Chapter 44: James has escaped pt. 3

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Sophie's POV

James broke into the house and came upstairs. He saw me on the phone and took it out my hands and ended my call with Sonny. He pulled me out the wardrobe and dragged me into the kitchen. He pulled my hair harder. "Oww" I cried. "You think that hurt?" He asked. He put his hand around my neck and proceeded to bang my head against the wall. "Saint Dominick ain't going to help you" Jame shouted as he grabbed a knife and pointed it at me. "We're going to have some real fun" James said. He cut my cheek and put the knife down and started beating me.

Then, the door swung open. "Sophie!" Sonny shouted. I screamed but James struck me again and again. He then stood up and started kicking me. Sonny finally rushed into the room and got James off me. Sonny immediately punched him. "You think beating up my wife is fun?! Why don't you do it to me?!" Sonny shouted. James grabbed a bottle and hit it over Sonny's head. "You really married this whore" James said. Sonny punched James. He dropped to the floor and Sonny cuffed him. Sonny came over to me, lifted me into his lap and said "I should have took the day off". He began to cry. I have never seen Sonny cry before. "I got you Soph. I got you" He said. I could barely make out the figures behind him but I think they were Amanda, Mike, Liv and Fin.

Liv's POV

Just after Sonny bolted out the squad room, I got a message from him

From: Sonny Carisi To: Olivia Benson

Get the team and meet me at mine

By the way he bolted out, I knew this has something to do with James escaping. I rushed out my office and said "We need to go. Explain everything in the car" I said. They looked at me confused but they all followed me out. I filled them in on the way there.

"Care to explain" Amanda said. "It's James. He escaped" I said. "Wait what! And she didn't tell us. Did Sonny know?" Mike asked. "Yeah. I called them both into my office to tell them together. Now let's go" I said. I stopped the car, we got out and ran inside.

When we got in, we found James hand cuffed and a bloody and beaten Sophie in Sonny's arm. 

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