Chapter 2: lunch

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No-ones POV

It got to 12 pm and Liv, Fin and Amanda all headed out for lunch but Sonny and Sophie decided to stay. "Hey, since everyone else had gone for lunch, you want to go out and grab something" Sonny asked Sophie who nodded. So, Sophie put her pen on top of her papers, grabbed her jacket and headed out with Sonny. "So, where do you want to go?" Sonny asked Sophie who had her head in her phone since she was texting Amanda. "Hm.. oh sorry. I was texting Amanda. Anywhere your choice". Sonny nodded and said "I know a nice diner just down the street". Sophie nodded her head and said "we'll go there then".

Sophie's POV 

Me and Sonny arrived at the restaurant and the waitress put us in a booth. I sat on one side and Sonny sat the other to face me. "So..." I said. Sonny asked "so what?" I smiled and said "this is nice. Two co-workers out for lunch". Sonny nodded his head in agreement and asked "what you having?" I looked at the menu and said "I'll have the macaroni cheese please". Sonny nodded and he called the waitress over. The waitress asked "are you ready to order?" We nodded our heads and Sonny said "yes we are. This young lady would like macaroni cheese and I would like tuna lasagna please". The waitress nodded then asked "would you like any drinks as well?" We nodded and I said "I would like a water please" and Sonny said "I would like a orange juice please". The waitress nodded and said "alright, I'll be back with your drinks soon". Me andS Sonny nodded our heads and looked at each other. We were talking for a bit when my phone buzzed 'Hey sis, how long until your back?'. It was from Amanda so I replied 'won't be long, finishing up now' then hit send. Sophie put her phone back in her pocket and said "we better pay and get back to the precinct". Sonny nodded his head and said "I'll pay". Sophie smiled at him and he smiled back. 

Sonny's POV

Lunch with Sophie was great. We chatted and laughed as well. "We better get back to the precinct" Sophie said. I nodded and said "I'll pay". Sophie smiled at me and I smiled back at her. I payed for the meal then me and Sophie started walking back towards the precinct. When we got to the Squad room. We walked over to our desks. Amanda's went to talk to Sophie and Fin came to talk to me. "Please tell me you haven't asked her out" Fin said. "Fin, really. You, Amanda and Liv went out for lunch without us so we went out for lunch together as friends and before you say nothing happened". Fin nodded then went back to his own desk. For the rest of the day, I couldn't stop thinking about Sophie and our lunch break together. That's when I realized I'm catching feelings for her.

Sophie's POV  

Me and Carisi headed back to the precinct. We headed upstairs to the Squad room and headed towards our desks. When I got to mine, I sat down and Amanda walked over to me. "So, how was ur date?" she asked. I looked at her. "Amanda we didn't go on a 'date'. We went out for lunch as friends because you, Liv and Fin went out for lunch so me and Carisi did the same". Amanda looked at me and said "alright, if you say so" and went back to her desk. For the rest of the day, Sonny was on my mind. I realized that I was catching feelings for him 

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