Chapter 21: This is Amazing

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Sophie's POV: night before 

I can't be pregnant. I felt like I wasn't ready to be a mom, but I can't leave Carisi out on this decision. I decided to waiting until tomorrow to talk to him as it was getting really late. I headed to be with my head still all over the place. I got into bed and watched some TV until I felt like I was about to fall asleep with it still on. I was half way to falling asleep and the TV was still on. So I turned it off, put the remote on the bedside table and fell asleep.

Amanda's POV 

I woke up the next morning to my alarm playing with my favorite songs. I got up and headed into my bathroom to get changed. I come out and head into Sophie's room where she's still asleep. I knew that she's pregnant so she'll be getting up to go and be sick in the bathroom. But I got her up anyways. I carefully grabbed her cushion that was beside her and hit her with it. "Wake up Soph". As soon as I said that she got out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I ran after her and when I got to the bathroom, I kneeled down behind her and held her hair back and rubbed her back in circles. 

When she finished, she whipped her mouth got up and washed her hands and mouth. After she done that I asked "you alright?" Sophie nodded and said "morning sickness. It's nothing. It'll pass". I nodded and asked "you want a hug?" Sophie nodded again and I gave her a hug. She said "I don't know what I'm going to do" We pulled and I said "first, tell Carisi and see what he wants to do then make your decision". Sophie nodded and said "I better get ready for work". I nodded and said "I'll make breakfast".

Fin's POV 

Me, Liv and Carisi were at work and it was already a slow day. Amanda and Sophie weren't here and that's probably because one of them got up late. "Hey Carisi, do you think one of the girls slept in?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders and said "probably. You never know". Just as I said that, Amanda and Sophie walked in. "Morning girls" I said. "Morning" they both said. Sophie went over to Carisi's desk and said something to him. Then, they headed to the break room to talk about something. I asked Amanda "hey Manda, what's they talking about?". Amanda shrugged her shoulders but I know for a fact that she knows more than she's letting on. I wheeled back over to my desk.

Sonny's POV 

I walked into the break room with Sophie. She had a nervous look on her face and I don't know why. Once we got into the room, we sat down and I asked "alright, why did you want to talk to me alone?" "I wanted to talk to you alone because I don't want Fin to hear as he has a big mouth and he'll tell Liv" Sophie said. "What about Amanda?" I asked. "She already knows" Sophie said. "Already knows what?" I asked. "Alright, you know how I've been throwing up at work the last few days" Sophie started. I nodded and she continued to say "well, I realized I was late and I took this last night". She got some tissue out her pocket and handed it to me. I opened it and saw a positive pregnancy test. I looked at her in shock and asked "are you pregnant?" Sophie smiled and nodded. I smiled back at her picked her up and hugged her before giving her a passionate kiss. She kissed back and when we pulled, she said "you're happy". I laughed and said "of course I am. We're going to have a beautiful child" and put my hand on her stomach and she put her hand on top of mine. 

Sophie's POV 

He's actually happy. I was scared but seeing him smile about it, makes me forget about all the worry I had and realize this is finally the life I want. I want to have this baby and be with Carisi. "So Amanda knows?" Sonny asked. I nodded and said "and she promised not to tell Liv". Sonny nodded and kissed me again. We pulled and he said "damn that pregnancy glow is already starting". I laughed and playfully hit him before asking "when we going to tell Liv?" Sonny said "soon but we'll do it together. We'll get through this together". I nodded and he said "plus we have Amanda, Fin, Barba and Liv for support". I smiled at him and said "I know". He gave me a quick peck on the lips and we headed out into the squad room. 

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