Chapter 51 - School shooting pt. 2

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Liv's POV

We pulled up at Bellevue as it was the closest hospital to the school. Once the car stopped, Sonny jumped out and ran inside with an unconscious and bloody Sophie in his arms. We followed him not far behind. "I need a doctor!" He shouted. "Over here" one doctor shouted. Sonny carried Sophie into an empty examining room. He layed her on the bed with his hand still on her wound. "Sophie Rollins-Carisi, 31. GSW to the chest. She was shot during a school shooting hostage situation at Manhattan High. She's 3 months pregnant. Lost consciousness on the way after being in and out of consciousness at the scene. She's lost lots of blood too" Sonny said. "Okay, we'll swap. I'll put pressure on the wound but you and your friends are going to have to leave the room and wait in the waiting room" the doctor said. We nod. Sonny keeps ahold of Sophie's hand. Fin walks up to him and say, "come on. Let the doctors do their job". Sonny nods and let's go of Sophie's hand before walking out and we followed him.

General POV

As the team sat in the waiting room, the doctors worked on Sophie in the examining room. As the tired to bandage the bleeding, she started to flatline. "We're losing her. Start chest compressions" the doctor said. Another doctor that was in the room started chest compressions whilst a nurse charged the shock panels. She passed them to the doctor treating Sophie. "Charge to 180" the doctor said and the nurse charged them. "Charged" the nurse said. "Clear" the doctor said. Everyone stood back and the doctor shocked Sophie. No change. "Chest Compressions. Charge to 200" her doctor said. "Charging" the nurse responded. "Clear. Shocking" the doctor said. The doctor shocked Sophie again. A pulse was the detected. "We have a pulse" the nurse said. "Ultrasound. We need to see if the baby is okay" the doctor ordered.

In the waiting room, the team watched as other doctors informed families of their family members. "What's taking so long?" Sonny asked. "I don't know" Liv said. It wasn't until late at night that the doctor came out. "Family of Sophie Rollins?" The doctor asked. "That's us" Liv said. "Okay. The surgery was successful. However, she flatlined in the E.D. We got her back. She's not out the woods yet as the bullet went through her heart. She's in the ICU and she's still unconscious" the doctor said. "What about the baby?" Sonny asked. "The baby is fine. Only one can go and be in her room, though" the doctor said. "I'll go" Sonny said. The doctor nodded. "Carisi, she'll be okay. She's a tough cookie" Fin said. "I know. She's hard to break. Especially after what James did and what Josh made her and Amanda do. She hasn't changed. She's bounced back like all those other times" Sonny said. "Okay, call us if anything changes" Kat said. "I will. Also, Nick could you watch the kids?" Sonny asked. "Sure" Nick said. "Thank you" Sonny said. "Now, go be with your wife" Nick said. Sonny nodded and walked off.

Sonny's POV

The doctor led me to Sophie's room. When I got there, her face was pale and her hair was down. She looked so lifeless laying in the hospital bed. "You going to stop examining my beauty or you going to kiss me?" I heard a voice quietly ask. I knew that the sarcasm in the voice meant Sophie was awake. I walked into her room, leaned over her bed and kissed her and she kissed me back. "I have to admit you're a great kisser" I said. "Very funny" she said. "Do you know why you're here?" I asked. "I was shot in the chest?" Sophie asked. "Yeah. The bullet went through your heart. You ask me, your lucky to be alive. They repaired the damage to your heart but you're not the woods" I said. "The baby?" Sophie asked. "The baby is fine" I said. "Phew" Sophie sighed. "How you feeling?" I asked. "Tired. Can you lay with me?" Sophie asked. "Sure" I said. I layed in Sophie, she cuddled into me, layed her head on my chest and fell asleep. I fell asleep not long after her.

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