Chapter 53: first week recovery

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Sophie's POV

I had spent my first week of recovery at home. It was going pretty well so far. I would go to physical therapy every Thursday morning and go on a walk to help me with me recovery before going home.

I woke up this morning to a very quiet house hold. Meaning all the kids are at daycare or school and Dominick is at work as his side of the bed was empty.

I was now 26 weeks pregnant and officially on maternity leave too for 12 months. I had an appointment today to check on my health baby. Me and Sonny decided to wait to find out the gender of our baby.

I went into the bathroom to changed and I just cant believe that I was carrying another baby to term despite the shooting. I finished getting changed when I heard a knock at my door.

I walked downstairs and opened the door and saw Phoebe.

Sophie - Hey Phoebe. What are you doing here?
Phoebe - Morning Soph. A little bird told me you have a few appointments today so I'm gonna take you to them
Sophie - Thanks. Plus, do you think you could take me shopping?
Phoebe - Yeah
Sophie - Brilliant. Come in, I'm just gonna grab breakfast then we can leave
Phoebe - I'm in no rush anyway

I let Phoebe in and shut the door and we both go to the kitchen. I poured a coffee and water. I handed Phoebe her coffee and set my water beside her where I'm going to be sitting once I get my breakfast.

Amanda's POV: The precinct

Today we caught a very hard case. A 14 year old girl passed out during a school performance and it turns out shes 5 weeks pregnant so that's just making it more complicated as shes not saying who the father is.

Olivia - Where are we?
Amanda - I ran the background on every male teacher shes interacted with in the last 2 months. I only got one person who matches the description of the person she mentioned. Thomas Breathwait. He's a history teacher in her high school
Olivia - Okay. Rollins, Dodds go talk to him

We nod and get up out our seat and walk out the squad room

Phoebe's POV: Mercy General

Me and Sophie had come down from the physical therapy department to get ready for her ultrasound. Sophie was flicking through a magazine while I was reading a news article on my phone.

Nurse - Sophie Rollins-Carisi?

Sophie put the magazine down and I put my phone away and we both followed the nurse upstairs to the maternity ward.

We walked into a room and waited for her doctor to come in. After 5 minutes  of waiting, her doctor finally came in.

Doctor Reiderson - Hi Sophie, how are we today?
Sophie - Me and bump are good.
Doctor Reiderson - See you've brought your friend
Sophie - Yeah. She brought me to my physical therapy session and she's taking me shopping after this
Doctor Reiderson - Must be a good friend are you?
Phoebe - Yeah. I've practically looked after her while Sonny since she's came out after being shot.
Doctor Reiderson - Okay. Shall we check on you baby?
Sophie - Yeah

Sophie lifted her shirt up and the doctor squirted the ultrasound gel on Sophie's stomach and began to scan. She took the necessary measurements before speaking up

Doctor Reiderson - And there's your little baby. All healthy and very active
Sophie - I gathered they were healthy.
Doctor Reiderson - Do you know the gender?
Sophie - No. Me and Sonny are waiting until they're born.
Doctor Reiderson - Okay. You should feel then kicking in a few weeks
Sophie - Wow. Thanks doc
Doctor Reiderson - No problem. I'll get a nurse to wipe the gel off while I print the scans.
Sophie - Brilliant

The doctor nodded and walked out

Phoebe - You happy your baby is healthy?
Sophie - Definitely. Christie kept some of Louies old clothes and I still have some of the girls old clothes
Phoebe - So they'll come in hand then
Sophie - Maybe

A nurse comes in and cleans the gel of Sophie's stomach and the doctor comes in and hands Sophie her scans  books her next appointment and we walk out to go shopping

Sonny's POV: a hour and a half later

We were half way through the case and it was starting to stress us all out as the blame kept getting passed.

Olivia - Please tell me we have progress
Sonny - I went through each of the vices social and she had practically posted a picture with nearly every male in her grade. But, she did posted some picture of the same guy 40ish times.
Mike - I ran the face ID and his name is Jacon Matts. He's Rachel's age (14) and he attends the same grade as her.
Olivia - Okay. Keep digging before we go talk

Just as Liv went back into her office, still stressed, we heard 2 pairs of footsteps.

Sophie - Uh, why is the vibe so stressed in here?
Sonny - Hey, it's the case. What are you doing here?
Phoebe - Well, your lovely wife had a physio appointed and an ultrasound appointment and I wanted to see Fin
Amanda - Alright

Phoebe and Fin walked away and Liv came our her office just to talk to Sophie

Amanda - So hows the baby?
Sophie - Healthy. Doctor said I should feel then kick soon.
Sonny - Do you know...
Sophie - No
Olivia - What you both hoping for?
Sonny - A girl
Sophie - I want a boy. I've had 4 girls already so I want a boy for once
Mike - It would make a difference. Having daughters must run in your family
Amanda - It must

We all laugh and Fin and Phoebe come back over.

Phoebe - Ready to go Soph?
Sophie - Yeah. But first

Sophie walked over to me, stood on her top toes (because shes roughly the same height as Amanda and I'm taller than her) and gently pecked my lips.

Sophie - See you tonight
Sonny - Definitely

We all waved by and both girls walked out

General POV: later that evening

That evening, Sonny finished work and the kids all came home. Sophie made tea for them and everyone got ready for the Euros final tomorrow night as it was also Sophie's birthday so the whole squad were coming over

All the younger children were in bed so it was only Sophie and Dominick awake talking about the baby

Sophie - For girl names I like Aliyah, Autumn and Winter
Sonny - I like Autumn and Winter. What about April?
Sophie - That's cute. For boys I like Huston and Austen
Sonny - Typical American names. I lik them
Sophie - Good. So I think were set in that area

They cuddled up on the couch and watched some NBA highlights from the Nets game last night. After the highlights had finished, the couple went up to bed. But before that.

Sophie - Can I stay with you at work tomorrow? Everyone is going to be out and I'm gonna be alone as I don't have a physio appointment
Sonny - Yeah as long as its fine by Liv. I'll call her in the morning and check
Sophie - Thank you

Dominick wrapped his arm around his wife's shoulder, kissed the top of her head  and turned each light out as they went up to bed.

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