Chapter 47: Amanda's Safe

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*1 month later: Mike's POV*

It's been 1 month since Amanda and Sophie went missing. We've been on a wild goose chase trying to find them. I can see that Sonny is worried about what these guys are doing to the girls. Both of us have tried our best to raise our daughters. "Guys, we've been working this case one full month now. We better be somewhere close to finding them" Liv said. "We're not. They call us then move them to a different location. Plus videos of them are uploaded to the dark web everyday" Fin said. "Look, they both have daughters. Sophie even has a grandson who need them" I said. "I get it. You all want to get the girls back safe. But until we do, we have to keep finding leads that will take us to them" Liv said.

Sophie's POV

I've lost count of days that these guys have kept us. Josh has made me and Amanda his official sex slaves. We must have been working girls for over a month or something. We get small portions of food and only one bottle of water a day. I just want to get out of here and hold my kids and my grandson in my arms. I want to be able to be in Sonny's arms again. "Oi, Sophie. Get up. We're moving. But we're sending your team on a goose chase to find you" Josh said. He pulled me up and held me by my throat. He handed me my phone and said, "Call your boss". I did as he said. I opened my phone and clicked on Liv's contact. After 3 rings, she picked up.

Call between Sophie and Liv. O = Liv, S= Sophie

O= Sophie, are you and Amanda okay?

S= Yeah. We are.

I was reading what Josh wrote on a piece of paper.

O= Okay, we're tracking your phone now.

S= Okay, just hurry please.

O= It's going to be alright Soph. We have your location.

Liv hung up and Josh said "Good girl Sophie. Now, your team are just going to find Amanda. You're still going to be working for me a little while longer" and dragged me out the room by my hair.

Fin's POV

We tracked Sophie's phone and got her location. We all rushed out and got there before Josh moved them. "Okay, we believe that both girls are inside with the suspect. We have to get in there arrest him and get the girls safely out" Liv said. We all nodded and made our way inside. Me, Mike and Liv headed downstairs into the basement and Sonny along with Nick headed upstairs.

When we got to the basement, we saw an almost lifeless figure. Me and Mike rushed over. As we got closer, we saw the lighter blonde hair. Mike put his gun back in the holster and leaned down. He brushed the hair out of their face and it was Amanda. I leaned down beside Mike as he picked Amanda up and held her in his lap. "Hey Manda, could you try opening your eyes for me?" Mike asked then grabbed her hand. She slowly opened her eyes. "Mike?" She asked. "Hey. You okay?" Mike asked. "They moved her" She said. "Moved who Manda?" I asked. "Sophie. They took her to a different location" Amanda said before passing out.

Mike picked her up and ran outside. Me and Liv followed him. We got outside and we rushed over to the ambulance. Sonny and Nick came over and Sonny said "Sophie's not in the house. We've checked all upstairs and downstairs". "Amanda said they moved her. She doesn't know where" I said. "Wait, they left Amanda?" Nick asked. "Yeah. She passed out whilst we were down there. Mike is riding with her to the hospital" Liv said. Sonny and Nick nodded. I can see the worry in Sonny's face that these bastards still have Sophie. I walked over to him and said "Hey Sonny, we're going to find her. She's a tough cookie remember". I could see that he was on the verge of crying. "I know but what if it's another month before we find her. She might not survive another month of painstaking hell" Sonny said as he began to cry. "Hey, don't think like that. She's a Rollins and Rollins girls are tough. She'll survive" I said as I pulled him into a hug.

General POV

On the other side of the city, Josh had another appointment booked for Sophie. "Hey pretty girl, it's time again. This time it's the big books" Josh said. Sophie barley had any energy. Josh pulled her up and told her to get clean and put the clothes on that he'll set on the bed. Sophie agreed because if she does as he says she might have a better chance at survival. The second she heard he was upstairs; she got in the shower and began to cry because she didn't know if Amanda was okay or not.

Once she was cleaned up, she wrapped herself in a towel and walked into the bedroom and got ready for her appointment. She did her makeup and waited for Josh to com get her. Josh then came inside and he said "wow beautiful. You're every pretty. You ready?" Sophie smiled and nodded and followed a smiling Josh out. He was only happy because she was obeying orders. In reality was all part of her game to stay alive.

At Mercy General, the team were sat in the waiting room waiting for news on Amanda. Then, the doctor came out. "Family of Amanda Rollins?" he asked. The team looked at him and stood up. They walked over to him. "How is she?" Mike asked. "She's lucky to be alive. She is severely dehydrated, severely malnourished and anemic. We're keeping her in for a while until she's healthy again" the doctor said. "Have you done a rape kit?" Mike asked. "No but there are clear signs of sexual assault" the doctor said. "Okay, can we see her?" Liv asked. "Only two can. She needs serious rest" the doctor said. "We'll go" Mike said as he turned and looked at Carisi. "Okay, I'll lead you to her room" the doctor said.

Dominick's POV

Me and Mike got to Amanda's room in the ICU. I couldn't believe how many wires were attached to her. There was one for water and one for food (glucose). She went through a month of torture and Sophie will still be going through it. But Fin's right. Soph's a tough cookie and she's a Rollins. If Amanda survived that means Sophie can. Me and Mike sat either side of her. I watched as Mike grabbed her hand. He noticed a piece of paper stuck to her neck.

One down, one to go. Both are pretty good toys. Sophie more. Don't worry she's safe with me. 1 month with my girls was fun but more time with Sophie. Oh, what fun and games I have in store for her. I took very good care of Amanda and I'm taking very good care of Sophie. ~ Josh

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