Chapter 14: sick

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*over night*

Sophie's POV 

I woke up in the middle of the night feeling really, really sick. I ran to the bathroom and hunched over the toilet seat and threw up. Then, I felt some hold my hair back and rub my back. I couldn't get a good look but it must have been Amanda as no-one else was here at this time. "Shhhh, it's alright Soph" Amanda said to me as I continued to be sick. When I finished throwing up, I sat back and cried quietly. Amanda flushed the loo and gently rubbed my arms. "Come on, let's get you back into bed. I'll also call Liv and tell her we're not coming in". I nodded and Amanda helped me up and got me back into bed before walking out my room and into her room to get her phone

Amanda's POV 

I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of hurling. So, I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom where I found Sophie hunched over the toilet throwing up. I ran over to her, grabbed her hair to hold it back and started rubbing her back. "Shhhh, it's alright Soph" I said to her as she continued to throw up. Once she finished, she sat back and I rubbed her arm to calm her down as she started to cry. I flushed the loo as she stayed where she was. "Come on, let's get you back to bed. Also, I'll call Liv and tell her that we're not coming in". Sophie nodded and I helped her stand up. I got her back into bed before heading to my room and calling Liv.

L-Liv, A-Amanda. Phone call

L- It's 2 in the morning. What do you want Rollins?

A-Sorry to wake you Liv, but I thought I'll let you know that me and Sophie aren't coming in today

L-Oh alright. Why though?

A-Sophie's ill. She's back in bed now and I'm going to stay off to look after her

L-Alright. Hope she feels better soon. I'll see you both later

A-Okay. Bye Liv

L-Bye Rollins

We hung up and I headed back to Sophie's room to find her asleep again and I noticed how pale her face is. I feel so bad that she can't go to work as she loves going in, helping the victims and cracking the case. I walk into her room, shut her door and go into her bed and I pulled her towards me. When I did, she layed her head on my chest. That's when I felt how warm she really is. I then drifted off to sleep.

Sonny's POV 

I woke up this morning, still feeling slightly awful about the night before, but happy that Sophie's going to be alright. My alarm went off and I got out of bed and headed into my bathroom to get ready for work. When I came out, I set my pajamas on my bed and headed into the kitchen to get my breakfast. Once I had my breakfast, I got ready for work. 

I arrived at work. Only Liv was here so I walked into her office and asked  "Morning Lieu, how was your night?" She looked at me and said "alright. Amanda woke me up at 2am but apart from that it was fine. What about you?" "It was fine. I'm just happy Sophie's alright" I said. "Same. She gave us a scare" Liv said. I nodded in agreement and look down. Liv knew something was bothering and me and asked "Carisi, what's up?" I shook my head and said "it's nothing. I just feel awful about last night". Liv got up and sat next to me and said "Sonny, don't blame yourself. You couldn't have predicted it". I nodded and said "I know. Thanks for making me feel better Liv". Liv smiled and said "no problem Carisi. You better get into the squad room and make it look like you've been here a while" I nodded and stood up. "Oh Carisi, before you walk out. Amanda and Sophie aren't coming in as Sophie's ill so they're taking the day off". I nodded and walked over to my desk.

Fin's POV 

I arrived at work like normal and the only person here apart from Liv was Carisi. I walked to my desk and said "morning Carisi. Amanda and Sophie not here yet?" Carisi looked up and said "Morning Fin. No, they're not coming in. Poor Sophie's ill. I think Amanda's took the day off to look after her". I nodded and went on my phone. I replied to the message my son sent me and headed to the break room to grab a much needed cup of coffee. As I was making it, Liv walked in and said "as Carisi has probably told you. Sophie's our ill and Amanda's looking after her so you and Sonny are partners today". I nodded and asked "would you like a coffee?" Liv smiled and said "sure. Cheers Fin". I replied "no problem Olivia. I'll also go visit the girls later today". Olivia smiled and said "that would be nice. Checking on them every now and then". I smiled and handed Liv her coffee. "Thanks Fin" she said as we walked back into the squad room 

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