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5 years later and life for the whole squad was going well. Most of them found happiness while the others tried but failed. The bonds between them all kept getting stronger whether they are family not

For Sophie and Sonny, Evie was now 5 and thriving with life as well as being in kindergarten. Millie and Leigh-Anne were 6 as well as Louie and were first grade together. Leigh-Anna was now 18 and in her final year of high school. As for Christie-Mae and Chase, they were 21 and in university together. The pair had finally got married and were expecting a little girl together who they were going to call Hallie Elizabeth who was due in 5 months.

Whereas, Mike and Amanda had finally made it official. They had a beautiful ceremony. Sophie being maid of honor and Jesse, Leigh-Anne, Millie and Evie all her flower girls. Liv, Phoebe, Kat, Christie-Mae and Leigh-Anna were her bridesmaids. Jesse was 7 and in second grade. Not only was she now in school but she was also a big sister to 10 month old Billie

On the other hand, Fin and Phoebe found happiness in not getting married but getting engaged and keeping it that way. They didn't want anything to ruin their happiness. They did end up fostering and later adopting 13 year old twins. All the looking after of Sophie's and Sonny's children really prepared the pair of them and they are still doing an amazing job

Kat, well, she's happy in the single life. She does however have a little fire steadily burning with local cafe owner, Selene Garcia. She's decided to see where that fire leads them down the line but right now wants to focus on her job

However, for Olivia, Elliot has returned and she hasn't taken his surprise return well. She seems uneasy around him again and is trying her best to keep her mind off it with work and Noah. However, an old flame is slowly re-igniting between them but she doesn't want to take it any further than where it is now.

Overall, everyone in the squad is beginning to settle down and really get on with their life. They kept taking sexual predators off the street but never got all of them.

Squad members who have left: Nick Amaro, Rafael Barba

A/N: my 2nd book is finished 😣. Please check out some of my other books as I'd really appreciate it 💗

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