Chapter 28: a week off gone wrong (part 3)

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*the next morning: Amanda's POV*

I wake up the next morning. Sophie was still unconscious and Liv was still sleep. I got up and headed to Carisi's room. He was off the ventilator and breathing on his own. Fin and Barba were still asleep in the chairs either side of him. It's hard seeing both Sophie and Sonny in hospital. I quietly walk out and go to the cafeteria to get some breakfast as I'm really hungry. As I'm in the queue, my phone vibrates in my pocket. I pull it out.

Olivia: Morning Rollins, where r u?

Amanda: Morning Liv, I'm in the cafeteria. You want anything?

Olivia: Yeah. A coffee and a breakfast borrito please

Amanda: Sure. Be back soon

I put my phone back in my pocket and ordered breakfast for me and Liv. I head back to Sophie's room. "No change?" I ask walking in. "No. Just the beeping sound of the monitors" Liv said. I hand Liv her breakfast. "I went to see Carisi" I said. "Really? He awake yet?" Liv asked. "No but he's off the ventilator" I said. "There's a start" Liv said. 

As we were eating breakfast, the monitors started beeping faster than normal. Me and Liv looked and Sophie was seizing. "We need a doctor!" Liv shouted. I started to cry as I have never seen Sophie have one before. A group of doctors come running in. Liv pulls me out the room and hugs me whilst the doctors stop Sophie's seizure.

Liv's POV 

I comforted Amanda whilst the doctors tried to stop Sophie's seizure. This is the first time I've seen her have one. The doctors were able to stop it after 3 minutes, they got it under control and eventually, Sophie's stopped seizing. One doctor came out and I asked "how did that happen?" "Well, in the accident when she was ejected forwards, a nerve that wasn't causing her any problems like seizures must have been caught. She's going have have seizures all the time now" the doctor said. "Wait, so your saying she's epileptic?" Amanda asked. "Yes. But she should be waking up soon. Take it easy on her as she will be very confused" the doctor said. Me and Amanda nodded and the doctor walked away. "Great. How are we going to tell her that not only is her boyfriend in a coma but she has epilepsy too?" Amanda asked. "I don't know, Manda" I said.

We walk back inside and Sophie's still unconscious. "I'll text Fin. Give him and Barba an update" I say. Amanda nods and I watch as she grabs Sophie's hand and cries. 

*messages between Olivia and Fin*

Olivia: Hey Fin, thought I'd give you and Fin and Barba an update on Soph

Fin: Sure. Then I'll give you an update on Carisi

Olivia: Okay. So, Sophie just suffered a seizure. The doctor said it was caused by the impact of the crash. It was caused my a nerve that was preventing them had been hit so now the poor girl has epilepsy. Amanda's crushed about it. How's Carisi?

Fin: stil hasn't woken up. Barbas gone to get something to eat for me and him. Give Amanda a hug for me.

Olivia: will do. Txt later Fin

Fin: Bye Liv

I put my phone back in my pocket and walk back into Sophie's room. I go up behind Amanda, lean down and give her a hug. "That's off Fin" I say. "Okay. Nice of him" she says. "Yeah. Carisi still hasn't woken up" I say still next to her. I grab Sophie's other hand and ask myself 'how did this happen?'

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