Chapter 45: aftermath of the attack pt. 3

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Sonny's POV

A few hours later, Sophie was out of her second surgery. However, the doctors said that she suffered a seizure and is unconscious. They don't know how long until she wakes up. Amanda headed home to watch the kids. She's now 5 month pregnant. I was on my own with Sophie. Her skin was so pale and her hand was very cold. I put her hand in mine hoping that it would warm up. "Please babe, open them beautiful eyes. I miss your laugh and your smile. The sooner you wake up, the sooner you're better and out of here" I said. I gently kissed her lips. I kept a hold of her hand and fell asleep.

Chief Dodd's POV

The next morning, me, Liv and Fin decided to stop by the hospital before getting to the 1-6. I'm working there for a bit whilst Sophie is out as they are short staffed. We got upstairs to Sophie's room, she was still out and Sonny was asleep. We quietly walked in trying not to wake Sonny. "I don't think he's left her side" Liv whispered. "Same" I whispered back. I was that Sonny had ahold of Sophie's hand. I nudged Fin and he saw what I was looking at. "Soph's going to be fine. She's a tough cookie" I said causing Liv and Fin to laugh slightly.

Sonny then woke up. "Hey, did we wake you?" I asked. "No. I heard that you called Sophie a tough cookie. You're right she is" Sonny said. Me, Liv and Fin laugh. "How you holding up?" Fin asked Carisi. "Best as I can I guess" Sonny said. "I know this is hard Carisi, take as long as you need off to help Soph through the next through months" Liv said. "Thanks Liv, I appreciate it" Sonny said. "No problem" Liv said. "We better get to the precinct. We'll swing by later. Hopefully, Soph will be awake" I said. "Sure. I'll message you all when she is" Carisi said. "See ya" Fin said as we walked out.

General POV

Liv, Chief Dodds, Mike, Amanda and Fin were working a rape case that apparently made it onto Crimes New York. It had taken place at Hudson University. They were working through the case when Sonny messaged Amanda.

To: Amanda Rollins From: Sonny Carisi

Hey Manda, just an update. Sophie is finally awake (again). She isn't in pain any more but she is very confused.

To: Sonny Carisi From: Amanda Rollins

That's great news to know she's awake and in no pain. She'll be confused as the doctors did say she suffered a seizure during her surgery so that'll explain why she is very confused. I'll let the others know and we'll swing by when she is more aware of everything.

To: Amanda Rollins From: Sonny Carisi

Alright, cya l8r

Amanda's POV

After work, me and the rest of the team decided to head to Mercy to see Sophie. Sonny messaged me before shift ended to say that she is more aware and is doing better. We get upstairs and walk to her room. I knock on the door and walk in saying "Hey little sis". "Hey" Sophie says more perky compared to the last time I saw her. "Wow, someone is perky" Liv said. "Yeah. No pain" Sophie said. We all laugh when Sophie says it. "Good to see you in good spirits" Chief Dodds say. "Yeah. What James did isn't going to change me as a person. It's made me stronger" Sophie said. "You sure are one tough cookie" Fin said. "A tough cookie and I can't be broken" Sophie said. All of us burst out laughing. "Good to see James hasn't broke you little sis. Fin said you wouldn't be the same" I said. "Seriously Fin" Sophie said. "What?! Victims of attacks sometimes let the attack get to them" Fin said. "God sake Fin. You're lucky you didn't jinx it" Sophie said. Me, Liv, Sonny, Mike and Chief Dodds burst out laughing. I'm happy to see Soph smiling and laughing again.

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