-Anne's diapers. Sophie was still asleep like Leigh-Anna was. Like mother, like daughter I guess. I hear Christie-Mae get up but she hasn't left her room yet. She must be doing her homework. Once the twins are ready, I carried them downstairs. When I get down there, Leigh-Anna was playing with her Barbie doll that Barba got her. "Morning sweet girl" I say. "Daddy" she says. "How did you sleep baby girl?" I asked. "Okay" Leigh-Anna said. "Okay, do you want pancakes for breakfast?" I ask. "Yeah" Leigh-Anna says. "Alright, I'll make you and Christie-Mae some pancakes" I say putting the twins down in their playpen.

Sophie's POV

I wake up to the sound of vomitting. I get up out of bed in the same pajamas I fell asleep in. I walk towards the bathroom and open the door. That's were I find Christie-Mae hunched over the toilet seat throwing up. I kneel down behind her and hold her hair back. I tie it up with the bobble I was going to use. I rub her back in circles as she continues to be sick. "Your okay babe. Your going to be fine" I say calming her. After a couple of mintues, she finishes throwing up. "Thanks mom. I needed that" Christie said. "Okay. Let's go down and get a glass of water" I say. She puts her hand on my back and I put my arm around her shoulder. I feel her forehead and she feels fine. But, we still go downstairs so she can have a drink. 

We walk into the kitchen. "Mhh, something smells nice" I say. "Yeah I'm making pancakes for the girls. Also happy birthday babe" Sonny says. "Thank you, handsome" I respond before kissing him. "Liv etc are coming around Lunch except Mike and his dad as they have somthing to do" Sonny said. "Okay. Plus we should be back at the squad room next Monday" I said. "Wow, that fast" I say. "Yeah. The windows were replaced Tuesday and the doors were in yesterday. The couch has been replaced along with the vending machine. The coffee table is also replaced. Walls are fixed" Sonny said. "So, it will be how it was before the fire?" I ask. "Yes" Sonny said. "Okay" I say and walk into the living room where all 4 of my girls are playing happily.

Amanda's POV

After a few hours of sitting in my apartment alone, it was time to my sisters and brother-in-law's place. Only because it was Sophie's birthday but I also wanted to see my nieces. I knock on the door and walk inside. "Hey" I say walking in. "Hey Manda" Sophie says. I give her the card and present I got her. "Thank you" she says. "No problem. Where my favorite nieces?" I ask. "In the living room. The twins are in the play pen. Leigh-Anna is on the couch with Christie and Chase" Sonny says. 

I nod and walk into the living room. "Hey guys" I say. "Hi aunt Amanda" Leigh-Anna says and runs over to me and hugs me. I hug her back. "You been a good girl?" I ask. "Yeah" Leigh-Anna responds. "Good" I say. Leigh-Anna cuddles into my lap and watches TV. 

*Couple of hours later: Sophie's POV*

At end the day, everyone headed home. Chase stayed the night. He was in bed along with Leigh-Anna, Millie-Jane and Leigh-Anne. So, it was me, Sonny and  Christie-Mae down stairs. "Hey baby girl, before you go to bed. Can we talk?" I ask. "Sure and I know what it's about" Christie says. "Yeah. I'm not mad not even disappointed. I'm actually happy. When I was your age, I fell pregnant with you. Now my baby is going to have her own baby" I say. "Thanks mom. Means a lot" Christie-Mae says and hugs me. I hug her back and say "you're going to be an amazing mom". "I know. I've learnt from the best" Christie says. We laugh. Sonny doesn't say anything. 

Christie and me pull and she goes to bed. "Your not mad. Your not mad! Our 14 year old is pregnant and your not mad! I'm angry as hell! I just don't want to shout at her as it will make her upset!" Sonny yells. "Hey, when I told you that I was pregnant at 14, you didn't love me any less!" I yell back. "That's not the point Soph. The point is our 14 year old is pregnant and Chase is the father!" Sonny yells. "Yeah. But, he's staying to support her. James never supported me!" I yell back and go to bed.

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