Chapter 25: wait what!

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Sophie's POV

Me, Amanda, Sonny and Fin are already here at the precinct. Liv hasn't arrived yet. I roll my chair over to Carisi's desk. "You have the cupcakes right?" I ask. Sonny nods and he says "when Liv's here, we'll give them the cupcakes". I nod and Sonny grabs one of my hands and places his other on my baby bump. I smile at him and he says "this is our miracle Sophie Rollins". I nod and say "definitely is Dominick Carisi Jr." He gives me a quick kiss. Just as we pull apart, Liv walks in. I give Sonny the signal to get the cupcakes out and he says "guys, can you come over here for a minute". They come over and I hand them a cupcake each. "What's this?" Ananda asked. "Eat it and you'll know" I said with a smirk. Sonny wrapped his arm around my shoulder whilst the others are their cupcake. Liv automatically picked up what we were asking "wait, wait, wait. The middle is pink. Does that mean your having a girl?" Me and Sonny nod and the congratulate us. "But that's not it" I said. They looked at each other and then back at me and Sonny. "It's not one baby girl. It's twin girls" Sonny says. Amanda hugs me and then Liv and finally Fin. 

Amanda's POV 

Not only am I getting one niece but I'm getting two. "Do you know what your going to name them?" Liv asked. Sophie and Sonny nod and Sophie says "Baby A is Millie-Jane and Baby B is Leigh-Anne". "Awww, I love those names" I said. "Thanks Manda" Sophie said. "So what are all your kids called now?" Fin asked. "Christie-Mae Aaliyah Rollins, Leigh-Anna Samantha Rollins-Halstead, Millie-Jane Brooklyn Rollins-Carisi and Leigh-Anne Grace Rollins-Carisi" Sophie said. "Why is Leigh-Anna's last name Rollins-Halstead and Christie-Mae's is just Rollins?" Liv asked. "Leigh-Anna's last name is Rollins-Halstead because her father is Jay Halstead from the intelligence unit in Chicago". We all look at each other shocked. "Yeah, I know. When I told him, he said that he wanted nothing to do with her" Sophie said. "Well that's mean" Liv said. "Yeah, he hasn't seen her before" Sophie said. "And why should he. He didn't want to be in her life" Amanda said. "Exactly. So, when he asks I'm gonna tell him no" Sophie said.

Sonny's POV 

Hours later, shift finished. There was no case so it was paperwork day. Me, Sophie and Amanda were still at here at work. Fin offered to pick Christie-Mae and Leigh-Anna from the sitters and take them to his apartment until me and Sophie finished. "Alright, I'm heading out. Who's coming?" Amanda asked. "Not me. Could you pick  Christie and Leigh up for me?" Sophie asked. "Sure. Sonny, you heading home?" Amanda asked me. "Mhh. Uh, no. I'll drop Sophie off at home" I said. Amanda smiled and said "okay, see you guys later". Me and Sophie said bye to Amanda and she headed out. Then, only me and Sophie were left. I could tell that was was starting to get tired. "Hey babe, do you want to go home?" I asked Sophie. "Yeah. I just want to see my girls and cuddle into you" Sophie replied tiredly. "Okay. Get you coat and put your things away and we'll go home to the girls" I said. 

Sophie's POV

Me and Sonny eventually arrived home. We headed upstairs to the apartment. When we headed inside and Leigh-Anna ran over to me and gave me a hug. I picked her up and put her on my hip. "Hey Princess. Did you have a good day?" I asked my 4 year old daughter. "Yeah. Uncle Fin picked me up from Bethany's then Aunt Amanda picked me up from Uncle Fin's" Leigh-Anna said. "So you had a good day baby girl?" I asked. Leigh-Anna nodded as we headed inside. Amanda was sat on the couch with Christie-Mae when we walked in. Christie looked at me and Sonny and she said "hey guys". Amanda looked and said "hey". I put Leigh-Anna down and she walked to the couch and sat next to Christie-Mae. "Thanks for picking them up, Manda" I said. "No problem Soph. Plus, it was nice to spend time with my nieces". I hugged her and shown her out. We said bye to each other and when I collapsed onto the couch next to Sonny. "Tired?" Christie asked. I nodded and said "I blame the twins. I could fall asleep at work" I said. They laugh and we watch TV for a bit before going to bed

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