Chapter 43: intelligence

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Time jump to June: Erin's POV

The team from SVU Manhattan were here to help us with a drug smuggling, murder, rape case. "Okay. We need two to go undercover" Voight said. Ruzek immediately raised his hand along with Jay, Mikayla and Sonny. "Dominick hand down. I'm not going undercover" Sophie said. We all burst out laughing. "Come on Soph, what could go wrong?" Sonny said. "We get the wrong guy" Sophie said. We laughed again. Sonny put his hand down. "Okay Jay your going under. We need someone from SVU going under" Hank said. "Georgia peach will" Liv said. "Oh no. I'm not" Amanda said. "But you are, now go get ready" Hank said.

Sophie's POV

I was helping Adam and Kevin get the undercover vehicle ready. Amanda and Jay walked out. "Wow" Adam said looking at Amanda. "Eyes back in your head Adam. She's taken" I said. "Cheers Soph" Amanda said. "No problem" I responded. Mouse wires them up and I say "code word is Georgia" I said. "Okay" Amanda said. We hugged and Jay asked "you ready peach?" "Yeah" Amanda said. They headed out and we got into the vans and heads to the locations. 

We arrived. I was with Erin, Mikayla and Sonny. "Hey beautiful what's your name?" Someone asked Amanda. "Rachel" Amanda said. "And who's this handsome fellow?" the guy asked. "Michael" Jay said. "Okay, what can I get you guys?" the guy asked. "Red wine and a beer" Amanda said. "Coming right up" the guy said.

 General POV

As the night went on, Amanda and Jay continued to pretend to be Rachel and Michael. They were doing pretty well. "Suspect is at far end of bar" Amanda whispered to Jay but loud enough for us to hear. We had hidden cameras all over the place. People who were associated with the suspect were eyeing them all the time. "Guys, keep your eyes peeled. We have people looking at you guys suspiciously" Sophie said. "Okay" Jay said.

 This went from bad to worse. Amanda and Jay cornered one of the suspect. They were chatting then the suspect pulled a gun on them. "Hey hey man. You don't need to do this" Jay said. "Really? Why shouldn't I?" The suspect asked. "We can make a deal" Amanda said. "Deal my ass" the suspect said. We then hear him fire and more gun fire. The screen goes off. "Let's go" Sophie said. We all jumped out our vans and ran inside. "Erin, Kayla with me" Sophie said.

Sophie's POV

Me, Erin and Mikayla run to the room where Amanda and Jay last were. I bust the door open and the suspect is gone. We found Amanda and Jay unconscious on the floor. Erin and Mikayla ran over to Jay and I ran over to Amanda. "10-1 10-1 I need two ambulances to my location immediately. We have two officers down" I radioed. I checked Amanda's pulse and I couldn't find one. I immediately started chest compressions.

 As I continued to do chest compressions, I started to cry. "Damn it Amanda. Come on" I cried. I checked her pulse and I still didn't have one. "How's Amanda?" Mikayla asked. "Still doesn't have a pulse. How's Jay?" I asked as I got back to chest compressions. "He has a pulse and is breathing. The bullet is a through and through to the shoulder and leg" Erin said. "Amanda has one to the chest. Not breathing and has no pulse" I said as I checked her pulse and I still can't find one.

General POV

Mike and Sonny then came running in. When Mike saw Amanda unconscious on the floor and Sophie doing chest compressions, he dropped to his knees. "Oh my god" Mike said as he started to cry. "Mike. Stop being frozen and help me" Sophie cried. Mike gets up and runs over to Sophie. He takes off his jacket and places on the wound. Sophie stops compressions and checks for Amanda's pulse. She finally finds one. "She has a pulse" Sophie said to Erin and Mikayla. "Okay" Erin said.

The paramedics come in. Ambulance 61 goes over to Amanda and Ambulance 41 goes over to Jay. They get them ready and load them onto the ambulance. "Soph you go with Amanda. Mikayla you go with Jay" Hank said. They nodded and got into the ambulances.

Sylvie's POV 

I was in the back with Amanda and Sophie. "Dawson, what's our ETA?" I asked. "3 minutes" Gabby said. Then, Amanda began to flat line. Sophie didn't let go of her hand as she continued to cry. "Come on Amanda. Think about your family" Sophie cried. I started chest compressions and asked Sophie "could you interbate?" "Sure" Sophie said.

Sophie interbated Amanda. She checked for lung sounds. "I'm in" she said still crying. "You did good" I said. Amanda became stable just in time for us getting to Chicago Med. "we're here" Gabby said. We got Amanda ready to be wheeled inside. Gabby opened the doors and Sophie helped us get Amanda out.

"Amanda Rollins 30. GSW to the chest. Was unconscious on scene. Lost her on-route 3 times. Just interbated" Gabby said. "She's a month pregnant too" Sophie said. "Okay. We've got it from here" Natalie said as she, Will and April took over. As soon as they took Amanda inside, I hugged Sophie who cried on my shoulder. "Awww, it's going to be okay Soph" I said. We pulled and walked into the break room.

Mike's POV

As soon as Sophie walked out with Gabby and Sylvie, I got out of my seat and I hugged her. She was about to collapse to ground in my arms. "It's okay Soph" I said rubbing her back. "She's one month pregnant Mike" Sophie cried. "I know" I said.

General POV 

A few hours later, Natalie came out. "Family of Amanda Rollins?" She asked. The team got up and walked over to Natalie. "How is she?" Sophie asked. "She's going to be okay. The baby is fine and healthy. The surgery was successful. Doctor Bekker was able to repair her lung and stop the bleeding. She should be waking up soon. You all can go up and see her" Natalie said. "Thank you so much Nat" Sophie said. "No problem. Come on, I'll take you all to her room" Natalie said as she lead them to Amanda's room.

When they got upstairs, Amanda was laying in bed partcially awake. "Hey" Sophie said. "Hey guys" Amanda said tiredly. "How you feeling?" Liv asked. "Sore. What happened?" Amanda asked. "Yours and Jay's undercover mission when wrong. You both were shot" Fin said. "How is Jay?" Amanda asked. "He's okay. He should be out by tomorrow" Sonny said. "How's the baby?" Amanda asked. "The baby is fine. Absolutely healthy" Mike said. Amanda nodded.

Everyone stayed in Amanda's room the night. One by one they all fell asleep.

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