Chapter 13: first day back

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Amanda's POV

I woke up the next day on the couch. I got up and headed to Sophie's room and it was no surprise. She was still asleep, cuddled under her blanket with her alarm blaring. So, I walked over and turned her alarm off before reaching over grabbing her spare pillow and hitting her with it. "Wake up" I said. "Fucking hell sis. Really?" Sophie asked. I laughed and said "what? You have to be up anyway". Sophie put her head back in her pillow before grabbing the one off me and putting me with it. "Can you get out so I can get changed". I laughed and walked out of her room.

Sophie's POV 

Amanda gets on my nerve at times but I love her really. But, this morning she didn't have to wake me that way. I roll out of bed and head to the bathroom to get ready for work. I come out 10 minutes later, changed, make up done and hair done. I walk into the kitchen to find Amanda making breakfast. "What's for breakfast?" I asked. Amanda replied "bacon, eggs and toast". I laughed and said "you seriously know me too well". Amanda turned around and smirked. My phone then buzzed on the counter. I reached over and grabbed it 'hey rollins. You awake? Carisi'. I smiled and typed back 'morning Carisi. Yeah been up a while thanks to Amanda. Soph'. I patiently waited for his replied. 'OMG. Lol. You still for the drink tonight. Carisi' I smiled and typed 'yeah. Wanna go after work? Soph'. 

I put my phone down and Amanda said "what you happy about?" I giggled and said "nothing for you". Once I said that, my phone buzzed again 'sure. See you at work. Carisi'. I smirked and typed back 'cya. Soph'. I set my phone down and Amanda handed me my breakfast. "Thanks Manda" I said as started to eat my breakfast. "No problem" Amanda said as she sat next to me. We ate breakfast and got ready for work. 

Carisi's POV

I walked into work and Fin was already there. "Fin, why are you always the early bird?" I asked. "Why are you always wanting to know stuff?" Fin fired back. Then, behind me I heard two girls laughing. I turned around to see Sophie and Amanda laughing. "What's so funny about that?" I asked the girls. "What's so funny about that. Fin just used your words against you" Sophie said. I just rolled my eyes and walked to my desk. Sophie and Amanda headed to theirs and we started our paper work. Then, I watched Fin walk last Sophie and high five her. I also watched Amanda walk out before walking over to Sophie. 

"Hey Soph, how you doing?" I asked her. Sophie smiled and said "good, what about you?". I smiled back and asked "I'm good. How's the paper work going?" as I sat down. "It's alright. Making me tired but I'll manage" she said as she continued working. I could tell she was tired. I said "give me your paperwork and go get a bit of sleep. We can't have you passing out on the job". Sophie smiled and picked up her paper work and handed it to me before headed to the bunk room. I headed back over to my desk and started Sophie's paperwork for her as she gets some sleep. 

Amanda's POV 

I came out the bathroom and headed back to the Squad room. When I came back, I noticed that Sophie wasn't there. I noticed all her paperwork wasn't on her desk either. That's when I noticed that Carisi was doing it for her. So, I walked over to his desk and asked "you doing Sophie's dirty work?" with a smirk. He laughed and said "yeah. I noticed that she was tired so I offered to do it for her whilst she gets some sleep". I nodded and said "if I was here I would have done it for her. That's a nice thing Carisi". He smiled and said "yeah. Just doing a friend a favor". I smiled and walked away saying "friend. More like girlfriend". He laughed and said "You wish". 

Liv's POV

I was sat in my office when I heard Amanda shout "friend. More like girlfriend". She must have been talking to Carisi because I heard him said "you wish". I think they were talking about Sophie as Amanda wasn't referring to herself. I walked out my office and asked "you wish what?" Carisi looked up and looked back down. Amanda looked at me and said "he offered to do Sophie's paperwork as she's gone to get some sleep in the bunk room. And he said that he was doing a friend a favor and I said Girlfriend". Then, Carisi shouted "AMANDA!" I laughed and walked back to my office. 

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