Chapter 28: a week off gone wrong (part 1)

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*6 months later: Amanda's POV* 

It's about time we have a week off. After working hard, we all need a break. It's good to not work. We have a week off. Sophie just returned to work and 3 months before, Carisi returned. They have took parenthood very well. Sophie especially. I mean being a full time cop and a mom of 4 girls. I offered to look after them for a week so Sophie and Sonny could have a week away. It was nice to be able to spend time with my nieces. Carisi and Sophie already dropped them off at my place and they headed to their week break.

Sophie's POV 

Amanda offered to look after the girls so me and Sonny could have a break. Millie and Leigh-Anne are 6 months, Leigh-Anna is still 1 and Christie is still 10. It was good to have a break. After the case last week, this is definitely something I need along with Sonny. "You excited?" Carisi asked. "Definitely" I said. "Okay, you want to know where we're staying?" He asked. I nodded and Sonny said "we're staying in a cabin that is my grandfathers on Staten Island". "Oh, sounds interesting" I said. "Yeah" Carisi said. I put one of my music CD's in and we sang along to most of the songs. We were enjoying ourselves, laughing and having fun. Then, I noticed a highway pile up. "Dominick!" I shouted. He slammed the breaks on but it was too late, our car joined the pile up. I was thrown forwards, hitting my head off the dashboard knocking me unconscious. More cars crashed into us, I could feel the impact. 

I later woke up in pain. I had pain in my right arm, a banging headache but generally pain all over. "Sonny" I said. He didn't respond. "Dominick" I said louder. Still no response. "God damn it babe, answer me" I said not moving me head as it hurt too much to move. He still didn't answer. Tears formed in my eyes not only because Sonny isn't answering but I'm in a lot of pain. I grabbed my phone out my coat pocket. "Hey Siri" I said. "How may I help?" Siri asked. "Call 911". "Calling 911" Siri said. "911 what's your emergency?" The 911 operator asked. "This is detective... Sophie Rollins... of Manhattan Spe... ecial... Victims Unit. There... there has been a highway accident... which me and my par... partner have been... involved in" I said struggling to breathe. "Okay. We have help on scene but I'll send more as a request just came in for help" the operator said then asked "what's your partners name?" "Dominick but he also goes by Sonny" I said. "Okay, is he awake?" The operator asked. "No, he's unconscious" I said and I felt my eyes getting heavy. A few moments later, I passed out.

Olivia's POV

I was sat at home with Fin. "Okay, so your saying that you had a thing for your partner back in vice?" I asked. "Yeah. But she's wanting to give us another chance" Fin said. Then, my phone rang. I grabbed it and looked at it. "Hello?" I asked answering the phone. "Hi, is this Olivia Benson?" A voice asked from the other end. "Yes. Who's asking?" I questioned. That caught Fin's attention. "This is Doctor Hallwell of Mercy General. Two of your detectives came in as they were involved in a highway pile-up" the doctor said. "Oh god. Who is it?" I asked worried. "Dominick Carisi and Sophie Rollins. Their condition is unknown" the doctor said. I got up and grabbed my jacket. "Liv, what's up?" Fin asked. "Did you call Amanda Rollins?" I asked the doctor. "Yes she's on her way" the doctor said. "Okay, I'm on my way" I said and hung up. "Liv what's going on?" Fin asked. "Carisi and Sophie have been involved in a high way accident. Condition unknown" I said.

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